Natalia Sturm - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Natalia Sturm is a Russian pop singer, whose star rose in the 90s. The songs of the performer sank the whole country, the tour was held with unprecedented anchelons. Today, the artist changed the role and engaged in blogging. Her spicy photos have repeatedly become the subject of discussion on the network.

Childhood and youth

Natalia was born on June 28, 1966 in Moscow. By the sign of the zodiac, the girl was cancer. Yuri's father shortly after birth, his daughter left the family. Elena Konstantinovna's mother, literary editor, settled in the parent house in a small Kozihin lane and devoted himself to raising her daughter. Natasha met with Pope, when she turned 13 years old, but they did not find a common language.

Natalia began to make music from six years old, the girl was taken to the music school. I. Dunaevsky on the piano office.

Soon, Natalia has revealed vocal abilities that were inherited from the grandfather Konstantin Nikolaevich Staritsky, an opera singer, a lyric-dramatic tenor. The former nobleman devoted all his life to the scene, worked in the theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko and in the ensemble of Leonid Rasov.

At the insistence of Moms and Grandmothers Serafima Pavlovna Natalia studied in literary and theater school No. 232, after which in 1982 he went to the preparatory courses of the MGK to the class of the USSR of the USSR Zurab Skykilava.

Mom girl dreamed about Natalia continuing the case of her grandfather Konstantin Staritsky and became an opera singer. But the experimental mentor immediately determined the departure performer's departure in the beginner artist and advised Natalia sturm to change the direction.

In 1984, the girl entered the music school. October Revolution, in the class of pop vocals to the teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Kaitanjyan. From 1987 he began to perform in the chamber of the Jewish Music Theater. At the same time, the singer is invited to the theater-studio "Third Direction" to participate in the "Three-Grox Opera".

On the 4th year, the girl is satisfied with the soloist of the State Folklore Ensemble under the leadership of Vladimir Nazarov. Does not leave Natalia and his passion to literature. By 1990, she ends the institute of culture in the specialty "Bibliographer's science of literature and art."

Personal life

Natalia Sturm was married twice, but her personal life did not work in any marriage. The first spouse of Natalia was the musician, the artist of the Operetta Genre Sergey Deev, from which in 1989 the young singer gave birth to Elena's daughter. When the daughter turned 4 years old, the union broke up.

Elena Storm was married to the native of Turkey, but the couple did not walk together because of the incompatibility of characters. And in 2019, the daughter did Natalia Grandma: in early May, the grandson of the singer Daniel was born. The artist calls himself the second mom of the boy, not a grandmother. She spends a lot of time with the baby, hescribes it to the pool and just walks.

The second time the artist went under the crown in 2003. Her husband became an entrepreneur named Igor Pavlov. The wedding took place in the most expensive restaurant of the capital, the bride's dress was worth $ 3 thousand, and the wedding ring - $ 10 thousand. A few years later, the son of Arseny appeared, which at birth weighed 4,350 kg.

As Natalia later admitted, the boy was born due to the procedure of extracorporeal fertilization. Spouses experienced problems with the birth of a child, although they really wanted her son, so they decided to resort to Eco. But with the birth of arsion, the family relationship went to the decline. Igor began lifting to Natalia Hand, and the singer was forced to give a divorce.

Back in 1995, an unusual Docodrug appeared at the artist - a dwarf crocodile, whom Natalia presented fans. Reptile lived in the house of the artist for the past 16 years, until it became dangerous to others. Despite his love for the pet, Natalia was forced to give the crocodile in the Moscow Zoo.

The assault continues to maintain relations with the former spouse, since the son of Arseny by the court decision remained to live with his father. Natalia sees his matured son only on weekends. At one time, the actress took the boy to himself, but because of the problem surroundings in the new school decided to return him to the Father's family. After this case, Arseny finally stopped communicating with his mother, despite all its attempts to establish contact.

In June 2016, Natalia Sturm received an invitation to participate in the transfer "for 10 years younger." The singer decided on an experiment with appearance due to new romantic hobbies. The chosen character of the artist was the native of Amsterdam named Tigran Harutyunyan, the difference in the age of 17.

The singer's program made a facial suspender and plastic chest, corrected lips. Stylists worked on the image of celebrities, changing the hairstyle and makeup.

The actor Dmitry Miturich, known to the public in shooting in the TV series "Interns", became late its chosen one. The novel of artists became known after the release of the transfer "Stars agreed", in which Dmitry turned. The man accused Natalia in sexual harassment and presented a home video as evidence.

According to him, a passionate video, whose participants were the performer and actor, the singer sent Miturich after parting. Message saw a new beloved actor. The scandal greatly upset the man, and he turned to television. From indignation, Natalia Storm in the air gave Dmitry slap.

In 2018, the actress herself appealed to the studio of the TV show Dmitry Shepelev "in fact" to clarify the situation with his 20-year-old beloved. The singer accused a young man in beating her son, as well as assembled a compromising on her. After the broadcast, the flurry critics collapsed on the assault itself. Lena Miro accused Natalia that the star itself ruined the life with communication with "pretty young guys."

Failures on the personal front do not stop the artist. In 2019, the new Beloved Natalia became an architect from Japan Ioshito, acquainted with whom it happened in social networks. The couple met in Spain, then continued to rest in Bulgaria. It is known that the chosen one is 20 years old.


The path on the stage Natalia Sturm began in 1991 by a performance at the All-Russian Competition "Show Queen", which was held in Sochi under the patronage of Joseph Kobzon and Muskite JSC. The debut on the big scene brought the singer the title of the laureate of the first award and the prize of visual sympathies. After the contest, Viktor Lenzon invited the girl to the Jewish Music Ensemble "Mitzva".

Talented artist took an invitation and began to master the repertoire in Hebrew and Yiddish, who did not know. The performer itself does not answer the answer about his nationality, but it is known that it enjoys real name and surname who received at birth.

The Jewish audience met Natalia Sturm. Heat, calling the singer "Our Girl Natasha." Concerts were held at the Moskovskaya Theater Theater and in the major cities of Russia. Songs performed by Natalia "Lielenka", "Papiros", Smesh.

In 1993, a meeting was held, which changed the creative biography of the artist. Natalia Sturm met at one of the concerts with the author-performer Alexander Novikov, who suggested a joint project with the singer. The composer took up the producing of Natalia's solo program, and after a year the first album of the singer "I am not inflatable" appeared. The real triumph of Natalia Sturm took place in a year, after the release of the second disk "School Roman".

The hit album "Complete school novel" came to the first lines of Russian charts, and the clip was regularly broadcast on television. The number of actipe concerts increased. Musical compositions "Strange Meeting", "Black Lilia", "Leather Cap" were not less popular on performances of Natalia.

The excitement around the name Natalia Sturm was intensified after filming the singer in one of the first editions of the Russian version of the magazine Pleyboy. On the pages of the gloss, the actress appeared in a miniature swimsuit, sewn in a cowboy style.

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In 1997, preparation for the release of the third album of the Singer "Street artist" began, but Alexander Novikov, at this point, there is already a termination agreement with Natalia. The girl had to engage in the advancement of the album. After the preparation of the new concert program, the singer went with tour of the border - in the USA, Israel and Cyprus.

In 2000, Natalia returned to Moscow, where he began working on the new album "Love Mirror". The singer also tried herself as an actress of cinema, playing in the TV series Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Vladimir Uskov "Detectives" Singer Libya. Having received injury in the ski resort in Switzerland in 2001, the artist was forced to go to the hospital for a month and a half, but soon he began to go for work and went on tour to Siberia.

In 2002, the release of the album "Mirror of Love" and the premiere of the eponymous clip, in which Andrey Sokolov played the main character. In the early 2000s, Natalia Sturm masters a literary niche: temporarily departs from musical creativity and begins to create detective novels. Natalia signs a contract with the Publishing House "Eksmo", and in 2006 the first book of the singer "Love color of blood" comes out. In the same year, the artist is awarded the Order "Service Art".

In 2007, the assault entered the literary institute. Gorky to the prose separation. In 2008, Natalia appeared on television screens in the TV series Dmitry Brusnikna "Law and Order" as the singer Elsa Parshina. A year later, the artist was offered to play themselves in the comedy "220 Volt of Love."

Since 2010, a series of novels Natalia Sturm is coming out - "Sdokhni, creature, or love color of loneliness", "Sun in brackets", "School of strict regime, or the love of the colors of youth" and "all shades of pain." In 2013, Natalia Sturm was awarded the Order of P. A. Storpin for merits in the development of Russian culture and art.

The celebrity continues the musical career, but no longer so often goes to the scene. The songs "Afghan Waltz" remain popular in the performance of the assault, "White Angel".


The artist is famous not only by its creativity, but also scandals. On July 3, 2017, in the "Instagram" storming posted a post about the need to treat her longtime Evgeny Osin. Under the joint photo, Natalia wrote about the true causes of singer's disease - alcoholism.

The singer said that he had already paid treatment in a detox clinic and was ready to pick up the artist, but Eugene did not agree to accept the help of a colleague on the workshop. Osin refused to recognize alcohol addiction and did not go to the hospital.

A year after the death of the singer, Andrei Razin, who took over all the costs of holding the Musician funeral, accused Natalia Sturm in what happened. According to him, the artist at one time gave Eugene unknown medicines, which Osin himself complained before death.

Reaffirmed the use of psychotropic drugs and doctors, previously examined by the Contractor. Natalia was upset about what had happened, she was sure that in the case of treatment from alcohol addiction, Eugene had a chance for recovery.

Wide resonance is obtained in the publication of the performer, who appear in her profile in "Instagram". Natalia is proud that in his years it looks no less effectively than in his youth. When height 170 cm its weight still does not exceed 55 kg. Provocative photos and videos - part of the image of the singer. This and pictures without retouching in nature, and photos taken on the sea coast, and even savory shower shower.

Natalia Sturm now

In addition to the active blocking, now the artist continues to fill on television screens. In 2020, a frank conversation of Natalia Sturm with Leroy Kudryavtsevaya in the Studio of the Secret on Million program was held.


  • 1994 - "I'm not inflatable"
  • 1995 - "School Romance"
  • 1998 - "Street artist"
  • 2002 - "Love Mirror"
  • 2012 - "Romantic Style" (not published)

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