Philip Vasilyev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Maria Bologonkina 2021



Philip Vasiliev - the actor of the second plan and the participant in the entrepreneurship of performances. The name of the artist is more likely to associate with famous parents - People's Artist Tatiana Vasilyeva and the "Crew" and "Svatov" star Anatoly Vasilyev.

Childhood and youth

Philip Vasilyev was born on September 15, 1978 in Moscow in the family of Artists Tatiana and Anatolia Vasilyev. Parents divorced when Philip was four years old. In 1986, the sister of Philip - Elizabeth, Tatiana Daughter Vasilyeva and George Martirosyan, was born. With a second husband, George Martirosyan, Tatiana Vasilyeva also divorced. Children brought up alone.

Philip Vasilyev and Tatyana Vasiliev

Having received a serious legal education, Philip once said Mother, which wants to try himself in actor.

"Play. If you have something to get out, then go learn. We rehearsed with him together, then played in one play. And I realized that he was an actor, "Tatyana Vasilyeva answered it.

In 2000, Philip graduated from VGIK (Anatoly Romashin's workshop), and in 2012 - rati-guitis (Tatiana Akhramsova's workshop).


Philip Vasilyev got from the Parents-artists Bright appearance (growth - 198 cm). According to the famous mother, he has all the qualities of character to be an actor. The creative biography of the artist began in 2006 with the episodic role of the attending physician in the film "Ivan Pushkin. Gentleman Suda-1. " Playing in the detective TV series Andrei Marmontov, Philip came out onto one set not only with his mother, but also with Dmitry Kharatyan, Yulia Rutberg, Valery Garkalin, and others.

Philip Vasilyev

The next work of Philip Vasilyeva in the cinema was the detective series Vyacheslav Nikiforova "Narchar". The actor got the role of the prisoner Hans, acquainted in prison with the main hero of the "Signal". After an episodic role in the painting "Bet for Life" of the actor in 2010, Alexander Holmsky invited the monk from the monastery of the father of the Alkida ions in the historical drama "in the forests and on the mountains." The series tells about the life of the inhabitants of the provincial town on the Volga.

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After the roles of Rastorguev in the militant "Wild-3" and Goosh in "Consissal" in 2013, Philip played in the series of Marat Kim on the Women on the Edge. The series is shot as the adaptation of the Argentine painting "Women's killer". In each series of the film - the story of a woman who fell into a terrible life situation. The series was based on real stories. Philip Vasilyev starred in the "Easy Character" series as an advertiser Arkady Nikitkov, who kills his wife in his own office. In the same year, the fourth season of the "Zemsky Doctor" came out. Philipp was starred in the role of the sanatorium doctor Ivan Andreevich.

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In 2015, the artist was invited to the picture of Alexander Baranov and Yuri Mazura "Mystery of Kumir". The film is a detective story about the events that happened on the eve of the Olympiad-80. The main character of the picture is the favorite of women and party tops, a handsome musician. Philip Vasiliev played the role of Jeweler. The last work in the movie Philip Vasilyeva - the role of the Gorokhov nicknamed Small, friend of childhood of the main character in the criminal melodrama Stanislav Shmelev "Provocator".


In addition to working in the cinema, Philip Vasilyev goes to the theater scene. The artist plays in theatrical entrepreneurs. Anthrepriza - a phenomenon that takes an increasing role in theatrical life. While in academic theaters, they think how to take the work of their artists, the actors are known for all Russia themselves decide who will become a new director, what kind of performance to put on what scene to play.

Philip Vasilyev in the theater

The first performance Philip Vasilyev played in 2005. It was the formulation of Dmitry Petruny "Second Breath" on the play Kirill Andreeva. Tatyana Vasilyeva and Vladimir Dolinsky played in Antenpuriz. Philip Vasilyev played the guard, the son of the teacher of Russian literature. According to the plot, the teacher goes to work instead of the sick daughter. And there is a daughter "Night Butterfly". The performance was easy and funny.

Full Philip Vasilyev

The performance of 2006 Bella Chao in the formulation of Rodion Ovchinnikov received an ambiguous assessment of viewers and many critical feedback in the press. In the play "Raffle", the son of Philipped came to the scene along with Parents Tatiana and Anatoly Vasilyev. The sea of ​​positive feedback from the public and critics caused the statement of Alexander Gorbanya "13th Button Napoleon".

Philip Vasilyev on the same stage with parents

Tatyana Vasilyeva, Sergey Growth, Irina Tsyvina, Philip Vasilyev, Valentin Samokhin took part in the play. In 2011, Philipp Vasilyev played in the play Mikhail Lashitsky "View of the sea from the cabinet" on the work of the Glanna Slutski and Valentina Gorlov "Love me, like me."

Personal life

In 2008, Philip Vasilyev married the actress of the theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov Anastasia Rugowee. Children Ivan and Grigory were born in marriage. The family settled in Berlin. The marriage was short-lived - in 2015 the spouses broke up. On the network and on television, several years ago, the scandal broken in the Vasiliev family was burly. Philip's wife, Anastasia Runov, by rumors, started the novel and left Vasilyeva.

Philip Vasilyev and Anastasia Runov

When divorced, the wife grabbed a large amount of money donated by the mother-in-law Tatiana Vasilyeva. The subject of the scandalous discussion was also an apartment in the center of Moscow, purchased for young spouses Tatiana. Now Anastasia Runov lives in Germany with a new husband and sometimes gives an impartial interview in the press about former mother-in-law and her husband.

Philip Vasilyev with children

In October 2016, Philip Vasilyev married Actress Mary Bolonkina. Mirra's daughter was born on November 6, 2016. Spouses first hid the news of the birth of babies. Two weeks after the birth, the new wife Vasilyeva posted a photo of a newborn in the "Instagram" with comments.

Philip Vasilyev and Maria Bolonkin

According to Tatiana Vasilyeva, she will do everything to be comfortable. The actress is so accustomed that the well-being of children depends only on it, which continues and now there are long-growing offspring. Family of the family of Vasilievsky Stanislav Sadalsky laid out in the "Instagram" a photocollate dedicated to Mirrier, signing the photo by a comment that the baby is very similar to the Father.

Philip Vasilyev now

Philip Vasilyev is now in a circle of a new wave of a scandal around the ex-wife. Anastasia Begunov on September 6, 2017 gave a scandalous interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda about a two-year court feerage for an apartment with a family of Vasilyev.

Philip Vasilyev in 2017

Today Philip Vasilyev goes to the scene in Antenpuriz "Catch me! Can you? ". The performance begins with a banal situation: the wife returns home and find her husband in the embrace of the other. Philip plays together with Tatyana Vasilyeva, Fedor Dobronravov, Elena Safonova, etc. The performance was delivered by the director Nina Chusovoy.


  • 2006 - "Ivan Pushkin. Gentleman Susk-1 "
  • 2008 - "SOCHAR"
  • 2008 - "Betting on life"
  • 2010 - "In the forests and mountains"
  • 2012 - "Wild-3"
  • 2013 - "Case Come"
  • 2013 - "Women on the Edge"
  • 2013 - "Zemsky Doctor. Return"
  • 2015 - "Mystery of Kumir"
  • 2016 - "Provocateur"

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