Hugo Wiving - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The villain, the wizard, superhero - so the press briefly characterizes the role of Hugo Wiwing. But whom he would not play, it will be a charismatic and elegant character in his self-expression, somewhere romantic, and somewhere a predator with his famous principles. In this and the charm of the cinema - it is interesting to understand the prerequisites of actions, it is not important that the hero says, but what is read between the lines.

Childhood and youth

Hugo became the second son after senior Simon from the Englishman Wallas Wiwing, a seismologist, and the teacher Ann Lennard, half of the Belgian. He was born under the zodiacal constellation of Aries in 1960 in the Nigerian city of Ibadan.

Soon the family returned to the UK. Later followed a number of moves to Australia, Fiji, South Africa and back to England. During this time, Anna-Jane's younger sister was born. Wywin's children chose Creative professions in the future: Anna - Singer, Simon - Producer and Director, Professor of Newcastle University. His daughters Samara and Morgan - actresses.

The older niece of Hugo was nicknamed a star with a negative charm. The girl starred in the series "Pipe Hanging Rock", nominated for the Nickelodeon Australian Kids' Choice Awards award for the role in the scandalous soap opera "Home and on the road", as part of the acting ensemble of the drama "Three Billboards on the border of Ebbing, Missouri" awarded the Guild Prize US film actors. According to rumors, Keanu Rivz, partner of Uncle Samara on the "Matrix", experienced more than a friendly sympathy.

In English Bristol, Hugo was defined in the Queen Elizabeth's Hospital Private Pension. The first conscious meeting with cinema took place at school. Weekly in the educational institution were made by watching movies. Wiving tried not to miss a loved occupation. In addition to the cinema, he was fond of history.

At 13, Hugo first suffered an attack of epilepsy, from which he soon learned to cope with medicines. The disease prevented him to get driving license. Now the actor of health problems is not experiencing, but regularly removed in charitable videos in support of epileptics.

When Wiwing Junior was 16 years old, his father was again sent to Sydney. Here, the young man graduated from the same school as Adam Garcia and Hugh Jackman, entered the Institute of Dramatic Art, then concluded a contract with the Stc Theater Agency. For 22 years, the actor managed to participate in the productions of the dramatic branch of the Sydney Opera, the National Drama Theater.

High and slim man (height 188 cm, weight 88 kg) often received the leading roles of the classic repertoire. With the participation of Wiwing, the performances "Macbeth", "Cherry Garden", "Sleeping in the Summer Night", "Taming Shrew", "Many noise from nothing", "Edmond", "Arkady".

The green continent became the second homeland for him, although in an interview with Hugo, he said that he was not going to return to Nigeria, be there an atmosphere there. In 1978, parents divorced, and his father married the second time.

Personal life

In 1978, Hugo became acquainted with the 17-year-old Katrina Greenwood, which lived next door. For a long time, young people supported only friendly relations, in 1984 decided to come together. They did not conclude an official marriage, and in the mid-2000s, Wiving stated that it was funny to think about it in elderly.

Whether this fact, whether too naturalistic reincarnation in gays on the screen served as the basis for rumors about the unconventional orientation of the man. They rummed that the actor lives with a partner, and with loved ones talking from time to time.

Whatever it was, in 1989, Harry firstborn appeared, and after 4 years, Katrina presented his wife Holly's daughter. Son - a copy of the father in youth. Under the pseudonym Harry Greenwood starred in the "Eight" paintings, the "Genuine History of Kelly Gang", "Aliens".

The family settled in Sydney, despite the fact that Wiving is filmed for the most part in American projects. But with all the love of California, the actor does not like Los Angeles. The presence in Europe and the US agents frees from the need to change the addresses.

Hugo does not trust modern information technologies and does not allow them to a personal life, even films chose those in which fewer special effects. After all, much more pleasant to enjoy the living landscape than to communicate with his wife and children through gadgets and constantly feel anxiety. Therefore, the placement of Woving photo in "Instagram" - entirely initiative of fans.


Hugo Wiving made his debut on the screen in 1980 in the picture "Maybe now ...", playing a young student. In 1986, the actor got the main role in the drama "Just for the sake of love." Love Intrigue was played between the teaching teacher who was in love with a student and a young entrepreneur.

Looking at four films of Australian production, in 1989, Hugo participated in a large-scale project of compatriot Ken Cameron "Bangkok Hilton", in which the young actress Nicole Kidman made his debut. Wiving reincarnated in the lawyer of Richard Carlisle, engaged in the affairs of the father who fell into the misfortune of the girl.

In 1991, a comedy "Proof" was published on the screens of cinemas, in which Wiving managed to reincarnate in the blind from the birth of a young man who decided to become a photographer. He lit up in this film and another Australian actor Russell Crowe. The Australian Film Institute has received the Australian Film Institute in the nomination "Best Actor of Low-Quality Films".

The main role abroad was the main role in the musical tragicomedy Stephen Elliott "Adventures of Priscillas, Queen Desert", which in 1994 collected $ 11 million in the world. In the film we are talking about three transvestites that traveling around the desert gives views and Give the surrounding holiday.

Hugo performed one of the main roles in the "Interview" thriller, which was released in 1998. In the same year, the actor starred in the Comedy of the English production of "Bedrooms and Corridors", in which the plot of non-traditional relationships is again used.

After a year it was time for the cult tape "Matrix" about reality and the virtual world. In a fantastic blockbuster, which collected $ 460 million internationally, Hugo Wiving depicted the Smith agent, a system representative, subordinating all the living. Thanks to the project, except for him and Rivza, the world declaration was achieved by Lawrence Fishborn.

The film director from New Zealand Peter Jackson, launching the trilogy of the "Lord of the Rings" on the novel of J. Tolkien, took Hugo Wivintu the role of the leader Elrond elves. Collected the unique cast, which entered Elijah Wood, Ian McCellen, Liv Tyler, Kate Blanchett and Orlando Bloom, the director conquered Hollywood and received 17 major awards of the American Film Academy.

The third part brought creators more than $ 1 billion. The film changed the creative biography of Wiving and brought the Australian actor to the level of the first stars of Hollywood. His in the image of Elrond Jackson was attracted to the new trilogy "Hobbit".

In 2005, the artist's filmography was replenished with the main role in the adaptation of the comic director of James Mactiga "V - means Vendetta." This time, Hugo reincarnated in a positive character, a wrestler with a totalitarian system. Parabe with the actor starred Natalie Portman.

Utopia Scripts Brothers Vachovski at first invited James Puerfoy. However, he refused, referring to the fact that he was inconvenient in a mask. Wiving Perspective Wear a heavy pad on the face did not scare.

However, starring in the Marwelev "Captain America" ​​("First Avenge") in the image of a red skull, the artist clearly made it clear that in the future, uncomfortable costumes did not intend to wear.

In the same 2005, Hugo appeared in the Criminal Drama "Little Fish" in the acting ensemble with Kate Blanchett, Martin Henderson and Sam Neil.

In 2012, the mystical drama of the director Toma Tykver "Cloud Atlas" was published about the six-fold embodiment of the same soul in people of different eras. In the film, in addition to Hugo, Tom Hanks played, Hugh Grant, Holly Berry.

In 2015, the premiere of the Drama "Revenge from Couture" took place, in which Australian played in a duet with Kate Winslet. In the same year, Wiving performed a major role in the Thriller "Alien Country" with Nicole Kidman and Joseph Fains.

In 2016, Mel Gibson finished drama "For conscience reasons" about the Pacifist's feat during the Allied Military Campaign against Japanese troops. The picture received two "Oscars" and immediately entered the list of 250 best films in the history of cinema. Hugo Wiwingu was lucky enough to play a ribbon role of Tom Darza, the father of the chief hero.

In the TV series "Patrick Melrose", Benedict Cumberbatch became the actor, and in Transformers, he was told by his voice.

Hugo Wiving now

When in 2020 it became known that the "matrix" would be continued, it turned out very soon: Sam's agent will not be in it. Wiving offered to play on the stage of the Royal National Theater in a new performance. You did not work with the filming of the movie in the movie.

But Hugo accepted the invitation of the compatriot Ivan Sena to play in the science fiction belt Loveland. The plot parts are not yet known.

The Thriller "Lone Wolf" claims the title of the world's first full-length feature film in VR format, with a three-dimensional 200-degree viewing view. This is a story about the young managing bookstore, whose brother with a group of terrorists is preparing an attack on the Sydney Opera House. Wywing is assigned the role of the police chief participating in the conspiracy.


  • 1989 - "Bangkok Hilton"
  • 1994 - "Adventures of Priscillas, Queen of the Desert"
  • 1999 - "Matrix"
  • 2001 - "The Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of Ring"
  • 2005 - "Little Fish"
  • 2005 - "V - So Vendetta"
  • 2010 - "Wolf"
  • 2012 - "Cloud Atlas"
  • 2013 - "Hobbit: an unexpected journey"
  • 2015 - "Alien Country"
  • 2018 - "Chronicles of Pain Cities"
  • 2020 - "Lone Wolf"

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