Rodion Raskolnikov - Character Biography, His character and image, quotes


Character History

With the proud romantic Roman Rodion Raskolnikov, who melted himself with the "fate vertex", schoolchildren get acquainted in the 10th grade. The history of the killing of the old-year-old worker, which happened in St. Petersburg in the mid-60s of the XIX century, does not leave anyone indifferent. Fyodor Dostoevsky presented the world literature of the most bright representative of the person in which the "Devil struggles with God."

History of creation

His most famous work that respected in every corner of the world, Fedor Mikhailovich conceived at Katorga, where he pleased for participating in the circle of Petrashevsky. In 1859, the author of the net novel wrote a brother from the Tver link:

"In December I will start the novel. (...) I told you about one confession-novel who wanted to write after all, saying that I still need to survive. My heart with blood will rely on this novel. I conceived him, lying on the horses, in a difficult moment of sadness and self-disconnection. "

The caterior experience in the root changed the beliefer's beliefs. Here he met with personalities who conquered the Dostoevsky power of the Spirit, - this spiritual experience and had to lie down the basis of the new novel. However, his birth was postponed for six years, and only encountered with a complete lack of money, "Parent" took the pen.

Fedor Dostoevsky

The image of a key character suggested life itself. At the beginning of 1865, the newspapers were shot by the horrific news that the young Muscovite named Gerasim Chistov killed an ax of a launch and a cook who served one boss. Golden and silver things disappeared from women's chests, as well as all the money.

The list of prototypes supplemented the French killer. Pierrans-Francois Lazener Dostoevsky borrowed "High Ideals" underlying crimes. The man did not see anything reprehensible in his murders, moreover, justified them, calling himself a "victim of society."

Pierre-Francois Lazener - one of the prototypes of Skolnikov

And the chief rod of the novel appeared after the release of the book of Napoleon Bonaparte "Life Julia Cesar", in which the emperor expresses the idea that the strengths of this world, unlike the "gray mass of ordinary people," are endowed with the right to pour moral values ​​and even kill if they consider This is necessary. That where the theory of Raskolnikova came about "Superman".

At first, the "crime and punishment" thought in the form of the confession of the main character, not exceeding the volume of five or six printed sheets. The author's finished initial version was mercilessly burned and began working on an extended version, the first chapter of which appeared in January 1866 in the Russian Bulletin magazine. After 12 months, Dostoevsky put the point in the next work consisting of six parts and epiloga.

Biography and plot

The life of Skolnikov is unquided, as in all young people from the poor families of the XIX century. Rodion Romanovich studied at a lawyer at the University of St. Petersburg, however, because of the extreme needs I had to quit studies. A young man lived in close attic camork in the area of ​​Shenna Square. Once he laid the oldest percentage of Alena Ivanovna the last valuable thing - fatherly silver watches, and at the same evening in Kabaska met with a spinling unemployed, former titular advisor to Marmaladov. He told about the terrible tragedy of the family: from lacking wife sent her daughter Sonya to the panel.

Rodion Raskolnikov

The next day, Raskolnikov came a letter from the mother, in which his families were already set out. To bring ends with the ends, the sister of the Dunya is going to marry the calculating and already elderly supervisory advisor of the nudge. In other words, the girl will be sold, and on the reversed money from Riona will have the opportunity to continue studying at the university.

The goal is to kill and turn the interest rate born before exploring the Marmaladov and Westa from the house, strengthened. In the soul, Rodion is experiencing the struggle between disgusting to the bloody act and the high idea of ​​salvation in any no obey girls who, by the will of fate play the role of victims.

Rodion of Raskolnikov and Straight Strainer

Raskolnikov still killed the old woman, and at the same time her meekly younger sister Lizaven, who came in time in the apartment. The worn good young man hid in a hole under the wallpaper, without even finding out how much rich is now. Later, prudently rewritten money and things in one of the St. Petersburg courtyards.

After the murder of Skolnikov overtake deep spiritual experiences. The young man was going to be drowning, but changed his mind. He feels an insurmountable abyss among himself and people, falls into the fever and even almost confessed in the murder of a police station writing.

Sonya Marmaladova and Rodion Raskolnikov

Helling from fear and at the same time with the thirst for exposure, Rodion Raskolnikov confessed to the murder of Sona Marmaladova. A compassional girl did not manage to persuade a young man to come to the police with a mantow, because he intended to "still compete." But soon I could not stand, paying for the double murder of Katoroga in Siberia. Sonya went after the Raskolnikov, settling next to the place of his sentence.

Image and main idea

Dostoevsky gives an accurate description of the exterior of Raskolnikova: this is a beautiful young man with subtle features of the face and dark eyes, growing above average, slim. The impression spoils the poor clothes and evil contempt, which and then fits on the face of the hero.

The image of Rodion Raskolnikova

The psychological portrait of Rodion Romanovich is changing throughout the story. First, proud personality appears, but with the collapse of the theory of "superman" the pride is pressed. In the depths of the soul, this is a kind and sensitive person, he devotedly loves her mother and sister, once saved children from the fire, and the last money was given to the funeral of Marmaladov. The idea of ​​violence is alien to him and even confused.

The hero is painfully thinking on the topic of Napoleonic idea that humanity is divided into two parts - ordinary people and fate vertices. Skolnikova worried two questions - "Creature I tremor or right I have?" And "Is it possible to make a small evil for the sake of great good?", I became the motives of his crime.

Rodion Raskolnikov

However, the "ideological killer" soon realizes that it is impossible to transmit moral laws without consequences, you will have to go through the path of spiritual suffering and come to repentance. Skolnikova can be bolden by a marginal, who failed to protect his own beliefs. His teaching and riot suffered a fiasco, drawn the theory did not stand the tests of reality. By the end of the novel, the characteristic of the main character is changing: Rodion recognizes that it turned out to be "creating a trembling", ordinary man with weaknesses and vices, and he opens the truth - to the completeness of life, to love, only humility of the heart leads to God.


The main characters of the novel "Crime and Punishment" appeared in many films of Russian and foreign cinema. The work was debuted in the homeland in 1910, but modern lovers of Dostoevsky's creativity lost the opportunity to see the work of the director Vasily Goncharov - the picture is lost. Three years later, Raskolnikov "called" the audience to the cinemas again, imaging the artist Pavel Ornenev.

Robert Ossen in the role of Rodion Skolnikova

But these were minor tapes. Opened the chronicle of the glorious filmmaster, put up based on the net novel, the film of Pierre Shenal with Pierre Blanchard in the lead role. The French managed to convincingly convey the image of Raskolnikov and the tragedy of the Russian work, the actor was even awarded the Volpi Cup. Still in two foreign paintings "Crime and Punishment", Slovak Peter Lorre and the Frenchman Robert Osane were filmed.

George Tarautkin in the role of Rodion Skolnikova

The Soviet cinema was famous for the two-particle film of Lev Kuljanov: Georgy Tarantkin went to the crime, which was working on the set with Innocent Smoktunovsky (Porfirya Petrovich), Tatiana Zavoy (Sonia Marmaladov), Vladimir Basov (Luzhin), Evgeny Lebedev (Marmaladov) and other famous actors . Tarautkin This role presented popularity - before her, the young actor worked modestly in the Leningrad Thai and managed to play only once. The picture from all the placers of the productions on the topic of the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich is recognized as the most successful.

Vladimir Koshevoy in the role of Rodion Skolnikova

The beginning of the 2000s was marked by a boom to create films based on classic works. Directors did not pass by Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" in the eight series shielded Dmitry Svetosarov. In the Pattern of 2007, the role of Rodion Raskolnikova went to Vladimir Koshevoy, Sonya Marmaladov was played by Polina Filonenko, and Petrophrys Petrovich - Andrei Panin. Cinema with cold accepted critics, calling it ambiguous. In particular, confused the song, accompanying titers:

"Whoever dares a lot, that's right, the wrongness of them and the Lord."

Interesting Facts

  • The magazine "Russian Bulletin" is obliged to novel by Dostoevsky's rise in popularity. After the publication of the "crime and punishment", the edition acquired 500 new subscribers - the number impressive at that time.
  • At the initial idea of ​​the author, the novel was waiting for another final. Raskolnikov should have committed suicide, but Fyodor Mikhailovich decided that such an outcome was too simple.
Rodion Raskolnikov - Character Biography, His character and image, quotes 1769_11
  • In St. Petersburg at ul. Civil, 19 - carpenter., 5 is a house, which is called the Raskolnikov house. It is believed that the main hero of the novel lived in it. In the attic, as written in the book, lead exactly 13 steps. Dostoevsky describes in detail the courtyard, where his character hiddenly hidden. According to the memoir recognition of the writer, the courtyard is also real - Fyodor Mikhailovich drew attention to this place when she helped her need for a walk.
House Skolnikova in St. Petersburg
  • George Tarautkina was approved by the role of photography. The actor lay with severe illness in the hospital, the diagnosis was made disappointing - according to the forecasts of doctors would have to amputate legs. In the photo, Tarautkin impressed the director with a painful looking face, such a splitter appeared to him. When a young actor received a joyful message about the approval of his candidacy, immediately stood on his feet. So the role was saved by a man limb.
  • In the film of Kuljanov, the Episode of Destroying Snock Skolnikov after the murder is accompanied by a muffled rhythmic knock. This sound is recorded on the tape recorder heartbeat George Taratorkina.


"I only believe my main idea. It is that people, according to the law of nature, are divided into two discharges in general: to the lower (ordinary), that is, so to speak, to the material that serves the only one for the origin of themselves, and actually for people, that is, having a gift Or talent to say in the medium of his new word ... The first category is always - Mr. Present, the second category is Mr. Future. The first retains the world and increase it numerically; The second world moves and lead it to the goal. "" To all the scoundrels, a person gets used to! "Science says: Love, before all, one itself, for everything in the world is based on personal interest." "Become the Sun, you will see you." "There is nothing more difficult in the world straightforward and there is nothing easier to flatter." "If the failure it seems stupid!" "Who in Russia, in Russia, Napoleon does not consider himself now?" "Everyone in the hands of a person, and still he puts the nose, the only one from one cowardice. Curiously, what are people most afraid of? The new step, the new one's own words they are completely afraid. "

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