The most beautiful elements in figure skating: titles, jumping, rotation, records


Not all sports amateurs include figure skating in this category. But in fact, the numbers that demonstrate skaters on ice will not be equal to the achievements of football players or volleyball players. Each type of competing has its own difficulties, but all this is a sport. Thousands of spectators come to the ice palaces to see the plastic and skill of the skaters. Artists rehearsed for 10-12 hours, get injuries, but still get up on the ice. They make efforts to hit the audience.

About what elements in figure skating are the most beautiful and who performed them is in the editorial material 24cm.


The element was called in honor of the Swiss figure skater Denise Billmann. She first made a number that includes this technique in 1976. But she was not his discoverer, 2 years before her, the figure skater Karin Yiten has already demonstrated its judges. After the speech of Billmann, it was noted that the figure skater was performed with a maximum stretching element.

The most beautiful elements in figure skating

The technique is an excite of skate with hands at the top, and rotation in this position. The judges give the highest score if it occurs at high speed and with a lot of revolutions. In 1981, Denise made 105 rotations of 1.8 per second. The speed was the limit. It was her record. Since then, for Switzerland, Bilmann is a business card.

90% of female programs are drawn up with this basic technology. Russian figure skater Elena Rodionova performed "Billmann" with a slightly bent foot, and Julia Lipnitskaya is obtained with perfect twine. Yevgeny Plushenko made him, but his stretching leaves much to be desired, unlike the Japanese athlete Hani Yudzuru, whom the judges called "Plasticine".

"Four jump"

To learn to make a multi-turn jump, the athletes are trained for a long time and stuff bruises. The technique is that the figure skater is gaining speed and takes a turn to move faster. Then it enters the depreciation phase, when it takes to the end on one leg. The skater makes the push and performs circular movements in flight. The execution of this element is equally attendable with single and pair skating. Athletes suffer because of problems with knees and a hip part.

In 1988, the Canadian figure skater Kurt Browning made a jump out of four revolutions and got into the Guinness Book of Records. In the 2000s, Russian athletes Alexey Yagudin and Yevgeny Plushenko were in competitions of opponents. They both did a "quadce Tulup" brilliantly, so the American "king" the Gabla quad had no chance to overtake them. Plushenko made more than 100 quadruple revolutions and until 2013 he was not equal. He overtook his French figure skater Brian Jubene.

"Spiral Kerrigan"

At first glance, the technique of "Spiral Kerrigan" seems easy, but its execution requires stretching and ability to keep the equilibrium. Figure long time slides on one leg in an unchanged position, and the second leg is raised up. At the same time, the hand sliding holds the knee of the raised leg. The name of the technician received Nancy Kerrigan in honor of the American athlete. She made a number that includes this element, on the 1994 Olympic Games. After that, it was included in the basic program of female performances.

The most beautiful elements in figure skating

In single skating, the spiral was able to Olga Ikonnikova. The judges noted her stretching and clear sliding. Maria Mukhortova and Maxim Trankov showed a steam spiral on ice, which added the element "Billmann". It was the most beautiful performance according to the viewer. The figure skater Adeline Sotnikova surprised the audience by performing a complicated effect and at the same time welcomed guests with a free hand.


In 2009, a youth championship took place, in which the athlete Adam Rippon participated with the show "Tano." His essence lies in a jump with a hand raised up. After the speech of Rippon, the coach suggested him to perform with two arms raised. This complicated the number. During jumps athletes are grouped to catch an equilibrium. Make it when both hands are raised up, more complicated in tens of times. Rippon managed to show this technique, so it was called in his honor.

In 2018, Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedev performed Rippon. For this she received additional points that were useful when summing up.

"Spiral Charlotte"

The most beautiful elements in figure skating

The German athlete Charlotte Elshgel first mastered this technique and showed it in the 1920s. At the time of sliding, the protruding lowered the torso down to his leg, as a support, at the same time raising her free leg, as above. For a good stretching, the judges charge extra points. Athlete from America Sasha Cohen could stand in the "Spiral Charlotte", all the performance, and her leg did not move to the side. Smooth twine and enviable equilibrium was both Adeline Sotnikova. She kept in a pose for a long time, and her head was tightly pressed against his leg.


In honor of the German figure skater, another element is called "Bauer". For the first time, I was performed by Inna Bauer, who did not become a champion and did not win medals. Its technique is not complicated, but the elegance did not leave indifferent judges and the audience. At the time of the speech, the legs are parallel to each other. That leg, which is behind, stands on the inner edge.

To get extra glasses, skaters make a deep deflection. Inina Bauer only slightly leaning back, but he did not lose from this. American and Japanese figure skater often include technique in their speeches.


The most beautiful elements in figure skating

In 1913, an athlete Aloiz Lutz fulfilled a teeth without a change of foot. It happens different species, depending on how many rotations in the air did a skater. Due to the scope during the jump, even 3 turns are performed without much effort. After Aloisa "Lutz" performed Canadian Donald Jackson at the World Championships in 1962. In combination with another jump, the first element was executed by Russian Alexander Fadeev. In 2001, Yevgeny Plushenko could not resist her legs and fell during the show "Lutz". The first woman who performed the jump was Russian woman Alexander Corusov. It happened in 2018.

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