Faust - Dr. Biography, Character Character, Quotes


Character History

There are literary works that reflect the spirit of time better than history textbooks. In such a list, you can make "Jane Air" Charlotte Bronte, "Don Quixote" Miguel de Servantes, "War and Peace" of Leo Tolstoy and, of course, "Faust", who are often called the poetic testament to the world from Goethe.

Mephistofel and Faust play chess

Indeed, this mystical and gothic tragedy found the crowd of fans around the world, and the names of the heroes became nominated. In Russia, the translation of the work of the Warlock, which was created about 60 years old, was engaged in Boris Pasternak, Valery Bryusov, Athanasius Fet, Nikolay Khusovsky and other representatives of the literary diaspora.

In addition, Faust tragedy was a favorite book by Mikhail Bulgakov, who borrowed a nontrivial plot to create a "master and margarita". Although the author of the "dog heart" used to say that Voland has no prototypes, researchers agree that Satan is insanely similar to "part of the strength that he always wants evil and always makes benefit" - Mephistofel.

History of creation

Great German Poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe worked on his brainchild "Faust" almost all his life, so readers trace the change in the worldview of the poet under the oppression of the era, which begins in his work with "storms and onslaught" and ends with romanticism.

This work, which brought Goethe Lavra Honor, was conceived by the author still aged 22-23 years, and he graduated from him before the death itself. Of course, the writer has other decent works that made a literary heritage, but it was the "Faust" that became the top of the German poetry.

Johann Goethe

The Wizard was inspired by the ancient folklore; According to the legend, Faust had a prototype, which lived in the first half of the 16th century. Real Johann Georg Faust is a semi-alleged stray doctor and a warnik, whose biography has become a burning topic for literary writings.

Therefore, Goethe is not an innovator at all, because the work called "Stories about the doctor Johanne Fauste, the famous wholesale and warlock" came back in 1587. In addition, Jacob Michael Lenz, Friedrich Maximilian Klinger and other writers, and theatrical figures often used this hero for pantomim and puppet representations often used.

Jacob Michael Lenz and Friedrich Maximilian Klinger

According to legends, the young Faust received a bachelor's degree in theology, and then began to study "practical magic" in Krakow University. After the Johann is comprehended by the "Aza science", he went to West around the world, where he gave himself to the magician before the eyes of a shocked public and said that he was able to create the wonders of Jesus Christ, as well as to restore the works of his own subconscious of the works of the ancient philosophers, Plato or Aristotle.

It is quite natural that the authorities did not like the adventures of Johann, who instilled in passersby every nonsense. Therefore, soon, Faust was sent from Ingolstadt, and then the higher authorities, the heads of Nuremberg, were banned by the "great sodomit and necromancer to the doctor Foust" enter the territory of the city. Goethe could not help but inspire such a colorful character, but on the literary pages called the main character Henry, and not the name of his own name.

Johann Georg Faust

In the period from 1774 to 1775, Goethe wrote the work of "Prafaust", representing readers of the main character as a challenge rebar, who wishes to comprehend the mystery of the universe. In 1790, the regulars of the book shops saw a passage of "Fausta", and the first part was published only in 1808. The first part of the tragedy is characterized by the scene and self-sufficiency of scenes, while the composition of the second is a single integer.

For the second part of the tragedy, Goethe began 17 years later. It is worth saying that it is difficult to perceive the unprepared reader, for Goethe is dipping literature lovers not only to an extravagant plot, but also in philosophical reflections, mystical associations and unsolved riddles. The poet shows the "audience" the life of the modern society to him. Thus, the owner of the book feels the inseparable connection between the present and the past.

Elena's episode, which was thinking back in 1799, was completed by a verse in 1826, and after four years, Goethe sat for writing the "Classical Walpurgian Night". In the middle of the summer of 1831, shortly before his own death, the writer completed his fundamental work. Next, the unsurpassed genius sealed creation to the envelope and bequeathed to publish only after his death: the second part of the "Fausta" saw the light in 1832, in the 41st Tome of "Collected Works".

Image and plot

The biography of the fictional faust is enveloped by a halo of mystery. It is known that his whole life is a tireless quest. The father of the main character was a doctor who departed a siblos to a limitless love for science.

Faust in the room

Despite the subtleties of healing, the parent of Faust could not save all patients. During the epidemic of the plague, thousands of patients died every day. Then Faust turned with a prayer to heaven, so that God would stop the death flow. But since the young man did not wait for help, he rejected religion and began to dive into science. If you look at the Faust working room, you can notice the lamp, glass flasks, test tubes, books and chemicals.

With Faust, the author introduces readers on the first pages of the work. Goethe immediately immerses readers in philosophy, into a dispute about the values ​​of humanity and considers the problems of "Heaven, Earth and Hell". In the first scene, Archangels, Mephistofel and God appear. A dialogue arises between representatives of different instances of good and evil, in which the name of Faust was mentioned first.

Faust and Mephistofel

The rulers of heaven assures the tempter that the doctor is a faithful slave, and Mephistofel notices the conflicting nature of the hero, giving him such a characteristic:

"And rushes into battle, and loves to take obstacles, and sees the goal, darling away, and demands from the sky of stars in the award and the best pleasures - in the earth."

Then God gave Mephistophely the opportunity to tempt the Faust, believing that the worship of a young man will bring him out of any deadup. It is noteworthy that the tempter meets with the doctor when he has already passed his hard life path.

The evil spirit came to the village then when he thought about suicide, for it was disappointed in his efforts. It should be noted that Mephistofel, like Wolve, is not at all similar to the line from naive folk legends. For example, in the work of Nikolai Gogol "Night Before Christmas", the owner of the horns and hoofs does not shine awareness, while Hell's ruler Devilski is no cleaner and does not seem to readers an exceptional incarnation of evil.

Faust and Margarita

Mephistofel, who wishes to get out of the winner from the bet, pushes Faust to the bad deeds, but unexpectedly at the main character in the "Test Moments" open positive parties. The first thing that the debate offers his new acquaintance is to go to the local Cabac for the feast of students. The devil hopes that Faust will hold his time in the company of hot drinks and will take care of his research, but the Faust is not so easy to break, because this hero does not accept the society of alcohol fans society.

Then, with the help of a witchcraft char, the devil returns the thought to the youth in the hope that the protagonist gives care of romantic feelings. Indeed, the doctor falls in love with the beauty of Margarita, but here Mephistofel suffered a defeat, because this passion of a scientist is then replaced by true love.


The tragedy about the struggle of good and evil became a favorite theme for the directors, so the avid kinomans saw far from one shieldation of the famous "Faust". We list the most popular of them.

Faust (1926)

German film director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnaau was inspired by the German legend and submitted to the public a single silent movie. The plot of the film is not much different from the immortal original: Archangel Mikhail and Satan, who boasts that he can seduce any mortal on Earth, conclude a bet, the subject of which is the famous Alchemist Faust.

Yesty Ekman in the role of Faust

It is noteworthy that the film reserves were based not only on the work of Goethe, but also on the creation of another writer, the English poet Christopher Marlo. The main roles went to the actors of Yestors to Emily Elder (Faust) and Emily Yannings (Mephistofel).

"Devil's beauty" (1950)

French Rene Claire removed the film based on the tragedy Goethe, providing the original plot of free interpretation. The picture tells how the cunning Mephistofel offers Professor Faust to get youth and beauty, and he agrees without thinking. Now the main goal of Mephistopel is to quickly get the soul of his patient.

Gerard Philip as Faust

Michel Simon, Gerard Philip, Paolo Stoppa, Gaston Modo and others entered the brilliant acting.

Faust (2011)

Russian director Alexander Sokurov also did not lag behind the tendencies and struck by the cinema lovers with their vision of Faust, and the Creator of the Picture received for his creation to the Golden Lion Award on the 68th Venetian Film Festival.

Johanz Troyler as Faust

The plot rotates around the first part of the poetic work, and the audience enjoy the Love line between Faust and Margarita. Alexander Sokurov allowed to try on memorable images to such actors as Johanes Tsayler, Anton Adasinsky, Isolda Duhahuk and Hannah Shigullah.

Interesting Facts

  • In 2014, the TV series "Alchemik was started on television. Faust Elixir, "where the main roles got Igor Petrenko, Svetlana Ivanova, Viktor Rakov and Yevgeny Dobrovolskaya. Despite the intriguing name, the multi-sieu film has only references to the work of Goethe, because the picture tells about the secret community of alchemists who seek to know the truth.
  • Goethe placed on the cover of the edition of the book of Rembrandt, which is called "Alchemist in Himself in the Cabinet." But in the 18th century, the name of the engraving was changed to Faust.
Faust - Dr. Biography, Character Character, Quotes 1751_11
  • The French composer Charles Guno composed Opera "Faust", and the libretto was written with a Jul Barbier and Michele Carre.
  • The tragedy presents two types of scientists: Faust, who seeks to know the truth, based on his own life experience, and his antipode Wagner is a book worm, confident that the essence of life and the mystery of nature can open only the scientific works of predecessors.


"By order, accepting the decision,

At least the price of destroying. "" In what is known, no benefit

One unknown need. "" But again, a failed, and decline,

And lethargy in thoughts, and the squad.

How often this mess

Behind the enlightenment comes! "Let the entire age alternate

Happy rock and rock unhappy.

In tightness is increasing

Self finds a person. "" Learn to honestly achieve success

And attract thanks to the mind.

And robberies, crap like echo,

Fake and not needed by anyone. "

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