Justin Long - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The name of American Pointers Justin Long is familiar to the comedy genre lovers. After entering the wide screens of the humorous projects "Crossroads", "divorce american" and "big frustral" with the participation of Long, his appearance on the screen is a smile. But Justin is under the power and dramatic roles: in the filmography of the actor - work in thrillers, melodramas and horrors, where it is no less convinced.

Childhood and youth

Justin Jackob Long is a native of the American Connecticut state. An artist in the summer of 1978 appeared in the city of Fairfield, in the family of actress and teacher.

Mom Justin, the former actress of theaters on Broadway Wendy Lesnik, raised children in rigor. My father was solidary - Professor Philosophy James Long. Sons followed the Catholic commandments and received religious education. On well-established home tradition, every Sunday family met on the church Messe, holding the canons of faith.

Justin Long has studied at the Jesuit School, where, in addition to physics and mathematics, studied ancient languages ​​and antique history. But not strict school rules and religious education in the family became decisive in Justin's biography. Since childhood, artistry and cheerful temper manifested in the boy. Young Long, sociable and energetic, easily started new friends, turned out to be in the center of any company. Teachers early noticed the acting talents of the boy and often involved him in school productions, trusting the main roles.

Justin Long with parents and brother

Despite the rigor and religious morals in the family, the parents did not oppose their son's passion and even found him a dramatic circle, where Justin Long honed acting skills.

In fairness it is worth noting that all children of the Long family turned out to be artistic. All three sons became actors. Mom helped their professional advice in every way. Looking ahead, let's say that Justin's younger brother - Christian Long recently appeared in youth series and promises that he heard about him in the near future. The elder brother Damian Long goes to Broadway's theatrical layout and puts together with the students of the prestigious school Weston High performances.

Justin Long in youth

But the Middle Son achieved the greatest success. After graduating from Higher School, Justin Long became a student of the Humanitarian College of Vassar, the famous acting troupe of comedians. In the first days of stay in College, the guy took in Troupe, where he improved acting skills. Soon the novice comedian joined the LaughingStock troupe ("Stitching"), as part of which appeared on the stage.

The troupe game attracted the attention of American filmmakers. Casting-director of MGM, seeing the game Long, offered a young artist participation in the advertisement "Pepsi". The work brought Justin a fee and acquaintance with the legendary clint of Nature, about short collaboration with which the actor with admiration says today.


Removing in commercials, Justin Long did not stop working in the "Stitching" troupe. But in 1999 it was interrupted due to the appearance on the shooting platform of the comedy project Dina Pariso "in search of the Galaxy". The series, in which Sigurnie Weaver and Alan Rickman played the main roles, sat near Paul-America TVs. Therefore, participation in the project, even in a small role, brought recognition to Justin Long.

Next year, the actor was involved in the new project - the TV series "ED, where he played the hero named Warren and appeared on the screens all 4 years of project exit. Parallel Long was shot in other films and serials.

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In 2001, the premiere of the thriller "Jeepers Criepers", filmed by film studios of the United States and Germany, took place in Munich. Justin Long, Gine Phillips and Jonatan Breq trusted the main roles. Character Darius Jenner (Darry) - the first work of Long to the cinema, where he played a key character.

In 2002, the shooting of the continuation of the film "Jeepers Criepers" began, in which Justin appeared on the set with Ray Wiz and Nikki Eicox. The premiere took place in the spring of 2003. Work in the "horror" brought a nomination for the "Saturn" nomination to the young actor, turning into the rising star Hollywood.

Justin Long and Nikki Eicox

Another bright project in which Long is involved and whose rating took off to heaven - the comedy melodrama "Crossroads", where Justin played the boyfriend of the heroine Britney Spears. The actor got the role that half of men dreamed of men. Then the popular comedic ribbons "bouncers", "Big Geutva" and "Crazy Racing" followed.

From 2006 to 2010, Justin Long starred in independent cinema and large projects of the Dream Factory. The brightest role of that period is the films "Divorce of American", "Strong nut 4.0", "Snowman", "promise - does not mean marry."

Justin Long in the role of Steve Jobs

Strengthened on the World Filmirimpe Long helped the paintings "take me to hell", "Life beyond", "at the distance of love" and "conspirator". Looking at them, Long firmly took a star niche in American cinema.

In the spring of 2013, the premiere of the parody film about the creator of Apple is Steve Jobs, in which Justin Long played a major role. Full-length picture "Istiv" - the first film about the pioneer of the Era of IT-technologies, shot after his death.

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Next year, the actor pleased fans by the appearance of Kevin Smith "Timber" in comedy horror. This is the first part of the trilogy, where the films "Yoganut" and "Melosy's Jaws" will enter. Director Kevin Smith called the genre in which the project takes off, Arthaus Body-horror. The comedy "TEVEN", in which Justin Long and Michael Parks starred in the lead roles, received a warm reception of the audience.

In 2015, the audience saw Justin in the comedy Skatchkom "Portland", where he got an episode.

Personal life

Justin Long is difficult to call Lovelas, but in his biography there is a para-triple of novels, which they say. In 2010, on the set of melodrama "At the distance of love", the actor met Drew Barrymore: they have a fervor novel on the scenario. It is rumored that romantic relationships from the set flowed into real life and lasted a year. The reason for the separation of stars is not clear.

Justin Long and Drew Barrymore

Soon in American tabloids reported new relations of Justin Long since one Hollywood diva - Kirsten Dunst. Friends of the actors in a couple of months confirmed that Roman Justin and Kirsten - True, but the couple avoided the frank answers to questions about personal life and not advertised the connection.

Together, two stars looked great: Blonde Beauty Kirsten and Static (Long growth - 1.74 meters with weight 82 kilograms) Brunette. But these relationships ended with nothing.

The place of Kirsten Dunst occupied Amanda Seyfried. The girl drew attention to the colleague because of the post in "Instagram", where Justin Long posted a photo of a snail, signing it "Come on DVIIIIIIIGAY".

Roman lasted two years, and friends of the couple started talking about soon. Career takeoff and employment became an obstacle to the development of love relationships. In 2015, a source of Sayphrid's environment told reporters that the couple was parted at the initiative of Amanda: the discrepancy of the working graphs was removed in love with each other.

Justin Long and Lauren Meibrie

Healing the broken heart of the actor charming Scotland Lauren Meibrie, vocalist of the synth pop group from Glasgow "Chvrches". Lauren is a performer and journalist.

Justin Long now

In the summer of 2016, the second part of the "Canadian trilogy" was published - the film "Yoganut". The world premiere of the comedy- "horror" Kevin Smith took place in the middle of the summer, in the United States. Long played Yoga Bayer.

Justin Long in 2017

The daughter of Johnny Depp - Lily Rose Depp and Harley Queen starred. Depp appeared, playing a detective Gi Lapointa.

The yield of the third part of the trilogy - "Melosy's jaws" - announced at the end of 2017.


  • 2000 - "ED"
  • 2001 - "Jeepers Criepers"
  • 2002 - "Crossroads"
  • 2002 - "Jeepers Criepers - 2"
  • 2004 - "Bouncer"
  • 2005 - "Crazy Racing"
  • 2005 - "Big Geutva"
  • 2007 - "Strong nut 4.0"
  • 2009 - "Promise - does not mean marry"
  • 2009 - "Life by the Grand"
  • 2010 - "At the distance of love"
  • 2013 - "Istiv"
  • 2014 - "Timber"
  • 2015 - "Portland"
  • 2016 - "Yoganut"

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