ATOS - Musketeer's biography, character and image, quotes


Character History

The trilogy on the adventures of D'Artagnian and the three musketeers was created for fifteen years, from 1844 to 1850. The success of the audience adventure novels decreed due to the exciting plot and the multifaceted personalities of the characters described. Romance of the noble environment, Friendship of men, battles and love peripetics in a closer to intrigues keep the reader's attention at the limit to the final of the narration. Interest is the fact that the heroes have prototypes among those who existed in reality.

Alexandr Duma

The first romance of the cycle - "Three Musketeers" - demonstrated the talent of Alexander Duma as a writer, prone to colorful descriptions and thoroughly thinking of the nuances of the storylines. Three books describe events taking place in France during the reign of Louis XIV. A curious acting face in them is Athos Musketeer, Count De La Fer.

History of creation

The company's main heroes ATOS is the oldest and wise character. His prototype was the twenty-year-old Musketeer, whose life was cut off when the debt was fulfilled. The literary image was created on the basis of data on Armana de Silleg D'Wosa d'Veyviel, a native of the commune called Athos Aspis, located near the border with Spain. The genealogy of the graph did not abound with titled relatives. The father was a merchant, and the mother - the relative of the Royal Musketeer on the surname de Treville and part-time the daughter of the jury.

Arman de Silleg D'tos d'Newsieviel - the main prototype of the Athos

The person who has become a prototype for ATOS Alexander Duma, was distinguished by success. The future Count de la Fer began with low positions, but in 1641 he managed to get into the ranks of the royal guardsmen and became a Musketeer, having gained enviable the title. It is logical to assume that related ties influenced the career of a young man, but, becoming a representative of royal protection, ATOS demonstrated bravery and devotion, which justified status.

There is a legend that in 1643 ATOS was picked up by the Guards Cardinal. He was attacked without warning and forced to defend themselves. For happiness, in the neighboring restaurant, the counselors of the hero were leisured, which came to him. The fight was fatal for ATO. A similar rumor tells about the acquaintance of Athos with D'Artagnan. In the street playback, Gasconian saved the life of Athos, giving a debt for such a service from his part.

Adolf Leven - Probable Prototype of Athos

Researchers suggest that the heroes of the squad of Dumas had features of the character inherent in the close people of the writer. In Athos, the contemporaries saw the image of the Swedish graph of Adolf Levena. The restrained left, the faithful friend of Dumas, was modest and calm, although it was famous among the Paris nobility to alcohol. Leuven became a mentor and teacher of Alexander Duma's son.

Symbolic meaning of the name of the hero. On French Athos looks like Athos and causes associations with the name of the Greek Mount Athos. Duma compares ATOS with an uncomplicated hill in the episode, when the hero makes the decision to go to Bastilia instead of D'Artagnan.

Biography and image

During the story, ATOS is described as a melancholic, mysterious and thoughtful man. The biography of him is known only de Trevulus. The Royal Musketer skillfully owns a sword and is distinguished by nobility accompanying every action. The reader meets the hero at the time when a wounded ATOS visits the boss - de Treville. The impeccable kind of musketeer does not give bad well-being: a fit and a handshake of hard, clothing, clean, and view of the Bodr. The fainting becomes a shock for others who are not accustomed to see the weak ATOS. Portos and Aramis make the hero from the apartment so that the doctor will give first aid.

Friendship of men is accompanied by respect. Thirty-year-old ATOS protrudes in the Union. Attention and custody, he exists in relation to the young d'Artagnan. The hero accompanies friends on a trip for diamond pendants, guarding the Gasconse. Then, having learned about the conversation of Richelieu and Milady, withdraws a document threatening with a young friend. These deeds allow us to assess the exposure and independence of the hero, whose character is the focus of positive qualities.

ATOS in old age

In addition to the perfect maneram and refined appearance of ATOS, it manifests itself as an eloquent speaker, giving odds in this direction to the famous aramis. He corrects a friend, demonstrating an excellent education and knowledge of Latin. Little-living Athos taught the jurism with the signs to express signs. It is not inclined to celebrate companies. Many consider these nuances strange, but they make the image of the Musketeer finished and deep. The sophistication of the ATOS exols him over other actors of the narration.


In the famous screening of the novel, published on the screens in 1979, the role of Athos was entrusted to the Veniamina Stukhov. Initially, actor Vasily Livanov was appointed for her, successfully passed samples. But the artist did not arrive at the shooting, so the participant of the creative process became laugh. The director of the Jungwald-Hilkevich tape noted the actor on the stage of the theater on Taganka in the role of Voland and was impressed with the talented performance and embodiment of the image.

Benjamin laughs as an ATOS

Due to employment on theatrical layouts of laughter, he could not pay a lot of time shooting in Odessa and flew on the weekend. In several frames he was replaced by a double, so the audience often observe the face of Aramis and Portos, and Athos see from the back.

The on-screen interpretation of the novel, Alexander Duma, became the classics of Soviet cinema. Kinokarttina was disassembled by quotes, and the songs that sounded the sights of artists who performed them.

The song of Athos, released on the screens, was upgraded. The second verse of the text was eliminated, and the fifth cut. "Cropped" The text of the ballads narrated about the "brother" of the lover of Antos.

At the time of the filming, it became clear that the Veniamina Lokhov could not execute the song "There are black pond in the county park." Maxim Dunaevsky offered the artist brandy before the recording of each double, and with each gland the performance was all fake. As a result, in the film, the ballad sounds performed by Vyacheslav Nazarov, the thrombonist of the ensemble of Oleg Lundstrem. Lojuchi then recalled Dunaevsky's deceptive course with brandy.

Interesting Facts

  • The heroes of the work of Duma had prototypes. All the individuals who became the prototypes of popular heroes were served in the Musketeer Regiment and the logic of chronology was not familiar.
Monument to Musketeers
  • Images of literary heroes are immortalized in the form of sculptures located on one of the squares of Gasconia and in the Ekaterinburg Department Store "Passage". Everyone can take pictures against the background of characters, including ATOS and ATOS.
  • Some restaurants exploit the Musketeer themes, calling the institution in honor of the heroes of the work. A popular option is considered the "Athos Castle".


In a literary basis, ATOS is represented by a wise philosopher with a tendency to the poetic expression of thoughts.

"Life is rosary made up of small adversity, and the philosopher, laughing, goes through them," he says.

Athos's dismissions and his deep life experience are visible in each of his phrase:

"Time, cute friend, time will deliver a convenient case, and the case gives a man a double chance of winning: the more you put, the more you win, if you can wait."

Alexander Dumas more than once recalls the love of a noble atom to alcohol drinks, which his prototype Adolf Leuven, a friend of Duma. The author puts a phrase hero in the mouth like next:

"Never does not appear in such a pink light as in those moments when you look at it through a glass of Shamberten."

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