Ilya Repin - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, works



Creativity of the Russian artist Ilya Repin - in a special place in his homeland and abroad. The work of the painter is the brightest phenomenon in world culture, because the creator of the painting "Burlaki on the Volga" almost the first felt the approach of the revolution, predicted sentiment in society and showed the heroism of the protest movement.

Portrait of Ilya Repin. Artist Valentin Serov

History, religion, social injustice, the beauty of man and nature - Repin covered all the topics and implemented the art gift in full. The fruitfulness of the painter is amazing: Ilya Efimovich presented the world of hundreds of cloths written in the genre of realism. I did not quit even in deep old age, before my death, when the hands did not obey the master.

Childhood and youth

The Matcher of Russian Realism was born in the summer of 1844 in the Kharkiv province. Childhood and youth passed in the Malorussian town of Chuguev, where the unsuscible Cossack Vasily Repin, grandfather of the artist, had previously settled. Vasily Efimovich kept the inn and traded.

Father Ilya Repin - a senior of children, sold horses, drivening her herds for 300 versts from the Donets (Rostov region). Returning soldier Efim Vasilyevich Repin participated in three military campaigns and lived in Slobozhenchin until the last day.

Parents Ilya Repin

Later, Ukrainian motives in the work of Ilya Repin took an important place, connections with a small birthplace, the artist never turned around.

The influence on the son was given by Mom, an educated woman and the mobility of Tatyana Bocharov. For peasant children, a woman organized a school where the cleaning and arithmetic was taught. Children Tatyana Stepanovna loud read the poems of Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov, and when the family needed money, sewed fur coats on the furious fur.

Ilya Repin in youth

The artist in a little Ileja opened uncle Trofim, bringing watercolor paints to the house. The boy saw the black and white watermelon in the alphabet under the brush in the alphabet, and disappeared for the rest. Ilya hardly tearned from drawing so that he would like.

At 11, Ilya Repin was given to the topographic school - the profession was considered prestigious. But when an educational institution has abolished after 2 years, the young artist got a student in the icon-painted workshop. Here Repin taught the basics of painting, and soon the contractors from the counties fell asleep by the workshop orders, asking to send to them Ilya.

Self portrait Ilya Repin

In 16, the creative biography of a young painter continued in the icon painter, where Ilya Repin settled in 25 kingks per month.

In the summer, Artelers traveled, looking for orders outside the province. In Voronezh, Repin was told about Ivan Kramsky, an artist from Ostrogozhsk, who left his native land for study at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In the autumn, 19-year-old Ilya Repin, inspired by an example of Kramsky, went to the northern capital.


The work of the young people from Chugueva got to the conference secretary of the Academy. He, having familiarized himself, refused to Ilya, criticizing the inability to draw shadows and strokes. Ilya Repin did not lower his arms and stayed in St. Petersburg. Having removed the room in the attic, the guy settled in a drawing school, to the evening compartment. Soon the teacher praised him as the most capable student.

Ilya Repin works in the workshop

Next year, Ilya Repin entered the Academy. To make a fee for student study agreed Petersburg post-director and benefactor Fyodor Sanki. 8 years old at the Academy brought an invaluable experience and acquaintance with talented contemporaries - Mark Anctic Talented contemporaries - Mark Antontic, Vasily, Polenovyov and Critics, Vladimir Stasov, with which life has tied for decades. Ivan Kramsky painter from Chugueva called the teacher.

One of the talented students of the Art Academy Ilya Repin received a medal for the conference "Resurrection of the daughter of Iair". The biblical plot could not be possible to realize on the canvas, then Ilya remembered the sister's deceased teenager and presented, which expressions of people would be from relatives, if the girl was resurrected. The picture came to life in the imagination and brought the first glory.

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In 1868, a student, throwing etudes on the banks of the Neva, saw Burlakov. Ilya struck the abyss between the idle public and the hard power. Repin sketched the plot, but postponed work: there was a graduation rate ahead. In the summer of 1870, the painter had the opportunity to visit the Volga and the secondary to observe the work of Burlakov. On the shore of Ilya Repin met the Victims of Burlaka, whom he portrayed in the first three with his head, lined with a cloth.

The painting "Burlaci on the Volga" made a sensation in Russia and Europe. Each of the drawn workers carries the features of individuality, character, experienced tragedy. German art critic Norbert Wolf conducted a parallel between the repin picture and the procession of Dante damned from the Divine Comedy.

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Slava about a talented painter from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Petshenate and entrepreneur Alexander Porokhovshchikov (ancestor of the famous Russian actor) ordered Ilya Repin picture for the restaurant "Slavic Bazaar". The artist undertook for business and in the summer of 1872 introduced the finished work that received praise and compliments.

In the spring of next year, Ilya Repin went on a trip to Europe, visited Austria, Italy and France. In Paris, he met impressionists, the work of Eduard Mana inspired to create a Parisian cafe canvas. But alien culture and manner of fashionable in France impressionism annoyed Russian realist. Drawing a picture "Sadko", on which the hero stays in someone else's underwater kingdom, Repin seemed to imagined himself.

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In the middle of the 1870s, an academic title was awarded the painter for the work of Sadko, but some critics were not kept from poisonous comments to Repin, pointing to the separation differences between Volzhsky Burglasses and the "Aquarium" man.

Returning from Europe to the Motherland, Ilya Repin 11 months lived in Native Chuguev. In Moscow, he moved late in 1877 and, having joined the mobile phone, wrote "Tsarevna Sophia". For immersion in the material, the Repin settled next to the Novodevichy Monastery and worked over the footnight year, studying the archives, visiting theatrical workshops and museums. The canvas was rated ambiguously, unconditional admiration expressed only Kramskaya.

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Three years, Ilya Repin worked on the Kursk Province's web. The first name of the picture is "miraculous icon." Like for work Painter collected in Chernigov, Kiev and Kursk, transferring the deadlines to end further.

Repin introduced the picture in 1883 and again heard ambiguous assessments. Some saw in the image pressure, strength and power, other only exposure to the views of Ilya Efimovich to life. Later, the artist has repeatedly resorted to biblical plots, giving the world the brilliant canvas "Calvary", "The Temptation of Christ" and "The Last Supper".

In 1885, the master presented to fans a new masterpiece - the canvas "Ivan Grozny and Son His Ivan on November 16, 1581." The plot of the paintings by Repina inspired the music of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

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The cloth was shown at the exhibition of the Movies, but the interpretation of the plot did not like Alexander III. The king ordered no allowance to the exhibition, but dozens of famous people spoke to defend the creation of Repin. The emperor removed the ban.

The painting "did not expect" the Master presented in 1888, and she immediately recognized the next masterpiece. On the canvas Ilya Repin masterfully transferred psychological portraits of characters. The interior for the canvas was the dacha room in Martyskino near St. Petersburg. The face of the main hero of Repin changed repeatedly, even when the picture fell into the exposition of Pavel Tretyakov's gallery. Ilya Repin secretly made his way to the hall and rewritten the face of an unexpected guest until he achieved the desired expression.

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In the summer of 1880, the painter went to Malorossia, taking with him a student Valentina Serov. In creative bay, he painted everything: huts, people, clothes, homemade utensils. Repin was amazingly close to the local cheerful people.

The result of the trip the steel of the canvas "Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan" and "Hopak. Dance of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. " The first work appeared in 1891, the second - in 1927. The work of Duel Ilya Repin wrote in 1896. She acquired Tretyakov, placing a picture in the Moscow Gallery, where it is kept in our days.

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A special place in the heritage of the artist is occupied by royal orders. The first arrived Ilya Repin in the mid-1880s from Alexander III. The king wished to see the reception of the hail elders on the canvas. After a successfully completed first order, the second arrived. The painting "Solemn meeting of the State Council on May 7, 1901" was drawn in 1903. From the "royal" paintings, "Portrait of Nicholas II" is famous.

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At the sunset, Master worked in Finnish Kuokkale, in the estate "Penates". Colleagues from the Soviet Union came to Finland to Elderly Matra, persuading to move to Russia. But Repin, who gave birth to his homeland never returned.

A few years before the death of Repin, the right hand took place, but Ilya Efimovich did not imagine how to live without work. He wrote left, the fingers of which the owner soon ceased to obey. But the ailment did not become an obstacle, and Repin continued to work.

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In 1918, Ilya Repin wrote a "Bolsheviks" canvas, the plot of which is called anti-Soviet. For a while, it was kept from the American collector, then the "Bolsheviks" fell to Galina Vishnevskaya and Mstislav Rostropovich. In the 2000s, the owners set a collection to the London Auction "Sotheby's".

To prevent the collection of collections, the Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov bought all 22 canvases, including the Bolsheviks. Exposition is set in the city on the Neva.

Personal life

The painter was married twice. The first spouse Vera gave birth to her husband of four children - three daughters and son. In 1887, after 15 years of marriage, a painful separation was followed. Older children stayed with her father, younger - with mother.

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Ilya Repin captured relatives on portraits. The painting "Rest" depicted a young spouse, the older daughter of faith dedicated the picture of "Dragonfly", the youngest Nad - the canvas "in the sun".

The second wife is the writer and photographer Natalia Nordman - for the sake of marriage with the Repin broke with the family. It was to her "Penate" the painter went in the early 1900s.

Second Wife Ilya Repin Natalia Nordman

Nordman died from Tuberculosis in the summer of 1914. After her death, the management of the estate passed into the hands of the daughter of Faith, who left the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater.


In 1927, Ilya Repin complained to friends that the forces leave him, he becomes a "shaped lazy." The last months before the death near the father were children, alternately on duty at bed.

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The artist who celebrated 86 years old was not in September 1930. He was buried in the estate "Penates". In Russia and the CIS countries, there are 4 artist's museum, the most famous - in Kuokkale, where he spent the last three decades.


  • 1871 - "Resurrection of the IAIR daughter"
  • 1873 - "Burlaki on the Volga"
  • 1877 - "Man with a bad eye"
  • 1880-1883 - "Procession in Kursk province"
  • 1880-1891 - "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan"
  • 1881 - "Portrait of a composer M.P.Morusorgsky"
  • 1884 - "Did not wait"
  • 1884 - "Dragonfly"
  • 1885 - "Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan on November 16, 1581"
  • 1896 - "Duel"
  • 1896 - "Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II"
  • 1903 - "Last Supper"
  • 1909 - "George's self-immolation"
  • 1918 - "Bolsheviks"
  • 1927 - "Hopak. Dance of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks "

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