Howard Lovecraft - biography, photos, personal life, books



Fear is the strongest sense of man. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the literature and cinema paid so much space to this negative emotional process. But in the world, the few of the writers who could not only captivate the reader, but also scare it to goosebumps on the skin. The number of writers includes Howard Phillips Lovecraft, who are often called Edgar in the twentieth century.

Howard Lovecraft

The creator of the "Myths of Ktulhu" is so original that in the literature it is customary to allocate a separate genre - "Lovecraft horrors". Howard has gained thousands of followers (August Derlet, Stephen King, Clark Ashton Smith), but during his lifetime did not see any printed book. Lovecraft sign on the works of "Call of Khulhu", "Blowing fear", "on the other side of sleep", "загое", etc.

Childhood and youth

Howard was born on March 15, 1937 in the capital of Roth Island - Providence. This city with chaotic streets, crowded areas and gothic spiers are often found in the works of Lovecraft: Throughout the life of the Genius of the literature, it was acute in his homeland. The writer told that he comes from Astronoma John Field, who lived in the era of Elizabeth I and introduced the United Kingdom with the works of Nikolai Copernicus.

The childhood of young Howard was peculiar. A quiet and intelligent boy grew up to a two-year-old age in the suburb of Boston and brought up in the family of a jewelry commivoy of Winfield Scott, who lost the reason and went crazy. Winfield was placed in a psychiatric hospital, where he soon passed away, and Sarah Susan with the two-year-old son moved to the three-storey male house of his relatives on Angell Street, 454.

Portrait of Howard Lovecraft

The cottage belonged to the grandfather of Lovecraft Wipple Wanu Buren Phillips and his wife Roby, who were heard by the avid book and kept a big library. Also at their disposal there were several servants, a fruit garden with a fountain and a stable with three horses. You could only dream about such luxury, but in the life of a little Howard was not so smooth. Winfield's mental illness was transferred to Susan: Losing a spouse, she became an obsessed idea that Howard was all that she had.

Therefore, Susan did not move away from his hotly beloved Chad, trying to fulfill even the most bizarre whims of the Son. Yes, and grandfather loved to pamper a little grandson, in all hidden him. Howard's mother loved to wear a boy in the girl's clothes. It is noteworthy that the parents of Ernest Hemingway also bought his offspring dresses and hair gum.

Howard Lovecraft in childhood

Such education did not prevent the Guedderkind Howard, who began to reclaim the poem, hardly learning to walk, add to the literature. Lovecraft days and nights sat in the grandfather library, overflowing books. Not only the classic works, but also the Arab fairy tales came to the hands of the young man: he read the stories told by Shehrezada.

The first years of Howard received a home education. Since the boy had weak health, he could not attend an educational institution, so he had to master physics, chemistry, mathematics and literature on his own. When Lovecraft turned 12, he, to his happiness, began to go to school again, but it lasted for a short time. The fact is that in 1904 Wipple Wang Buren Phillips died, because of which the family lost its main source of income.

Consequently, Lovecraft, together with his mother, barely reduced ends meet, had to move to the lodge lodge. The death of the grandfather and the departure was sealed Howard, he plunged into a deep depression and even thought to reduce the scores with life. Ultimately, the author "Dagon" did not receive a certificate of middle education, which was ashamed of all his life.


Howard Phillips Lovecraft took over the inkwell and feather in childhood. The boy was constantly tormented by nightmares, because of which the dream was a terrible torture, for it was not possible to manage these dreams or wake up from Lovecraft. Throughout the night, he observed in his wrecking imagination of frightening creatures with a webbed wings, which were called "night masts".

The first works of Howard were written in the fantastic genre, however, Lovecraft threw this "non-serious literature" and began to hone the skill, writing poems and essays. But in 1917, Howard returned to fiction again and released the stories "Cyrp" and Dagon.

Howard Lovecraft

The plot of the latter is built around the Dagon's deity, which belongs to the pantheon of the myths of Cthulhu. The appearance of this deep-sea monster causes disgust, and his huge scaly hands will make it harm everyone and everyone.

It would seem that success is already close, for "Dagon" was printed in the journal in 1923. But in the life of Howard, the misfortune happened. His mother got into the same hospital, where his father was koted the last years of his life. Sarah died on May 21, 1921, the doctors could not cure this crazy woman. Therefore, in order to distract from torment, the genius of literature began to work hard.

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Howard Lovecraft managed to invent his unique worlds that can be put in one row with the Mediterranean John Tolkina, the flat world of Terry Pratchett, the country of Laven Frank Bauma and other parallel universal literature. Howard became the founder of some kind of mystical cult: there are people in the world who believe in unprecedented and almighty deities (ancient), which are found in Necronomicon.

Writer's fans know that Lovecraft refers to his works on the oldest sources. Necronomicon is the encyclopedia of magical rituals, firmly associated with the myths of Khulhu, which is first found in the story "Dog" (1923).

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The writer himself said that the manuscript existed in reality, and claimed that the "Book of the Dead" wrote a mad Arab Abdul Algazred (the early pseudonym of the writer, inspired by the "Arab nights"). Also walks the legend that this book is stored for seven castles, for it is dangerous for the mental and physical health of the reader.

It is noteworthy that excerpts from the "necronomicon" were scattered along the Lovecraft stories and the stories, and these quotes were collected in a single volume of enthusiasts. The first to do it came up the writer Augustus drill - a passionate fan of Howard. By the way, the "necronomicon" semblance used the director Sam Raymi in his cult trilogy "Evil Dead" (1981,1987,992).

Sketch of Ctulhu hand Howard Lovecraft

Also, the master of the feather endowed his books a kind of spells and drawings. For example, to respect the great and terrible Ktulhu, the adept of the cruel cult should be pronounced: "PCH'GLUI MGLV'NAFH KTULUHU R'LEH VGAH''Nagl Fhtagn!" By the way, for the first time a giant octopog-like monster, sleeping at the Pacific Ocean and the able to influence the mind of a person, appeared in the story "Call Ktulhu" (1928).

Next, a year later, it comes out under the name "Horror Danvich" (1929). Lovecraft tells his reader about the fictional city, which is in the north of Central Massachusetts. In this gloomy place, an old man who loved to perform sinister rites, and the young man Wilbur, who was not at all a man, but a strange creature with tentacles.

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In 1931, Howard replenished his creative biography of the fantastic novel "Madness Ridge", and also composed the story "Shadow over Innsmut" (1931), the plot of which revolves around the mystery: the enveloping gloomy town, where people who possess ominous appearance seem to be unexplored Previously, the disease.

In the same 1931, Lovecraft wrote another work - "whispering in darkness", where extraterrestrial race of reasonable mushrooms Mi-th is mentioned for the first time. In his story, the writer mixes in one bottle of detective, science fiction and seasoned his creation by a special Lovecraft reception.

Azatot - Monster Howard Lovecraft

The books of Lovekraft are terrible that the psychological horror of the unexplored, and not primitive intimidation of the reader of vampires, monsters, monsters, zombies and other characters are used in his manuscripts. Moreover, Howard knew how to pump such an atmosphere of Suspense, which perhaps Alfred Hichkok himself would have envied this genius of literature.

Later, Lovecraft presented the story "dreams in a witch house" (1932). The story describes the life of the curious student Walter Jilman, having heard the stories about the sordunion of Kezia Mason, who could easily move in space. But the young guy is confident that the witch travels in the fourth dimension. Ultimately, puzzled Walter begins to see nightmares: as soon as the morphor touches the eyes of the main character, the evil old woman begins to mock him.

Hastur - Monster Howard Lovecraft

In 1933, Howard composed a story with the speaking name - "Creator on the threshold." Fabul works develops in the fictional town of Arkhem, in the house of architect Daniel Apton, who is trying to explain to the reader, why he killed his friend - the writer Edward Pikman Derby. This work with an unexpected ending plenty is dipping an avid book in mystical and intricate stories.

Then, in 1935, Lovecraft released a book "Beyond Times" and in the same year he dedicated to Robert Bloch a new product - "dwelling in darkness." This book tells about the writer Robert Blake, who was found dead at home. On the face of the writer, the horror was frozen, and judge what happened in that fatal day of death, it is possible only to memorize, scattered on the table.

Nyarlathhotep - Monster Howard Lovecraft

Among other things, on the service of Howard there is a collection of sonnets "Mushrooms from Yuggota", written in 1929. Also Lovecraft, whose indisputable talent appreciated fans, helped their colleagues on the workshop in writing stories. Moreover, it often happened that all the laurels of the honor were delivered to the second co-auto author who had a smaller contribution to the PodaBul of the work.

Lovecraft left behind an epistolar heritage, scientists said that a hundred thousand letters were written with the hand of mysticism. Including the drafts of other writers fixed by Lovecraft. Thus, Howard left only a few sentences from the "original", receiving an insignificant amount for this, while some co-authors were content with large fees.

Personal life

Howard Lovecraft lived a recovery life. He could be at the table with days and nights, writing fantastic novels, which became popular only after the death of the author. The wizard of the word was actively published in journals, but the money that the editors paid was not enough for a decent existence.

It is known that the "fodder" of Lovecraft editorial activity in the industry of amateur literary journalism. He not only did from the drafts of writers "candy", but also engaged in a reprint of texts manually, that it took him, for even the own texts of Howard reprinted with difficulty.

Writer Howard Lovecraft

Contemporaries said that a tall and thin man whose appearance reminds Boris Carlofa (played in the film "Frankenstein" on the novel by Mary Shelly) and Max von Sudov, was a good and responsive man whose soft smile gave warmth. Lovecraft knew how to empathize, for example, the suicide of the friend of Robert Howard, who decided on such an act due to the death of the mother - wounded Lovecraft in the heart and sighed his health.

In addition, the author of the blood of horror blood adored cats, ice cream and travel: he was in New England, Quebec, Philadelphia and Charleston. Paradoxically, Lovecraft did not like cold and slushful weather, the atmosphere of which reigns in the novels of Edgar in and paintings by Tim Berton. Also, he was tired of everything that is connected with the sea, although his works are impregnated with the smell of water and raw coastal beaches.

Howard Lovecraft and his wife Sonya Green

As for the amournal relationship, it is known only about one of the writer, the natives of the Russian Empire - Sona Green. Lovers moved from Pacific Providence to the noisy New York, but Lovecraft could not stand crowded and rapid pace of life. Soon the spouse broke up, not having time to arrange a divorce.


Learning about the death of a friend who fired himself in his mouth from a pistol, Howard could not come to himself. Ultimately, he stopped eating food, for he has discovered an intestine cancer. Lovecraft died on March 15, 1937 in his native Providence, surviving Robert Howard for nine months.

Grave Howard Lovecraft

Subsequently, the work of the writer often took the basis of various films and cartoons, and Howard himself wanted to build a monument in Providence.


  • 1917 - "Crypt"
  • 1917 - "Dagon"
  • 1919 - "Reincarnation of Juan Romero"
  • 1920 - "Cats Ultar"
  • 1921 - "Music Erich Tsana"
  • 1925 - "Holiday"
  • 1927 - "Color from other worlds"
  • 1927 - "Case Charles Dexter Ward"
  • 1928 - "Call Ktulhu"
  • 1929 - "Horror Danvich"
  • 1929 - "Silver Key"
  • 1931 - "Madness Rats"
  • 1931 - "Shadow over Innsmut"
  • 1931 - "Whispering in the darkness"

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