Tamara Globa - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Astrologer, Prediction, "Instagram" 2021



Although astrology was not counted on the sciences, but continue to be considered a daunious teaching of ancient times, the predictors in the modern world play an important role. In addition, thanks to television projects, popularizing the teachings on clairvoyance, calculations of the motion of the celestial bodies and supernatural and inexplicable human abilities, astrologists are gradually transformed into showmen. The most famous specialists in this mysterious area in the Russian Federation include Tamara Globa.

Childhood and youth

Tamara Mikhailovna Yerzov (in marriage - globa) was born in Leningrad on March 16, 1957 in the family of geologist. Mikhail Erszov met the future spouse (Mother Tamara) during the Great Patriotic War, and, according to the famous astrologer, this is an amazing romantic story with which she faced. In total, five children were born in the family of Ersays, the fourth of which became Tamara.

As a child, Tamara was talent for singing and public speeches, the future astrologer gave comic children's concerts for parents. A visit to the circles helped Tamara develop the ability laid by nature, and already at 15 years old girl received a prize for vocal data when the song was performed at the competition. In addition, Tamara loved her needlework from a young age, and still predictor like knit and sew at leisure.

In 8 years, Toma found in the attic of the house an old dusty book dedicated to the Hiromantia - the teachings about fortune-money, about the personal characteristics of a person, his character, the events that occurred in the life and the coming fate of the skin relief of the palms - papillary and flexor lines, as well as hills on the palm . She became interested in divination and began to train for friends and relatives. The origin of his unusual gift Tamara is attributed to genetics: the father and grandfather and grandfather had excellent intuition.

The first client was their own mother, on the palm of which Tom read loneliness. This fact was confirmed by temporary difficulties in parental relationships: even before the birth of Tamara, his father changed her mother with one girl, as a result of which parents parted to reunite again.

After graduating from school, the young predictor entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. Bonch Bruhevich. The choice of university is not associated with a tendency to accurate sciences - to the institute went on the call of the heart for his beloved. Tamara never received education in this school.

She left after the 3rd course of an electrical institution and got a job in a children's house, and from there to the hospital. However, creative abilities did not give peace to Tamara, and soon the future celebrity had already worked on sounding roles on the Lennaughter's film studio.


It was seriously engaged in Tamara astrology in 1989, having acquainted with the future husband of Pavel Pavlovich Globet, who at that time did not informally lecture dedicated to the significance of the movement of the movement in universities of Russia. Thanks to the experienced mentor, Tamara delivered his knowledge and received practical experience in predicting events on the stars even for a year or more, and also decided on the profession.

In view of the political processes that took place at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century: the global uncertainty of people in the future, the lack of stability in politics and the economy - fashion for horoscopes originated in society. In this sinking time, citizens of the disintegrating country wanted to know about the coming events at least a week ahead. Thanks to the available dating on television, the spouses quickly hit the air and made a recognizable brand from the last name.

Becoming a popular astrologer, Tamara Mikhailovna founded his own company called "Tamara Globa Center". The company is engaged in the provision of astrological services (their number includes the preparation of personal horoscopes and the calculation of the dates of the most important events in the fate of a person), as well as consulting and educational services in the mysterious and attractive sphere.

In addition, on the ether of the Russian Radio in the framework of the morning show "Russian peppers" regularly comes out the daily forecast for the signs of the zodiac from Tamara Globa. The accuracy of astrological calculations confirm the facts of the already extended predictions: the beginning of the first war in Chechnya, fires in Moscow in the summer of 2014, the World Cup in Russia in 2018.

In 2015, Tamaru Mikhailovna was invited to the role of a TV presenter Show "Let's get married", emerging on the air of the First Channel.

In his astrological forecasts, Tamara Globa is a big role in Russia, promising prosperity and great future to the state, as well as an ambulance victory in the wrestling superpowder. A relatively complex military-political situation in Ukraine, the astrologer predicted the collapse of the country into five separate regions, one of which was already the Crimea, and the other - Donbass.

On December 4, 2017, Tamara Mikhailovna Lecture in the UK (London) took place. Guests gathered in the prestigious Cavendish Conference Center, where the political issues of the relationship between the Russian Federation and the UK were discussed with the astrologer in 2018.

In addition, Tamara Mikhailovna traditionally gave recommendations for 2018 to representatives of different signs of the zodiac, told about the influence of stars and planets on the fate, character and ability of the child and highlighted the tendency of the education of children born under the auspices of certain constellations.

The issue of the dependence of the personality of the child from the location of the planets in the sky at the time of both birth and pregnancy and conception of Tamara Globa dedicated a separate book called "Morning of Life", the presentation of which was held in London on December 4, 2017. Guests of the evening were divided into categories depending on the cost of the ticket: from 45 to 150 pounds sterling. Guests category VIP received a copy of the monograph as a gift from Tamara.

In the period from 2013 to 2017, Tamara Mikhailovna released 6 books devoted to astrology and esoteric journey. Also, the globe is a frequent guest of the TV shows, which is divided by the secrets of heavenly shine and gives advice for men and women who are under the auspices of different elements.

Personal life

Facts of biography, including personal life, Tamara Mikhailovna does not hide. The first love of the star predictor met in childhood. Odnoklassnik Sergey, who lived in the same courtyard, immediately conquered the maiden heart. In 1977, these relationships led to the first marriage of Yerzova. From Sergey Tamara gave birth to daughter Anna.

In 1985, the spouses officially separated. The cause of the divorce was the reluctance of Sergey to keep the lifestyle of a family man. Perhaps the role was played by the fact that when a young wife was lying in a cancer center, struggling with severe illness, the spouse almost did not visit her. On this indifference of the globa told the journalist Kire Pastutinskaya in the transfer of Tamara Globa. Wife. Love story". After a time after parting, the former spouses saw on a meeting of classmates, and Tamara noted that Sergey did not change - despite his own business, he did not successfully.

With the second husband, Paul Globa, the astrologer met on the set of his film "Sleep Masks". Given the common interests, mutual sympathy arose between young people. In an interview with Tamara Mikhailovna declared that he always knew that the second marriage would also last long. The woman complained that the husband was so passionate about the profession that he often had forgotten that he had a family.

Working on television, Pavel Globa once made an astroprognosis that did not like the leadership, and since the astrologer himself was departed, to question the Tamaru, which was in the last month of pregnancy. As a result of the experience of stress, the wife of the predictor gave birth to a premature son, who died in ten days. His grief Tamara Globa shared in the TV show "Alone with everyone".

Later, the Song of Bogdan was born from the spouses, but it was not possible to preserve the marriage. Given the already established career in astrology with a well-known last name, after the divorce of Tamara changed the surname.

The third marriage of the astrologer became, according to Globa, the happiest, although officially the union of the couple did not conclude. Sports presentable Veniamin Tamara met at the airport. 10 years of age difference did not prevent the harmonious family: Veniamin took care of Tamara's children and paid enough time and attention to civil wife.

Based on knowledge in the field of astrology, Tamara predicted the Veniamin a serious accident, but it could not prevent it. Veniamin did not listen to the spouse and died as a result of the car accident. After the tragic death of the third civil husband, Tamara Globa focused on children and work, and the heart is now free.

At first, the heirs of Tamara did not want to contact the vocation of the star mother. Bogdan Globa planned to devote the lives of journalism and writing. Anna Trescunova's daughter is also close to literature, besides, revealed himself as a director. The most famous work is the short film of 2018 "Newlyweds".

Now Bogdan has its own website where he positions himself as an astropsychologist and a student of Tamara Mikhailovna. Anna, in turn, calls himself in social networks a minister of the science of stars. Children are friendly among themselves and the famous mom. In Personal Instagram accounts, Tamara Globa and her daughter often lay out joint family photos. This charming, moderately high (172 cm) the lady shares and personal photos from the rest. By the way, according to users, Trescunova rose an incredibly similar to the mother in his youth.

Tamara Globa now

In 2020, the predictor still works in the Morning Esters of the Russian Radio. Tamara Mikhailovna, despite the antiquity of the chosen profession, trying to keep up with the times. A astrologer is not limited to traditional means of communication and in the Internet space feels like a fish in water.

A woman regularly posts for predictions and tips on social networks, leads consultations through the official website (there is also aware of educational services) and even promotes the channel "Tamara Globa" on Yututyuba. But the globe does not refuse and from the usual media. In November, Tamara Mikhailovna gave "Express Gazeta" an interview dedicated to the lunar eclipse. And "Westm Altai" in the same month told what readers expects in 2021 in love, financial and other fields.

Another prediction for 2021 received the audience TV channel "Russia-1" on the broadcast of "Morning Russia". The astrologer stated that, although the period would be fundamentally different from the previous one, the coronavirus will not reach the end and several outbreaks are expected. The financial well-being of Tamara Mikhailovna preddered fiery signs, and representatives of the water element promised changes in life, starting from the middle of the year.


  • 2013 - "Love and Zodiac"
  • 2014 - "Big Book of Astrology"
  • 2015 - "Let's get married!"
  • 2016 - "Magic Journey No. 1 - Egypt"
  • 2016 - "Magic Journey No. 2 - India"
  • 2016 - "Magic Journey No. 3 - Moscow"
  • 2017 - "Morning of Life"

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