Richard Nixon - biography, photo, personal life, politics



Richard Milhaus Nixon is an American political and statesman, 36th Vice-President of the United States (1953-1961), 37th US President (1969-1974). Richard was born on January 9, 1913 in the California city of Yorba Linda in the family of a small merchant, Scots Francis Nixon and his spouse - Housewives Hannah Milhaus Nixon. The family was brought up with five sons - Harold, Richard, Donald, Arthur, Ed, who were named after the Kings of Britain. Richard, the second among the brothers, received a name in honor of Richard Lion Heart.

Richard Nixon

Hannah since childhood attended the community of quackers, branches of Protestantism. A woman drew a spouse and children in his faith. In 1922, Nixonse moved to the city of Whitter, where Richard went to school. Despite the permanent employment at the Father's grocery store, which was not far from the benzokolonki nixons, Richard managed to become the second student of the school student and graduate from her in 1930 with excellent marks. The boy was offered training at Harvard, but due to the financial difficulties, Richard entered the Whitier College.

Richard Nixon in childhood and youth

In a new place, the family suffered the first losses: in 1925, the younger son of Nixonov Arthur, who at that time was only 7 years old, and Harold died at the age of 24 from Tuberculosis. In 1934, Nixon entered a law school at the University of Duke, which was in Durham. In the student years, Richard dreamed of a career in the FBI, but returned to California, where he settled in the legal office of Winherrat and Belie. Since 1937, he consisted in the Law College. Nixonu entrusted controversial affairs between local oil companies and commercial firms.

Richard Nixon in youth

A year later, the novice lawyer was entrusted to head the branch of the office in the city of La Habra Heights, in 1939 Nixon managed to redeem a part of the company's shares. Richard lawyers considered as necessary life experience. In 1942, Nixon was recorded in the US Navy ranks, where he began the service in the rank of lieutenant. The officer's responsibilities included the security of the US airbases in the Pacific Ocean. Nixon demobilized in 1946 in the rank of lieutenant commander.


In 1946, Richard at the invitation of German Perry, one of the leaders of the Bank of America, took part in the elections of the US House of Representatives from the 12th California County. During the election campaign, a young lawyer managed to bypass the previous representative of J. Vurkhis. In this post, Nixon lasted two deadlines. At the end of the 40s, Nixon worked at the reconnaissance department of the Commission to identify hidden communists, where he organized and revealed the case of the Soviet spy of Whittera Chembers, who collaborated with a high-ranking official Eldger Hiss.

Richard Nixon in youth

In 1950, Richard Nixon received the mandate of Senator from California and moved to Washington. Three years later, the representative of the Republicans became the Deputy Prime Minister of the Cabinet of the Eisenhawer government. Nixon regularly accompanied the president at meetings with Congress and the Cabinet, often appeared in public, voicing the decisions of the president and government. Three times from 1955 to 1957, during the disease, Eisenhuer took over the responsibilities of the head of state.

Senator Richard Nixon

In 1960, Nixon was competing John Kennedy at the next elections, but lost to the opponent with a small difference. In 1962, in connection with the resignation of the White House, Richard temporarily returned to the lawyer in California. Having lighted the elections to the governors of the native state, considered that the political career was completed. In the same year, Nixon's autobiography "Six crises" appeared, devoted to his work in the US government.

Richard Nixon and John Kennedy

In 1963 he moved to New York, where the branch of the law firm was opened. A year later, Nixon was invited to the pre-election headquarters of the candidate for President B. Goldwater. In 1968, Nixon declared the nomination of his own person in presidential elections and August 7 defeated opponents of Humphrey, J.Merni, N. Rockefeller and R. Reagan.

The president

The internal policy of Richard Nixon was based on conservatism. The President opposed social programs to help the poor in the population, farms, prevented the liberalization of the Supreme Court. During the reign of Nixon, there was a legendary landing for American astronauts to the moon.

President Richard Nixon

In foreign policy, all cases was ruled by the National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, to whom Nixon set the task to withdraw the United States from the Vietnamese war. The exit of the American troops, which began in July 1969, launched 3 years since the territory of South Vietnam and ended in early 1973 by the signing of the Parisian peace agreement.

Richard Nixon at work

In 1970, to preserve the status of the superpower, Nixon sent a military contingent in Cambodia, where the new government of Lon Nola began to fight the Communists. The continuation of the war in Indochier provoked a new surge in demonstrations in America. In Nixon, a political convergence with the Soviet Union and the Republic of China began. In 1972, Richard is repeatedly elected to the post of head of state and in February of the same year leaves to the PRC, and in May, along with his wife, visits the USSR, where the ASSR contract signs with the Brezhnev.

Speech by Richard Nixon

Already in 1972, 4 months before the election, there were detention of five people who set the healing system at the presidential candidate's headquarters from George McGovern Democrats. The office was located in the Watergate Building. The detainees seized a magnetic film with the recording of policy conversations, as well as photos of secret documents. The scandal played a fatal role for the political biography of the president.

Famous Gesture of Richard Nixon

In two years, the investigation was indirectly proved by the involvement of Richard Nixon to the case, which was confirmed by numerous perceptions, threats and bribing witnesses. As a result, on August 9, 1974, Nixon resigned under the threat of impeachment. The next head of State Gerald Ford amnestied Nixon, although the sentence was not made.

Personal life

In early 1938, Richard Nixon met the school teacher of Telma Pat Ryan at one of the activities of the Theater Studio Whittier Community Players. A young man looked around for a girl for a long time before she agreed to become his wife. In June 1940, Richard and Telma got married. The spouse gave Nixon two daughters - Trishia (1946) and Julie (1948).

Richard Nixon with family

In 1968, Julie married the grandson of President Eisenhower David. Trishi married the grandson of the famous New Yorker Edward R. Finch, Graduate Harvard, a lawyer Edward Finch Coke in 1971. Telma Nixon died on June 22, 1993 from lung cancer.

Death and Memory

After the resignation, Richard Nixon was engaged in writing literary work and memoirs. The ex-president was forbidden to conduct legal and political activities. Recent years Richard lived in a closed complex in Park Ridge, New Jersey, where he died from hemorrhage to the brain on April 22, 1994.

Tomb of Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon often became the hero of Hollywood films. In 1995, the director Oliver Stone removed the political drama "Nixon", in which Anthony Hopkins played the main role of the president. In the comedies "Elvis meets Nixon" and "President's girlfriend" head of state played Bob Ganton and Dan Hedai.

In early 1974, an incident occurred at Airlines to Delta, who was regarded as an attempt at Nixon President. The terrorist penetrates the aircraft salon and demanded from pilots to follow Washington. FBI officers who came on time began a shootout with a criminal, who eventually shot himself. In 2004, a detective thriller was released "Kill the President. Attempt on Richard Nixon "directed by Niels Muller, dedicated to the events of the early 1974. Now the last picture dedicated to the 37th US president is the comedy 2016 "Elvis and Nixon".


  • Member of the House of Representatives from the 12th Electoral District of California - 1947
  • Senator from California - 1950
  • 36th US Vice President - 1953
  • 37th US President - 1969

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