Franz Kafka - biography, photo, personal life, books



The biography of Franz Kafka is not saturated with events that attract the attention of the writers of the current generation. The Great Writer lived quite monotonous and short life. At the same time, Franz was a figure of a strange and mysterious, and many secrets inherent in this master of the pen, excitement of the minds of readers to this day. Although the books of Kafki are a great literary heritage, in life the writer did not receive recognition and glory and did not recognize what real triumph is.

Portrait of Franz Kafki

Shortly before his death, Franz bequeathed to the best friend - journalist Max Brod - burn the manuscript, but the ferrod, knowing that in the future every word kafki would be valued for the weight of gold, dried up the last will of the buddy. Thanks to Max Creation, Franz saw the light and had a tremendous effect on the literature of the 20th century. The works of Kafki, such as Labyrinth, "America", "Angels do not fly", "Castle", etc., are required to read in higher educational institutions.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born the firstborn on July 3, 1883 in the large economic and cultural center of the Multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire - the city of Prague (now the Czech Republic). At that time, the empire was inhabited by Jews, the Czechs and the Germans, who, living side by side, could not peacefully coexist each other, so in the cities reigned the depressed mood and sometimes anti-Semitic phenomena were traced. The kafku did not worry political issues and interethnic patterns, but the future writer felt elected to the side of life: social phenomena and the emerging xenophobia left a mark on his character and consciousness.

Parents of Franz Kafki

Also on the identity of Franz influenced parents: being a child, he did not get love of his father and felt his burden in the house. Franz Ros and brought up in a small quarter of Josephs in a German-speaking family of Jewish origin. The Father of the Writer - Herman Kafka - was the merchant of Middle Hand, retail traded clothes and other haberdashery goods. Mother of the writer Julia Kafka took place from a noble kind of prosperous brewer Jacob Levi and was a highly educated young lady.

Sisters Franz Kafki

Also, Franz had three sisters (two younger brothers died in early childhood without reaching two years). While the head of the family disappeared in the cloth shop, and Julia watched the girls, the young Kafka was granted to himself. Then, in order to dilute the gray linen of life with bright colors, Franz began to invent small stories, which, however, did not interest anyone. The head of the family influenced the formation of literary lines and on the nature of the future writer. Compared to a two-meter man who also had a bass voice, Franz felt his plebem. This feeling of physical inferiority pursued kafku throughout his life.

Franz Kafka in childhood

Kafka-senior saw in the successor of the business heir, but a closed, shy boy did not comply with the requirements of the Father. Herman used harsh education methods. In a written parent writing, which did not come to the addressee, Franz recalled how night was put on a cold and dark balcony due to the fact that he asked water. This childhood insult caused a sense of injustice in the writer:

"After years, I still suffered from the painful idea, like a huge man, my father, the highest instance, almost without any reason - at night, can come to me, pull out the bed and take it on the balcony - that means that I was for Him, "the memories of Kafka shared.

From 1889 to 1893, the future writer studied at elementary school, then entered the gymnasium. As a student, a young man participated in university amateur activities and organized theatrical performances. After receiving the certificate of maturity, Franz accepted the University of Faculty of Faculty of Karlov. In 1906, Kafka received a doctoral degree right. The head of the scientific work of the writer was the German sociologist and economist.


Franz Kafka considered literary activities the main goal in life, although he was considered a high-ranking official in the insurance office. Due to the disease, Kafka retired before the time. The author of the Process was a hardworking worker and was highly appreciated by the boss, but Franz hated this position and unflattered responded about the leaders and subordinates. He wrote Kafka for himself and believed that literature justifies his existence and helps to slip away from the harsh realities of being. Franz did not in a hurry to publish the works, because he felt pristently.

Figure Kafki drawing

All his manuscripts carefully collected Max Bard, with whom the writer met at the meeting of the student club dedicated to Nietzsche. Bard insisted that Kafka printed his stories, and in the end the Creator surrendered: in 1913 the collection "Contemplation" comes out. Critics responded about Kafka as an innovator, but the self-critical master of the pen was dissatisfied with his own creativity, which considered the necessary element of being. Also during the life of Franz, readers became acquainted only with a minor part of his work: many significant novels and kafki stories saw the light only after his death.

Franz Kafka in youth

In the autumn of 1910, Kafka, together with Brod, went to Paris. But after 9 days, due to sharp pain in the stomach, the writer left Cesanna's country and parmesan. At that time, Franz and begins his first novel "Missing Missing", which was later renamed to "America". Most of their creations Kafka wrote in German. If you contact the originals, it is almost everywhere that there is a blessing language without pretentious revolutions and other literary delights. But this gray and triviality is combined with absurd and mysterious unusualness. Most of the works of the master is impregnated from crust to crust fear in front of the outside world and the highest court.

Books of Franz Kafki

This feeling of anxiety and despair is transmitted to the reader. But also Franz was a subtle psychologist, more precisely, this talented person scrupulously described the reality of this world without sentimental glitters, but with impeccable metaphoric turnover. It is worth remembering the story "the transformation", in 2002, the Russian film was withdrawn with Evgeny Mironov in the lead role.

Evgeny Mironov in the film on the book of Franz Kafki

The plot of the story rotates around Gregor, a typical young man who works as a community and financially helps his sister and parents. But irreparable happened: Gregor turned into a huge insect in the morning. Thus, the protagonist became an outcast, from which relatives and relatives turned away: they did not pay attention to the beautiful inner world of the hero, they were worried about the terrible appearance of a terrible creature and inspired flour, which he was unconsciously obscured (for example, could not earn money on their own In the room and scareta guests).

Illustration to the novel Franz Kafa

But during the preparation for the publication (which was not fulfilled because of disagreements with the editor) Kafka put an ultimatum. The writer insisted that there was no illustrations with insect on the cover of the book. From here there are many interpretations of this story - from the physical ailment to spiritual disorders. Moreover, events to the metamorphosis of Kafka, following its own manner, does not disclose, but puts the reader before the fact.

Illustration to the novel Franz Kafa

Roman "Process" is another significant work of the writer, published posthumously. It is noteworthy that this creation was created at the moment when the writer was engaged in the engagement with Felicia Bauer and felt as an accused, who should everyone. And the last conversation with the beloved and her sister Franz compared with the Tribunal. This product with a nonlinear narrative can be considered unfinished.

Monument Frank Kafka

In fact, initially Kafka worked on the manuscript continuously and entered the short fragments of the Process in the notebook, which was recorded and other stories. From this notebook, Franz often pulled out sheets, so it was almost impossible to restore the landing of the novel. In addition, in 1914, Kafka admitted that it was visited by a creative crisis, so work on the book was suspended. The main hero of the Process - Josef K. (It is noteworthy that instead of a full-fledged name, the author gives his heroes initials) - wakes up in the morning and finds out that it is arrested. However, the true reason for the detention is unknown, this fact is circumscribed by the hero on suffering and flour.

Personal life

Franz Kafka treated Pretchily to his own appearance. For example, before leaving the university, the young writer could stand in front of a mirror for hours, scrupulously examining the face and combing hair. In order not to be "humiliated and offended", Franz, who always considered himself a white crow, dressed in the latest fashion trends. The contemporaries of Kafka made an impression of a decent, intelligent and calm person. It is also known that the fragile health is a thin writer supported himself in shape and, being a student, was fond of sports.

Franz Kafka and Felicia Bauer

But I did not get a relationship with women, although Kafka was not deprived of the attention of lovely ladies. The fact is that the writer for a long time remained in ignorance relatively intimate proximity to the girls, until he had come to the Silk to the local "Lupanarium" - the quarter of the Red Lanterns. Looking through the carnal joy, Franz instead of the laptop experienced only disgust.

Franz Kafka and Milena Esenskaya

The writer adhered to the line of the behavior of Asklet and, like Gogol, ran out from under the crown, as if fear of serious relationships and family obligations. For example, with Freulein Felicia Bauer Master Feather broke his engagement twice. Kafka often described this girl in his letters and diaries, but the image that appears in the heads of readers, does not correspond to reality. Among other things, the famous writer had amur relations with the journalist and the translator Mylena Esenskaya.


Kafki was constantly tormented by chronic diseases, but it is unknown whether they were psychosomatic. Franz suffered from obstruction of the intestines, frequent headaches and lack of sleep. But the writer did not give his hands, but tried to cope with the ailments with the help of a healthy lifestyle: Kafka adhered to a balanced diet, tried not to use meat, he was engaged in sports and saws pair milk. However, all attempts to bring their physical condition to the appropriate appearance are vain.

Grave Franz Kafki

In August 1917, doctors diagnosed in Franz Kafki a terrible disease - tuberculosis. In 1923, the Master of Feather left his homeland (went to Berlin) Together with a certain Diamond and wanted to concentrate on writing. But at that time, the health of the kafki was only aggravated: the pain in the throat became intolerable, and the writer could not take food. In the summer of 1924, the great author of works died in the hospital.


It is possible that exhaustion was the cause of death. The grave of Franz is located on the new Jewish cemetery: the body of the kafka transported from Germany to Prague. In memory of the writer, not one documentary filmed, monuments were established (for example, Franz Kafka's head in Prague), and the museum was erected. Also, the creativity of Kafka had a tangible impact on writers of the next years.


  • I am writing differently than I say, I speak differently, what I think, I think differently, what should think, and so to the darkest depths.
  • Understand the neighbor much easier if you don't know anything about him. Conscience then does not torment ...
  • As it could not be worse, it became better.
  • Leave me my books. That's all I have.
  • The form is not an expression of the content, but only the bait, gate and the path to the content. It will raise an action - then the hidden back plan will open.


  • 1912 - "Verdict"
  • 1912 - "Transformation"
  • 1913 - "Contemplation"
  • 1914 - "In a correctional colony"
  • 1915 - "Process"
  • 1915 - "Caras"
  • 1916 - "America"
  • 1919 - "Rural doctor"
  • 1922 - "Castle"
  • 1924 - "Horodar"

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