Denis Vilnev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director 2021



Franco Canadian director and screenwriter Denis Vilnev came to the world of art in the late 80s of the 20th century. On the account of the Master there are works that have been recognized among critics, colleagues and viewers. Not once, he received rewards as the best director of the year.

Childhood and youth

Denis Vilneva's biography began on October 3, 1967. A man was born in True Riviera, Quebec, Canada. By nationality he is Canadian.

Denis's parents became Nicole Demers and Jean Villenev. He was not the only child in the family - later his brother Martin appeared. Relatives together have comprehended Aza directs.

There is practically no information about Childhood Wilnev. It is known that the director did not attend school. Parents gave the Son to St. Joseph's seminary, located near the house.

Later, the young man began to attend college classes. A few years later, Denis officially became a student of the Cinematographic Department of the University of Quebec, located in Montreal.

Personal life

Denis Vilnev's personal life is not so good as a career. The director was combined with a marriage twice. The first wife became Canadian film actress Mac Grenon. The couple had three children with whom the Father had a good relationship.

After a divorce, the celebrity attracted the journalist illuminating cultural life. We are talking about Tanya Lapoint, photos from which often flashed in a secular chronicle. In marriage with a reporter, children did not appear.

Villenev prefers free time to devote a family, so pages in social networks, including in "Instagram", there is no directory.


The history of Vilneva as a professional director began in 1988. Inexperienced guy introduced a documentary called La Course Destination Monde. Public resonance painting did not argue. And after 2 years, the first award appeared in Deni's piggy bank, received at the La Course Europe-Asie contest. The organizer was Radio Canada.

The first works of Denis were short films. A bright example was the rew-ffwd tape, which he presented in 1994. A talented guy even wrote a script to this picture. In November 1996, he saw the light of the dramatic project of the director "Cosmos". The film gathered a few short films. Several specialists worked on the creation of tape, Villenev worked on a part of the "space" called Le TechNetium.

It took 2 years before Denis could show the audience a new job. She was called "August 32 on Earth." The painting starred such actors like Paula Bayyrjon, Emmanuel Bilodo. In 1998, Renta was shown at the Cannes Festival. Together with the other, the main character of the painting decides to have a child. On the peripetias of such cooperation tells Villenev, who wrote a script for the film.

The vocational breakthrough of Denis was called the Ribbon "whirlpool", which was presented at festivals in different parts of the world in 2000. On the main role, the screenwriter and director invited Marie-Jose Croze. For this work, a man received several awards, including the "whirlpool" called the best Canadian film.

For several years, Denis worked together with Jacques Davids over Polytech. The feature film turned out to be a commercially successful project. He went to hire in February 2009. Despite the controversial moments that have noted critics, the tape received approval and award.

Incredible success came to Denis Villenev after demonstrating the film "Fires". This is the screen version of the player of the Livanian writer of Lebanese origin of Moavada. For the first time, the members of the jury of the International Film Festival were seen in Toronto. Later, the show was held in Venice. After that, "fires" looked at the audience. Denis awarded the award for the director and the adaptation of the script. On the 83rd Academy Prize, the film was presented in the category "Best Foreign Film".

To stop at this Vilnev did not intend. In the next project, the director invited Hugh Jackman and Jake Jillenhol. The tape was called "prisoners", she came out in 2013. This work was nominated for filmmakes.

At the same time, the fans of the creativity of Denis met the "enemy". The film got a lot of approving reviews from film critics. Villenev described the ribbon as a psychological thriller.

Other director's work also recognize successful projects. Confirmation of this is the film "Killer", which was released in 2015. The picture was presented at the Cannes Festival.

After reading the "history of your life" of the authorship of Ted Chayan, Vilnev was inspired and removed the "Arrival" tape. After entering the rental, the film earned more than $ 203 million. The success of sci-fi work earned the praise of critics. Noted "Arrival" at the 89th ceremony of awards of the Academy. The film Institute recognized the film with the film.

The rapid growth in the popularity of Denis Vilneva occurred after a new film director "Running on the blade - 2049" was presented in the cinemas around the world. The author of the painting called the work of Sicvelly Ribbon, filmed by Harrison Ford in 1982. The main role of Denis invited Ryan Gosling.

The audience became acquainted with the world, which was divided into people and their similarity - replicants. It is these strange creatures, created by the likeness of a person, are engaged in difficult work. The behavior of the replicants follow the police officer Kay (Ryan Gosling), but unexpectedly the guy makes a terrible discovery.

In mid-September 2017, Denis Villenev came to Moscow, where he personally presented the "Blade Running - 2049." As part of the visit, the director visited the program "Evening Urgant", where he discussed with the TV presenter.

In February 2017, it became known that the director filmography will be replenished with a dune ribbon. This picture is a remake shot by David Lynch film.

Denis Vilnev now

In September 2020, the Warner Bros film company released the first trailer for the film Dune Dune, which caused a large excitement among the spectators. The picture will be an empty of the first half of the name of the book Frank Herbert. In the future, it is planned to work on the continuation of the painting - a full-fledged series of films will be released.

The plot is spinning around a young man named Paul Atreydess. His family received in the management of Planet Arrakis, which produces a valuable resource - Spice. This is a substance that acts like a strong drug. It prolongs human life and improves brain activity at times. Once on the planet there is a coup in which the power will be overthrowing. After betrayal, the floor wants to return control over Arrakis.

It should be noted that the cinematographers have already appealed to Vilneva. In 1984, David Lynch was released on the screens, and then there were two series.

Pictures took place in 2019. Part of the scenes were removed in August 2020. Now it is known that the estimated date of release is December 17, 2021, if there are no changes in connection with the coronavirus infection.

The main role in the film was played by Actor Timothy Shalamma, who is known for the fact that the "Oscar" was nominated for the drama "call me with your own name." Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Izek, Josh Brolin, Dave Batista, Javier Bardem and others are involved in the filming.


  • 1996 - "Cosmos"
  • 1998 - "32nd August on Earth"
  • 2000 - "Whirlpool"
  • 2006 - "120 seconds before victory in the election"
  • 2008 - "floor above"
  • 2008 - "Polytech"
  • 2010 - "Fires"
  • 2011 - "Empirical Studies on the Effect of Sound for Physicopiness"
  • 2013 - "Captrans"
  • 2013 - "Enemy"
  • 2015 - "Killer"
  • 2016 - "Arrival"
  • 2017 - "Blade Running 2049"

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