Dylan Aproot - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Dylan Aproza ​​is an American actor whose biography is very unusual. The fact is that Dylan began to film from early childhood. Most often, the boy got the roles that he played a couple with a twin brother Cole by Aprub. Talent and immediacy helped the boys to become famous and become real in favorites of the audience. And although Dylan is still very young, it is possible to say with confidence that the actor is waiting for a successful career on the screen.

Childhood and youth

Dylan Aprous and his twin brother Cole was born on August 4, 1992 in the Italian city of Arzzo. The full name of the actor is Dylan Thomas in Apaw. It is known that the boy was named after the popular poet Dilan Thomas. It is noteworthy that Dilan's brother also got a name with meaning: Nat King Cole, a popular jazz performer, really liked the father and mother of boys.

Cole in Apawo and Dylan in childhood

Parents of twins come from the United States, therefore, some time later, the family of the Apawlov returned to their homeland. The family settled in California, in the city of Long Beach. Unfortunately, in 1997, Dilan's parents divorced. The boys stayed to live with the Father and his new wife.


On the screens Dylan and Cole first found themselves in 6 months in advertising diapers. Twins noticed producers and almost immediately offered to the parents of Dylan and Cowla agree on the shooting of boys in the popular TV series "Grace on fire". The brothers played the same role - a boy named Patrick Kelly. The fact is that American legislation clearly regulates the number of hours during which minor children can work on the set.

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Five years old, children were filmed in this series, telling about the vagnets of the fate of Grace Kelly (actress Brett Butler), growing together with his screen hero. A more serious role was given to Dilan already in 1999. It was the film "Big Daddy", the main role in which Adam Sandler was played. In the painting Dylan again divided the hero with his brother Cole.

The plot of this touching comedy for children and adults is uncomplicated: the chief hero, Sunny Cowofax, will have to spend some time, looking after a strangers of the child (whom the brothers played the buildings). However, Sunny, although I cited the 30th anniversary a couple of years ago, has not yet come out of adolescence. Whether the growing child will cope with the upbringing of a small one - the question that kept the viewers from the screen to the last frame. The comedy was loved by the film wedge and gained positive assessments of strict critics.

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After the "big daddy", a young dilan career temporarily slowed down. Boys only occasionally invited to episodic roles in films and TV shows. However, in 2002, fate smiled again with a novice actor: Dylan got a role in the New Year's comedy "I saw my mother kissed Santa Claus." After the release of this picture on the screens of Dilan and Cowla began to find out - the boys appeared the first fans.

A year later, Dylan Apawo and his brother Cole again pleased the audience appearance on the screen. This time, the twins have played separate roles: the boys appeared in the form of small football players who dream of goals scored and won championships. This family comedy called "Blow, still hit" became a hit of views and brought talented brothers of new fans.

Dylan in the TV series "All Type-Top, or Zack and Cody's Life"

However, the real glory came to Dylan and Cowel to the backup after the release of the Disney series "All Type-Top, or Zack and Kody's life". Here the boys played twin brothers who constantly fall into funny situations because of their own tricks, and invariably choose from them thanks to friendship.

The fate of Zack and Cody, the heroes of the series, not quite common: the fact is that the boys live with her mother in the road and a luxury hotel. The mother of the twins (actress Kim Rhodes), operating at the Singer Hotel, is constantly engaged in rehearsals. Therefore, boys often provided themselves. The girls seller Maddy (actress Ashley Tisdale), the daughter of the Hotel owner London (Actor Phil Lewis (actor Phil Lewis (actor Phil Lewis) are becoming comrades.

Also in the episodes of the series periodically appeared other stars of Disney Studio: Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, David Henry.

The series was so loved and children and adults that in 2008 the director unanimously decided to remove the continuation. The new series was named "All type-top, or life on board". Here, crowned twins travel around the world on a luxurious liner "Type-Top" and, of course, continue to shap in history.

Cole in Apawo and Dylan in Apaw

In addition, in 2011, immediately after the end of the series about the life of boys on board, Walt Disney's studio released a full-length picture called "Zak and Kody: all type-top". This time, the famous twins will turn out to be drawn into a serious scientific project: doctors explore the twins phenomenon. However, as usual, Zack and Cody simply can not without adventure. During the project, a strange side effect appears: one of the boys begins to feel the same as the other.

Personal life

An attractive young man (the growth of dilan - 1.8 m) never complained about the lack of interest from the opposite sex. Currently, the personal life of Dylan of the Ascension is associated with the girl named Din Frace.

Dylan Aprous and his Girl Din Frame

For some time, the relationship of young people was happy, however, at the end of the summer of 2017, the beauty-brunette posted a photo with a gluable face and signed a picture: "When you find out that your boyfriend has changed you."

Dylan commented on Twitter that those who make hasty conclusions without any additional information, mistaken. Now young people have, apparently, again everything is smooth. In his free time, Dilan Aproas prefers to relax and communicate with dinnet and friends.

Dylan Aproot now

Dylan Aprous disappeared from the screens for a while, but in 2017 a picture of the "dismissed" was reached by rental, in which Dylan starred a few years earlier.

Dylan Aproot in 2017

The actor fans hope that soon the young man filmography is replenished with bright characteristic work.


  • 1993-1998 - "Grace on fire"
  • 1999 - "Big Dad"
  • 1999 - "Astronaut's wife"
  • 2002 - "Master of Reincarnation"
  • 2004 - "Chicks"
  • 2005-2008 - "All type-top, or the life of Zack and Cody"
  • 2007 - "Prince and Beggar: Modern History"
  • 2008 - "Luxury-Life on Deck"
  • 2013 - "Spring exacerbation"
  • 2017 - "dismissed"

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