Tyreiz Gibson - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Paul Walker, Furious 2021



Tyreiz Gibson is American rapper, author-performer, actor, producer and vid, which has become known after entering large screens Furious and Transformers franchises. Now the army of fans of a bright and charismatic performer continues to grow in geometric progression. After all, his filmography is regularly updated with spectacular novelties.

Childhood and youth

Tyreiz Darnell Gibson was born on December 30, 1978, located in the south of California Los Angeles. The mother of Actor Priscilla Murray worked as a bank clerk, what thousands, and Lurk's father was developed for computers. Parents of the future widow divorced when Gibson was barely five years old.

A mother was engaged in the upbringing of an active boy, on the shoulders of which, after leaving the family of her husband, there was an incredibly heavy burden of responsibility for the future of three children (the actor also has two senior brothers). As a child, Tyreiz grew in the inquisitive child. The circle of his interests was extensive: the study of foreign languages, visual arts, dancing. However, the main passion was the music. Interest in hip-hop culture The future artist showed aged 12 years. It was then that he wrote his first text and began to master programs for creating samples and bits.


35 years after that, young talent won the talent show and starred in the commercial Coca-Cola. At 17, the American fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger noted an active young man and signed a contract with a talented guy. The modeling allowed Gibson to earn the amount of money to be released into the light of the musical disk.

Prefering to the glory of the Career of Rapper, Gibson left the model business in the hip-hop industry. Scenic name Tyriz - Black Tai. For a couple of years, he performed in the underground group Triple Impact, after which came to solo performers.

Gibson Tyrese's debut album hit the counter in 1998 and received "platinum" sales status, and the song There for Me (Baby's second name) for a couple of weeks did not leave the first lines of American charts. Tyriz Studio plates 2000 Watts, I Wanna Go There, Alter Ego, Open Invitation, Black Rose came out with minor breaks for 15 years. For his career, Gibson managed to work with Bast Rims, and with Tupac, and with Ludacris, and even with Michael Jackson.


Tyreiz made his debut on large screens as an actor in 2001. Then the drama of John Singleton "Kid" came to the world. Kinokarttina told the story of the life of a black guy named Jody, who in his 20 years had already managed to acquire 2 children and hang them on her mother's neck.

The infantile young man disaggregates the moment of entry into adulthood, preferring to stable work and the family of gathering with his best friend Svitpi (Snup Dog). The soundtracks for the film were 2 compositions written in co-authorship with Snoop Dog (Just A Baby Boy and Jody Meets Rodney).

In 2003, Gibson thanks to the invoice (height of 180 cm, the weight of 93 kg) received a role in the criminal militant "double afternoon", in which his colleagues on the set were Paul Walker, Eva Mendez and James Remem. In December 2004, the premiere of the eponymous novel of Elleston Trevor film "Flying Phoenix" took place.

In the picture, the priorities and values ​​of the heroes pass serious tests. In 2005, Tyriz filmography was replenished with work in the picture "Blood for Blood". In the criminal militant, Gibson tried on the image of Endzhel Mercer - one of the four brothers who gathered together to find out exactly how their mother died.

2006 was marked by access to large screens of paintings "Duel" and "Interception". In 2007, the reincarnation wizard appeared in the film "Transformers", which tells about reasonable alien robots. In 2008, the cinematic biography of Tyriz was replenished with a fantastic militant "Deadst Race", in which Gibson worked on the same platform with actors Jason Steateom, Joan Allen and Ian Macshin.

In the 2010 Legion tape, Tyyriza got the role of fighting for his life Kyle Williams. Since 2011, the basis of the filmms of the Americans made up a shooting in several parts of the "furser" series, telling about the adventures of the Dominic Telethto (Wine Diesel). In June 2017, the world premiere of the film "Transformers: the last knight" took place. In the Michael Bay film, the actor appeared in front of the audience in the image of the US Air Force Sergeant Robert Epps.

Later, in the same year, the conflict between Gibson and Dune Jones broke out in a large "flounce". This happened after it became known that in the next part of the franchise the main characters will be the agent of Luke Hobbs (performed by Johnson) and the mercenary deckard show (in the image of which Jason Steate appeared).

Tyreiz considered it a personal insult and published in Twitter an angry post that if a new part of the Blokbaster's published public comes out with the participation of Duin, then his character, the pier's novel, the fans will not see. Later, the artists managed to come to a compromise. In 2020, the actor showed himself in a new genre, appearing before fans in the comedy "Christmas Chronicles - 2".

Personal life

The relationship with representatives of the weak half of humanity Gibson never really did not spread. Despite the efforts of the actor, do not betray his personal life, it has always been able to calculate the specimens to whom the eminent artist experienced tender feelings.

From 2007 to 2009, the American was married to Mitchell's norm. Almost immediately after marriage, the spouse gave a beloved daughter. However, the fire of love was burning for a long time. The reasons for the collapse of the family still remain a mystery. Also in the amur piggy bank of the actor relationship with R & B singer Bandy Norwood (met from 2002 to 2003), actresses of Sofia Vergara (2006), Cameron Diaz (2007), Claudia Jordan (2009) and models of Dafa Joy (2011) and Melissa Ford (2007).

On November 30, 2013, a close friend of Tyreiz was killed in a car accident, a member of the film "Fasting" Paul Walker. This terrible news shocked the actor, which soon after the tragedy went to the accident. Despite the mass of zoo and journalists, Gibson failed to keep emotions, mourning the death of Walker. The artist took with him some wreckage of a broken car.

Later in Twitter, the actor posted a post dedicated to the death of a friend. To the photo of one of the car fragments taken, he added a comment in which he admitted that she would retain the energy of Walker forever. For the family of fans of "Fursazha", according to Gibson, the floor remained alive and love fans.

At the funeral held on December 14 of the same year in Glendale (California), Tyreiz turned out to be among those who carried the coffin of the artist. Conducting a comrade on the last journey, Gibson, like many of those present, could not restrain tears again.

In 2016, the actor fans did not promote a joke, deciding that their idol changed his religion, going from Catholicism to Islam. The reason for this was post placed Gibson during a trip to Qatar. Here Tyreiz visited the mosque and took the prayer-namaz lesson. Photos and videos of this visit, the performer posted in the social network.

The post turned out to be excessively emotional: the actor said that, for the first time to climb in such a place, he felt his heart quickly beats, and felt a true blessing. Before that, Gibson has already laid out pictures from traveling in the east, which appeared in Muslim clothes.

Undes to the attention of the public and the expression "in Sha Allah" ("If Allahu is pleased"), which the artist used in the comments. However, later Tyreiz himself made it possible to understand the fans, which did not accept Islam and still confesses Christianity, and Qatar attended business purposes, planning to open a film studio there.

In 2017, it became known about the novel of the actor with a new chosen. In the romantic date - Valentine's Day - the couple was combined with marriage. And in October 2018, Samantha Lee Gibson's wife gave her husband another daughter, wa about.

The performer of one of the main roles of the film "Interception" regularly posts the photos on which specially designed products (T-shirts, bracelets) are captured, and encourages subscribers without passing by, buying goods, money from the sale of which will go to the Community Charitable Foundation and may be saved by someone's life.

It is worth noting that social networks are not the only resource telling fans about the latest news from the life of Tyreiz. On various Internet portals and in printed publications, materials related to the creative biography of the Hollywood Star are often published.

Tyreiz Gibson now

In 2021, the actor continued to film. His piggy bank has been replenished with roles in the horror movie "Morbiius" and the Forsazh-9 blockbuster.


  • 2001 - "Kid"
  • 2003 - "Double Forement"
  • 2004 - "Flying of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Blood for blood"
  • 2006 - "Fight"
  • 2007 - "Transformers"
  • 2008 - "Death Race"
  • 2009 - "Transformers: False Revenge"
  • 2010 - "Legion"
  • 2011 - "Transformers 3: Dark Side of the Moon"
  • 2013 - "Fast and Furious 6"
  • 2015 - "Fast and Furious 7"
  • 2017 - "Transformers: Last Knight"
  • 2017 - "Fast and Furious 8"
  • 2019 - "Black and Blue"
  • 2020 - "Christmas Chronicles 2"
  • 2021 - "Fast and Furious 9"
  • 2021 - "Morbius"

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