Larisa Reisner - biography, photo, personal life, poems



Comraders and friends called Larisa Rysner Fatal Woman, Valkiria Revolution, Meteor. Fate aligned her 30 years of life, but during this short period the Reisner managed to leave a bright mark in history, literature and biographies of many famous people.

Larisa Reisner

Writer and poetess, revolutionary and commissioner, she was good everywhere: in Poetic salons of St. Petersburg, in the General Staff of the Navy, on the deck of a warship and a horse in the mountains of Afghanistan. Larisa Reisner hurried to live, love, create and died in flight, and did not have time to build up.

Childhood and youth

Larisa was born on the night from 1 to 2 May 1895, but the official date of birth, the reisner called May 1. Either tribute to the Ostsee roots and Valpurgiy night, whether the desire to join the International Day of Solidarity of Workers.

Larisa Reisner as a child

Early childhood Larisa Reisner passed in Polish Lublin, where he worked as a professor of the right Father. After 3 years in the family, the son of Igor was born, in the future Orientalist, an expert on India and Afghanistan. Brother Larisa appeared in Tomsk, where the family moved due to the work of the Father: Mikhail Andreevich worked at the local university.

From 1903 to 1907, Mikhail Reisner taught at the University in Germany, before this (in 1905) transported the family to St. Petersburg. Larisa with mom and brother repeatedly visited the Father. Larisa Raisner has grown in prosperity and luxury, with the ideas of social democracy, universal equality and fraternity turned out to be close to the family: they were fond of Mikhail and Igor Reisner.

Larisa Reisner as a child

In the St. Petersburg apartment (from 1907 to 1918 to 1918, H. Lehichtenbergsky's Duke of H. Lehichtenberg's house came to visit the famous revolutionaries and masters of the minds. Professor of law was familiar with August Bebel and Karl Liebknecht. Vladimir Lenin and Vladimir Lenin also visited the house.

In the future, the youthful passion for communist ideas determined Larisa's activities. In 1912, a girl came out of the door of the gymnasium with a gold medal and went to the Institute of Psychoneurology: he taught dad to the university. But bypassing the lecture on the history of the political flows of Larisa, the Reisner could not: she passed the entire lecture cycle. At the same time, the reisner was interested in literature. Politics and poetry woven in her life together forever.


Larisa's debut Reisner in the literature took place in 1913. In Almana, Ryshovnik published a romantic play of an 18-year-old girl called "Atlantis". In 1915, a new page appeared in the creative biography of the Reisner: Larisa with the father published the magazine "Rudin", in which the "mutually deliberation of Russian life" branded "the disgrace of Russian life".

Larisa Reisner at work

In the 8th rooms "Rudina", who saw the light, the young poetess placed her poems and fekelons in which the Russian intelligentsia criticized. Editing Larisa Larisa Reisner In addition to ideologically, political articles and pamphlets gave the pages of publication by novice writers, opening the road to talented young men and girls.

The participants of the poetic mug of Osip Mandelstam and Vsevolod Christmas are collaborated with Rudin. The magazine closed in the spring of 1916 due to lack of funds. Larisa Reisner did not leave literary work. She collaborated with the magazine "Chronicle" and the newspaper "New Life", which Maxim Gorky edited.

Books Larisa Reisner

But the world of literature turned out to be too small for the self-expression of the reisner, so she rushed into the bunch of revolution, becoming her loyal fan. It was the element in which the woman felt like a fish in the water.

Larisa became the Baltflot Commissioner. In the elegant black overcoat, bold and beautiful, she was ecstasized by sailors, risked life. At the same time, a woman who grown in the bourgeois luxury did not refuse the usual comfort.

Vsevolod Christmas, having been in the apartment of Larisa Reisner at Admiralteyskaya (earlier - the dwelling of the Marine Minister Grigorovich), the abundance of luxury was convicted. "Revolutionary Valkyrie" met him in a bathrobe, embroidered with golden threads.

Commissioner Larisa Reisner

In 1917, the Reisner is the secretary of the People's Commissar of Anatoly Lunacharsky. She entered the commission under the executive committee of the Council of Deputies responsible for the safety of museum exhibits and monuments of art in post-revolutionary St. Petersburg. Next year, becoming a member of the WCP (b), Larisa Reisner appointed the Commissioner of the General Staff of the Navy. Together with the army squad, he participated in the battles, in the summer of 1918 she went to the rear of Kazan busy with the Beloe.

In the summer of 1920, the People's Commissar of Lev Trotsky trusted the post in the political enforcement of the Baltic Fleet. But from the literature, the Reisner did not refuse. In the early 1920s, the poetess collaborated with the Union of Poets, where he met Alexander Blok. In 1921, a woman with her husband Fedor Raskolnikov was departed in Afghanistan: the spouse was headed by dipmissia.

Larisa Reisner and Alexander Blok

After parting with the Raskolnikov Larisa, the Reisner arrived in Moscow, where he came together with the news of the news of Karl Radej and went to Germany with him. Becoming the witness of the Hamburg uprising, wrote a book and two cycles of essays.

After Germany, the Reisner as a journalist went to the Donbass. Soon, impressed with seen, wrote 10 essays, which united in the collection "Coal, iron and living people". In the same 1925, Larisa Reisner led the line under literary work, making the essays "Portraits of Decembrists".

Personal life

Valkyrie revolution was an amazingly beautiful woman. At the sight of her man column. It is not wonderful that the personal life of the fatal beauty is rich in novels whose heroes were prominent men.

Larisa Reisner and Nikolai Gumilev

In 1916-1917, the revolutionary and poetess fell in love with Nikolai Gumileva, at that time married to Anna Akhmatova. The windy poet, who revealed Larisa in the Bohemian St. Petersburg cafe "The Occa of Comedians", answered Larisa reciprocity.

But their stormy meetings in the House of Movie on the Pea Street ended sadly. The Raisner learned about the "parallel" Roman Gumilev with Anna Engelhardt. Followed by painful parting for female pride. The burning insult intensified when Nikolai Gumilev married a rival.

Larisa Reisner and Andrei Braduleov

Later Larisa, the Reisner looked to visit the Akhmatova, bringing the hungry poetess products. She admitted that the love of Nicholas Gumilev was so strong that Larisa was ready for him to go on the edge of the world. A vulnerable pride (Gumilev is the only one who preferred the beauty of the RIRNER raisner) resulted in the female revenge: when Larisa was at the peak of the Bolshevik government, she took care that the poet would have selected food missions.

Then, Larisa broke out a fleeting novel with a prose-marinist and jazz fan Sergey Savbasiev. But the Reisner married Michman Fedor Skolnikov, with whom she settled in Moscow, in a luxurious noble house with a servant.

Larisa Reisner and Fedor Raskolnikov

In the early 1920s, the spouse went to Afghanistan - Fedor Fedorovich sent to the country to lead the diplomatic mission. But the warm climate, palm trees, the attention of diplomats was tired of windy beauty.

The cause of the separation of Larisa Reisner presented a tragiously interrupted pregnancy, accusing her husband in this. They say, a real reason was not upset by the love of Nikolai Gumilev: the diplomat could not replace the poet. But to return Gumileva, the reisner could no longer: the writers were shot. Raskolnikov did not give a divorce of the spouse, but it did not become a barrier for the following love adventurists of freedom-loving "Valkyrie".

Larisa Reisner and Karl Radek

Upon returning to Moscow, Larisa Reisner broke out a short affair with a publicist Charles Radek, but after a joint trip to Germany, a woman left and from him. In the Donbas, the beauty had a connection with the party official Andrei Bradulov.

Bright, indomulusable "Valkiria" did not pay attention to Vsevolod Vishnevsky and Boris Pasternak. For the first reisner, she became a prototype of a female commissar in the play "Optimistic tragedy", the second called it the name of the main character of the novel "Dr. Zhivago". The image of Larisa Reisner was used in Romanov Andrei Valentinov and Boris Akunin. The legendary woman had a place in the TV series "Trotsky".


In the ridiculous death of a blooming 30-year-old beauty could not believe none. Larisa Reisner died in February 1926 in the capital. Drinking raw milk, she, brother and mother got sick in abdominal typhoid.

Grave Larisa Reisner

He has affected the health under work and personal turmoil. Brother and Mother Reisner survived, but after the death of Larisa Mom, he duty on her bed in the Kremlin Hospital, committed suicide. The grave of the Valkyrie revolution is located on the 20th plot of the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Later, fans and friends Larisa Reisner suggested that early death saved a woman from bloody reprisals. She would be recalled by a novel with the shot by Nikolai Gumilev, friendship with Lvom Trotsky, marriage with the Non-return Raskolnikov, a love relationship with the "enemy of the people" Radek.


  • 1913 - "Women's Types of Shakespeare" (under the pseudonym Leo Rinus)
  • 1913 - Ophelia
  • 1913 - "Atlantis"
  • 1917 - "Rilke"
  • 1917 - "Gonda"
  • 1924 - "Hamburg on barricades"
  • 1924 - "Front (the book of essays about the Civil War)"
  • 1925 - "Asian Tale"
  • 1925 - "Afghanistan"
  • 1925 - "Coal, Iron and Live People"
  • 1925 - "Portraits of Decembrists"
  • 1926 - "In the country of Hindenburg"

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