Nikolay Gogol - biography, photo, personal life, books



The life of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is so extensive and multifaceted that historian scientists still investigate the biography and epistolary materials of the Great Writer, and the documentalists make films that tell about the secrets of the mysterious genius of literature. Interest in the playwright does not fuss over two hundred years not only because of its lyrol-epic works, but also because Gogol is one of the most mystical figures of Russian literature of the 19th century.

Childhood and youth

To this day it is unknown when Nikolai Vasilyevich was born. Some chronicles believe that Gogol was born on March 20, others are confident that the true date of the writer is April 1, 1809.

Portrait of Nicholas Gogol

Childhood of Master of Fyshysmagoria passed in Ukraine, in the picturesque village of Sorochintsy Poltava province. He grown in a large family - in addition to him, another 5 boys and 6 girls were brought up in the house (some of them died in infant age).

The great writer has an interesting pedigree, ascending to the Cossack Dynasty Gogol-Yanovsky. According to the family legend, the grandfather of the Athanasius playwright Demyanovich Yanovsky added to his surname to the second part to prove the blood bonds with the Cossack hetman Ostap Gogol, who lived in the 17th century.

Vasily Afanasyevich, father Nicholas Gogol

The Father of the writer, Vasily Afanasyevich, worked in the Malorossiysk province on the post office, from where he retired in 1805 in the rank of college assessor. Later, Gogol-Yanovsky retired to the estate Vasilyevka (Yanovschina) and began to engage in the economy. Vasily Afanasyevich walked poet, writer and playwright: he owned the home theater of his friend Trochinsky, and also performed on the stage as an actor.

For the productions, he wrote comedic plays based on Ukrainian folk ballads and legends. But only one work of Gogol-Sr. - "Preluach, or a trick of a woman, who reached by a soldier" came to modern readers. It is from Father Nikolai Vasilyevich who took over the love of literary art and creative talent: It is known that Gogol Jr. since childhood began to work for the writings of poems. Vasily Afanasyevich died when Nicholas was 15 years old.

Maria Ivanovna, Mother Nicholas Gogol

The mother of the writer, Maria Ivanovna, nee Kosyarovskaya, according to the stories of contemporaries, was good and was considered the first beauty in the village. All who knew her said that she was a religious man and engaged in spiritual education of children. However, the teachings of Gogol-Yanovsky were reduced not to Christian rites and prayers, but to prophecies about the terrible court.

It is known that the Gogol-Yanovsky woman married when she was 14 years old. Nikolay Vasilyevich was close to his mother and even asked advice on his manuscripts. Some writers believe that thanks to Mary Ivanovna, Gogol's creativity is endowed with fantastics and mysticism.

Childhood Home Nikolai Gogol

Childhood and youth Nikolai Vasilyevich took place surrounded by the peasant and panic life and were endowed with the Meshchani features that the playwright scrupulously described in his works.

When Nicholas was ten years old, he was sent to Poltava, where he learned Science in the School, and then he studied with a literacy at the local teacher of Gabriel Sorochinsky. After the classical training, the 16-year-old young man became a student in the gymnasium of higher sciences in the city of Nezhin of the Chernihiv region. In addition to the fact that the future classic of literature was weak health, he was not still strong in his studies, although he had exceptional memory. With the exact sciences of Nicholas, the relationship was not charged, but he succeeded in Russian literature and literature.

Nikolay Gogol

Some biographers argue that the gymnasium itself was to blame for such an inferior education, rather than a young writer. The fact is that in those years, weak teachers worked in the Nezhinsky gymnasium, who could not organize decent learning to students. For example, knowledge in the lessons of moral education was presented not through the teachings of eminent philosophers, but with the help of corporal punishment Rygoy, the teacher of literature did not step down in his leg with time, preferring the Pushkin of the classics of the 18th century.

During his studies, Gogol, theatrical productions and improvised scenes and improvised scenes. Among the comrades, Nikolai Vasilyevich walked comic and a perky man. The writer communicated with Nikolai Prokopovich, Alexander Danilevsky, Nestor Dollhouse and others.


Gogol began to be interested in the writer's appearance in student years. He admired A.S. Pushkin, although his first creations were far from the style of the Great Poet, and more went to the works of Bestumev Marlinsky.

Pushkin at Gogol. Painting Academician M.P. Klodta

He composed Elegia, Faken, poems, tried himself in prose and other literary genres. During his studies, they were written by Satira "something about non-residential, or fools did not write the law", which did not reach this day. It is noteworthy that the young man was originally regarded by the young man rather as a hobby, and not a matter of life.

The writing was for Gogol, "the ray of light in the dark kingdom" and helped distract from spiritual torments. Then the plans of Nikolai Vasilyevich were not clear, but he wished to serve his homeland and be useful for the people, believing that he was awaiting a great future.

Books of Nicholas Gogol

In the winter of 1828, Gogol goes to the cultural capital - Petersburg. In the cold and gloomy city of Nikolai Vasilyevich was waiting for disappointment. He tried to become an official, and also tried to enter the service in the theater, but all his attempts were defeated. Only in the literature he was able to find opportunities for earnings and self-expression.

But in the writer Nikolai Vasilyevich, I was waiting for the journals, since the magazines were published only two works of Gogol - the poem "Italy" and the romantic poem "Gansa Kühelgarten", published under the pseudonym V. Alov. "Idylli in the paintings" received a number of negative and sarcastic reviews of critics. After creative defeat, Gogol missed all the publications of the poem and burned them in her room. Nikolai Vasilyevich did not refuse literature, even after a loud failure, failure with Ganz Kyhehelgarton gave him the opportunity to change the genre.

Nikolay Gogol - biography, photo, personal life, books 17387_8

In 1830, a mystical story of Gogol "Evening Ivan Kupala" was published in the famous magazine "Public Notes".

Later, the writer meets the Baron Delvig and begins to be printed in his publications "Literary newspaper" and "Northern Flowers".

After the creative success of Gogol, he was welcomed in the literary circle. He began to communicate with Pushkin and Zhukovsky. Works "Evening on the farm near Dikanka", "Night before Christmas", "Enchanted place", seasoned with a mixture of Ukrainian epic and everyday humor, made an impression on the Russian poet.

Nikolay Gogol, Alexander Pushkin and Vasily Zhukovsky

It is saying that Alexander Sergeyevich gave Nikolai Vasilyevich to Nikolai Vasilyevich for new works. He suggested the ideas of the plots of the poem "Dead Souls" (1842) and the comedy "Auditor" (1836). However, P.V. Annenkov believes that Pushkin "did not quite eagerly gave him his heritage."

Nikolai Vasilyevich who was passionate about the history of Malororsia, becomes the author of the "Mirgorod" collection, which includes several works, including Taras Bulba. Gogol in letters to Mother Maria Ivanovna requested that she told about the life of the people in the outback.

Frame from the film

In 1835, he comes out the story of Gogol "Viy" (included in Mirgorod) about with a demonic character of the Russian epic. According to the plot, three Bursaka got off the way and came to the mysterious farm, whose mistress was the most real witch. The main character of Homa will face unprecedented creatures, church rites and a sorcerer flying in a coffin.

In 1967, the first Soviet horror film on the lead of Gogol "Vii" was put by directors of Konstantin Ershov and George Krutanin. The main roles were performed by Leonid Kuravlev and Natalia Varley.

Leonid Kuravlev and Natalia Varley in the film

In 1841, Gogol writes an immortal story "Shinel". In the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich talks about the "little man" Akaki Akakiyevich Bashmachkin, who has disappeared to such an extent that the most ordinary thing becomes a source of joy and inspiration.

Personal life

Speaking about the personality of the author of the "Auditor", it is worth noting that from Vasily Afanasyevich, in addition to thrust to literature, he also inherited a fatal fate - psychological illness and fear of early death, which began to manifest themselves from the playwright from the younger. This was written by Publicist V.G. Korolenko and Dr. Bazhenov, based on the autobiographic materials of Gogol and Epistolar heritage.

Nikolai Gogol was a shy man

If during the Soviet Union on the soulful disorders of Nikolai Vasilyevich, it was customary to be silent, such details are very interesting to the current erudite reader. It is believed that Gogol suffered from childhood with a manic-depressive psychosis (bipolar affective personality disorder): the fun and perky mood of a young writer was replaced by a sharp depression, hypochondria and despair.

It worried his mind until death. He also confessed in letters, which often heard the "gloomy" voices that are visiting him in the distance. Because of the life in the eternal fest, Gogol became a religious person and led more the recoverable lifestyle of Askta. He loved women, but only at a distance: Often he used to say Maria Ivanovna, which is leaving abroad to a certain lady.

Nikolay Gogol consisted of correspondence with different girls

He conducted a correspondence with the adorable girls of different classes (with Maria Balabina, Granderen Anna Wielgorskaya and others), causing themselves romantic and timidly. The writer did not like to advertise a personal life, especially amudable things. It is known that Nikolai Vasilyevich has no children. Due to the fact that the writer was not married, there is a theory of his homosexuality. Others believe that he never had a relationship leaving for Platonic.


The early death of Nikolai Vasilyevich at the 42nd year of life still excites the minds of scientists, historians and biographers. Mystical legends compound about Gogol, and about the true cause of the death of the Vizierer argue to this day.

Monument to Nikolay Gogol in Poltava

In the last years of life, Nikolai Vasilyevich mastered the creative crisis. He was associated with early departure from Hamjakov's wife and condemning his stories by Archpriest Math Konstantinovsky, who spoke with a sharp criticism of Gogol's works and also believed that the writer was not sufficiently pious. Gloomy thoughts mastered the mind of the playwright, from February 5 he refused food. On February 10, Nikolai Vasilyevich "Influenced by an evil spirit" was burned by a manuscript, and the 18th, continuing to observe the great post, run into bed with a sharp deterioration in health.

Nikolay Gogol on mortal odds

The master of the feather refused medical care, waiting for death. Doctors who have revealed inflammatory diseases of the intestines, likely typhus and indiscrimination of the stomach, eventually put the writer with a diagnosis of meningitis and prescribed forced bloodletting, which only worsened the spiritual and physical condition of Nikolai Vasilyevich. On the morning of February 21, 1852, Gogol died in the mansion of Tolstoy Count in Moscow.


The works of the writer are mandatory for studying in schools and higher educational institutions. In memory of Nicolae Vasilyevich in the USSR and other countries, postage stamps were issued. The name of Gogol is the streets, a dramatic theater, a pedagogical institution and even a crater on the planet Mercury.

For the creations of Master Hyperboles and Grotesque, theatrical productions are still created and the works of cinematic art are removed. So, in 2017, the Russian viewer expects the premiere of the Gothic detective series "Gogol. Beginning "with Alexander Petrov and Oleg Menshikov in high roles.

Interesting Facts

In the biography of mysterious playwright there are interesting facts, all of them cannot be described even in a whole book.

  • According to rumors, Gogol was afraid of thunderstorms, since the natural phenomenon acted on his psyche.
  • The writer lived poorly, walked in old clothes. The only expensive subject in his wardrobe is a golden watch donated by Zhukovsky in memory of Pushkin.
  • The mother of Nikolai Vasilyevich walked a strange woman. She was superstitious, believed in the supernatural and constantly told amazing stories embellished by fudges.
  • According to rumors, the last words of Gogol were: "How to die sweetly."
Monument to Nikolai Gogol in Odessa
  • Creativity Gogol inspired Mikhail Bulgakov.
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich adored sweets, so in his pockets constantly lay candy and slices of sugar. Also, Russian Prosaisa loved to roll bread crumbs in his hands - it helped to concentrate on thoughts.
  • The writer was painful in appearance, mainly his own nose annoyed.
  • Gogol was afraid that it would be buried, being in a lethargic dream. Literary genius asked that in the future his body betrayed the Earth only after the appearance of body spots. According to legend, Gogol woke up in a coffin. When the body of the writer was reburied, surprised those present saw that the head of the dead was rotated.


  • "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" (1831-1832)
  • "A story about how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich" (1834)
  • "Viy" (1835)
  • "Starlavetsky landowners" (1835)
  • Taras Bulba (1835)
  • "Nevsky Prospekt" (1835)
  • "Auditor" (1836)
  • "Nose" (1836)
  • "Notes of Crazy" (1835)
  • "Portrait" (1835)
  • "Stroller" (1836)
  • "Marriage" (1842)
  • "Dead Souls" (1842)
  • "Shinel" (1843)

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