Alexander Porokhovshchikov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography



Alexander Shalvovich Porokhovshchikov - Actor of Soviet and Russian Theater and Cinema, Director, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1994). Alexander was born on April 15, 1939 in the family of Aristocrats, Hitis Galina Galina Aleksandrovna Porokhovshchikova and a novice surgeon Shalva Barabadze. Grandfall Galina Aleksandrovna was engaged in entrepreneurial and charitable activities, was the founder of the restaurant "Slavic Bazaar", he entered the group of architects of the Chistrist of Christ the Savior. His son Alexander Alexandrovich worked as an airliner and an inventor, created the first tank in Russia, all-terrain vehicle, Gatchina plane.

Full Alexander Porokhovshchikov

In 1941, Father Galina arrested on suspicion of espionage and sent a link where he soon died. Galina's husband went to the front, where he spent before the end of the war and earned the Order of the Red Banner. But after the war, young people were not destined to reunite, because Galina at that time was already re-married to the military architect Mikhail Dudin. With a stepfather, Alexandra had a close relationship, the Jr. Porokhovshchikov felt real deceic care.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in childhood

In 1946, parents together with Alexander moved to Magnitogorsk, where Mikhail had to work on creating a military plant. The boy went to school in the Urals, but referred to the classes from unpervently, more time by fueling yard friends. After 7 years, Dudina was transferred to Chelyabinsk, where Alexander began visiting the sports section. The young man became interested in boxing and even received a sports discharge.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in youth

In 1957, Alexander entered the Medical Institute of the city of Chelyabinsk and studied there for three years. The young man showed himself as a sensitive medical worker, he often took duty in the hospital, where he helped the sick elderly people.


In 1960, Alexander Porokhovshchikov returned to Moscow, where he was admitted to the Vakhtangov theater by the requisitor on the furniture. In parallel with the work, a year was studied at the acting department of the All-Russian theater society, after which he entered the Schukin theater School for the course to Master M. Ter-Zakharova.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov

In 1966, after the end of the theater university, Alexander Porokhovshchikov becomes an actor of the Satira Theater. First of all, the young artist has proven itself as a characteristic hero on the scene. The debut of Porokhovshchikov took place in the play "Profitable place", in which the actor played Belogubov, and the main role of Zhadov went to Andrei Mironov. Staging Mark Zakharova lasted on stage for about a month: the authorities considered the performance provocative.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the play

In 1971, Alexander Porokhovshchikov enters the Troupe Yuri Lyubimov. In the theater on Taganka, the actor served for 10 years and played in the performances "Hamlet", "Krezhunsky Bridge", "Crossroads". In 1981, Alexander Shalvovich becomes actor named after A. S. Pushkin, where he managed to fulfill the roles in the "Optimistic tragedy" of Sun. Vishnevsky, "Broken Happiness" on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Shining, but does not warm", "Auditor" N. Gogol, "Saranscha" B. Srblyanovich. At the age of 59, the caustic officers becomes a teacher of acting skills in Gitis.


The debut of Porokhovshchikov in cinema took place in 1966 in the "Search" movie, where the actor fulfilled an episodic role. Then followed the work in the films "Crash", "Gori, Gori, My Star", "Case with a Wornder", where the boobies reincarnated in military, foreigners, White Guards. In an acutelycharacter theater actor, filmmakers most often saw noble nature, the hero of the drama.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In 1973, athletic drama Villan Novak "Ring", in which Alexander, the main role of the former Boxer Peter Alekseevich Isaev comes to the screens of cinema. A year later, the actor filmography is replenished with the main role in the film Nikita Mikhalkov "His among others, someone else's among their". Porokhovshchikov enters the star cast, where Yuri Bogatyrev played with him, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Sergey Shakurov, Alexander Kalyagin, Konstantin Raykin.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In 1975, the paintings of captivating happiness are emerging with Alexander, where the Powers reincarnated in Pavel Ivanovich Pestel, and "Captain Nemo", in which the actor got the role of Captain Fargut. In 1976, the image of a doctor was added to the role of a doctor in a film "You wrote to me" and Captain from the Military Fire Childhood Military film.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In the historical film Vladimir Dovgan "Talent", Alexander performs the role of the aircraft designer Mikhail Mikhailovich Ladoshnikov, and in the military drama Georgy Kuznetsov "and you will see the sky" Artist is depicting General Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin. In a film of the Soviet Geologist, Vladimir Ishutin "The person who was lucky" Alexander Porokhovshchikov played in a duet with Georgy Burkov.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In the melodrama Leonid Martynyuk "Iron Games", the artist enters the main cast together with Vladimir Songevsky, Peter Shcherbakov, George Schtil, Natalia Fateeva. In 1979, the Porokhovshchikov receives the role in the melodrama on the scenario of Alexander Volodin "With loved ones," in which Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov played. In a few minutes of screening time, the Porokhovshchikov with Catherine Vasilyeva, it is possible to create an expressive ensemble of niculine spouses divorced in court.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In the historical drama of 1980, the production of "Crash Operation Terror" directed by Anatoly Bobrovsky, telling about the struggle of Chekists with the enemies of the national authorities, Alexander Porokhovshchikov performed the main role of Savinkov. Together with him, Kshyshto Chamez, Sergey Shakurov, Elena Tsaplakova, Georgy Tarautkin, Andrei Mironov took part in the film.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

After a number of secondary roles in the paintings "Crystina in the Wind", "Favorites", "Heiress in a straight line" Alexander Shalvovich receives the main role of General Sviridov in the film "Returning from Orbit". Cosmonauts, saving commander of the space station, played Josoza Budraitis and Vitaly Solomin.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In the 1984 melodrama "not yet snow" about a meeting of classmates together with Alexander played Natalia Saiko, Elena Solovy, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Olga Mashna. A year later, a military drama on the period of the formation of the Soviet power in Ukraine "on the steepness" comes to the screens, where the actor gets the main role of Ataman.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In the Criminal Film of 1988, "86400 seconds of the police duty" of the police officers is reincarnated in the head of the Department of Internal Affairs Markov, who oversees the investigation of robbery and murder. In the series "The investigation is conducted by experts. Mafia. Case number 22 »The actor plays the leader of the drug addict, and in the Drama" Living Target "becomes Colonel Militia Kolobov, who fights the criminal world.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In the early 90s, Alexander began to the main film of his life: "I don't admit" censorship to memory, "where he played with the mother of the main characters. The essence of the painting was how a person is trying to find information about the repressed grandfather in the state marks. The plot of dramas is a documentary and is based on the biography of the actor and his family mountain - Arrest of the grandfather Alexander Porokhovshchikova on the eve of the war.

In 1994, the artist starred in the Russian horror movie "Hagi-Tragger" about the programmed to kill people a doll. In the picture also played Georgy Vicin, Alexander Peskov, Sergey Shakurov, Lyudmila Chursina.

In the social drama Stanislav Govorukhin "Voroshilovsky shooter" with Mikhail Ulyanov, in the lead role of Porokhovshchikov, played the role of Colonel Pashutin, the father of one of the juvenile criminals, part-time the investigator about the rape of the granddaughter of the chief hero.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

In a large-scale project of 2000 "Empire under the blow", the actor received the role of Governor of the Moscow Region Vladimir Fedorovich Dzhunkovsky. In the early 2000s, the actor continues to play a lot in films and TV shows: "truckers", "game in modern", "Heir". In the melodrame "Under the Polar Star", the Powers performs the role of Bogomakov, in the criminal ribbon "Lotus 2", which he himself refuses, the actor plays the retired General Pelevin.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

Alexander Shalvovich lit up, and in the TV series "Dasha Vasilyeva, a lover of privately owned", as well as in the multi-sieves of spy games "and" adventurist ". One of the favorite works of the late period for Porokhovshchikov became the role of General Matveyev, the head of the Suvorov School, in the series "Cadet", created by order of the CTC channel in 2006.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the series

In the late 2000th, the artist appears in the paintings of Sophie, "White Majer", "I will return." In the criminal series "Natural selection", the Powers returns to the favorite image of the general, and in the melodrama "when lilac flowers", filmed by the Russian TV channel in 2010, Alexander Shalvovich is reincarnated in the surgeon Vladimir Petrovich Rodionova.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the film

The last work of Alexander Porokhovshchikov became the main role in the series "Glaks", where the actor was born into the image of the father of the retired investigator, working as a criminal journalist and in the habit of disclosing complex cases. Andrei Chernyshov, Danila Danunaev, Nina Usatova was also starred. The picture came out after the death of Alexander Schalvovich, so the character of Aristarch Glantovova voiced Sergey Dreyden.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Porokhovshchikova did not develop for a long time. In his youth, the actor was popular with women, but did not hurry with any of the fans under the crown.

Alexander Porokhovshchikov and Irina Porokhovshchikova

Having loved the girl Lida from the poor family, the actor could not marry her because of the protest of the mother of Galina. In 1981, in the theater on Taganka, Alexander became acquainted with the costumes of Irina Zhukova, who at that time was almost 15 years old. The 42-year-old artist cared for a long time for the girl, soon they began to live together.

House of Alexander Porokhovshchikov

In 1995, Irina Porokhovshchikova became his wife Alexander. The story of the love of the spouses lasted 30 years until, with unclear circumstances, Irina did not commit suicide in his own house in an old-term alley. The tragedy happened in early March 2012, while Alexander lay in the hospital. He never found out about the death of his wife.


While in a hospital in a serious condition after the suffered stroke and complications from diabetes, the actor died on the night of April 15, 2012.

Funeral Alexander Porokhovshchikov

The cause of death has become heart failure, developed against the background of chronic diseases. The grave of the actor is located in the village of Christmas Mytishchi district of the Moscow region, where Alexander is buried next to his relatives.

Tomb of Alexander Porokhovshchikov

After the funeral, it turned out that Alexander's direct heirs left left, and all the property (cottage, two apartments and the car) passed to the One-Soncing Brother Vitaly Barabadze, which is very similar to Porokhovshchikov.


  • "Gori, Gori, My Star" - 1969
  • "Your among others, someone else's among their" - 1974
  • "Talent" - 1977
  • "With your loved ones do not part" - 1979
  • "Return from orbit" - 1983
  • "On the steepness" - 1985
  • "Live target" - 1990
  • "I don't allow censorship to memory" - 1991
  • "Voroshilovsky shooter" - 1999
  • "Empire under blow" - 2000
  • "Lotus 2" - 2002
  • "Adventurer" - 2005
  • "Cadet" - 2006
  • "Glaciers" - 2012

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