Alexey Rybnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Composer 2021



Favorite millions of films included in the Golden Fund of Soviet Cinema, without music Alexei Rybnikov would lose much. Fans of his work assure - soul. A talented composer really creates unique memorable piercing compositions. For this it was nicknamed by Russian Mozart.

Childhood and youth

The composer was born in post-war Moscow in a creative family with tragic pedigree. Men-alerts along the mother's - from white officers, faith and the truth who served the king. Grandfather-general was shot to the first world. Grandma Alexey, who was trying to protect her husband, shot his hands, and the mother, the girl of five years old, led to the shooting, and only a miracle saved the child from death.

Miraculously remained alive and father Alexey Lev Samoilovich. At the age of 14, a teenager, sick tuberculosis, was sent to die into tuberculosis barak. Leva escaped from a terrible place where death saw every day, and decided to meet the last day of life in the wild.

Savior boy Orthodox rural father, shelter in a house at the temple. The priest went out the Jewish guy, taught singing church psalms. From the rector, a musically gifted young man took over the Aza violin games.

Fisherfish family lived in a communal apartment in four, parents with Alesh and grandmother juts in a 10-meter room. The father and mother considered each penny, although Lev Rybnikov was the best violinist in the Orchestra of Alexander Tafasman. The creative veil was discovered from Mother Alexandra Alekseevna. Woman made of grain materials built for a secular fashionista incredible caps and shawls.

Mother in dreams saw her son with a famous composer. But the father, who felt finely felt and demanding, critical evaluated the musical abilities of Alyosha. But he gave way when the spouse insisted on the purchase of Piano: Found a bulky tool, taking a buffet.

The first attempt to go to the music school failed: from Rybnikov, who designed on the piano a couple of plays, teachers demanded to repeat the sung melodies with a voice. The boy from surprise was confused. The wall struck Mine perseverance: a woman found a teacher in Solfeggio. Next year, Alexei accepted.

The first years, the Father scolded his son for "squeezing" and free improvisation until he noticed in the boy a spark of composer talent. To make sure Alexei's abilities, who entered the elite school with "Gnesinka", Rybniki-Sr. asked Aram Khachaturian to look at the essay of the Son.

The famous composer looked at the notes and immediately took a colleague in his class at the conservatory, where the young talent began to study the composition. 5 years later, in 1967, Rybnikov received a diploma diploma, and after 2 years he graduated from graduate school. The talented 18-year-old graduate student left to teach than he did before 1975.

Already in his youth, Alexey had a family. To ensure its existence, the young musician was taken for any part-time job - gave lessons to students of Gnesinki, played the piano in kindergarten, led the educational orchestra in the theater university.

Personal life

Alexey Rybnikov - a statute man of high growth. There were two official marriage in his personal life. Wives of the composer Rodnit the name Tatiana. Two children were born in the first marriage, Anna and Dmitry.

Anna Rybnikov's daughter became a film director. She was the first to fulfill the role of cums from "Juno and Avosa" in 1980. Girl at that time turned 13 years old. The artists who fell out happiness to play with the Copter, for the standard they take the record of Young Ani.

Son went in the footsteps of the Father. Dmitry Rybnikov writes pop music for cartoons, TV series and full-length films, cooperates with Western performers.

In addition to children, Alexey Lvovich has four grandchildren. Senior Stepan is a graduate of Vgika. Now the young man is engaged in producing theatrical productions to which the famous grandfather writes music. One of his famous works is the Kinoproekt "Triari".

Alexey Lvovich does not lead social networks, so fans rarely see his personal photos. But in the media sometimes there are interesting interviews.


The beginning of a creative biography of Alexey Rybnikov put in 8 years, writing the first piano plays for Fantasy Fantasy "Baghdad Thief". And the ballet of the 11-year-old composer "Cat in boots" and became an essay that was convinced by Aram Ilyich Khachaturian to take the boy under his custody.

The official debut of the young composer was the piano sonata of "dance", which was composed of Rybnikov in the 1st year of the Conservatory. Music critics Already then drew attention to the unseeled handwriting Alexey, the ability to climb folk motifs into modern canvas.

In 1967, the young man inspired by verses about the crowd, which was extinct flower, wrote a grayscale ballad. After 2 years, the first sonata appeared, in which the musician masterfully mixed Russian and Western traditions.

However, if the first sonatu received benevolently, the second professorship of the conservatory and Soviet musical critics called too avant-garde, defeating in the fluff and dust. Composer who did not expect such criticism, sick of the stomach.

Khachaturian was the only one who supported Rybnikov. Aram Ilyich comforted a young colleague, told that he also earned a "composer ulcer" after the debut of debut works.

For Kapricchio "Skomorok" Alexey first scolded, but then awarded a prize. The musician learned steadily to accept the blows of fate and was not afraid to experiment. After leaving the walls of the Conservatory, he inspired by the poet of the poet Ludwick Ashkenazi, wrote the first romances of "prayer" and "phone".

In the mid-1960s, Rybnikov firmly connected with cinema and drama agent. At first, the work in the cinema was viewed as a good earnings, but, starting to combine playwrigs with music, the guy was carried away and turned into a matter of life.

Music dumping orders gave flight fantasies, material stability and incredibly mobilized. After all, a free artist, and in the mid-1970s, Rybnikov left the public service, it was not with his hands: the film crews did not take marriage.

In the 1970s, the musician who was fond of rock, called writing the musical accompaniment of the "Treasure Island". The Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar" appeared before this was the discovery for the Moscow composer and inspired to bold experiments.

Since then, Alexey has created works that have decorating more than a hundred filmtin. The most famous ribbons with the musical accompaniment of Rybnikov in the 1970s were the films "Treasure Island", "Adventures of Buratino", "About the Red Hap", "Used Nyan" and "That Münhgausen".

In 1974, the composer wrote a few songs for the film "Big Space Journey". Among them are "Blue Planet", "Milky Way", "Tales", "Kitten", "Do you believe me?"

In 1980, he worked on music for the feature film "You did not dream." Several compositions were written, among which the "last poem". Her singer Irina Otiyev was performed. And a year later, Rybnikov wrote a "lyrical topic" for the Soviet children's adventure filmcoming "Hands up!".

In the 2000s, the cultivation of the composer did not decrease, its discography was replenished with music to popular TV shows and artistic paintings. Tigran Keosayan, Eldar Ryazanov, Stanislav Govorukhin and Vladimir Khotinenko appealed to it. In 2006, Rybnikov wrote the composition "Theme of the Dream" to the Art Film "Flying with Cosmonaut".

Theatrical directors also did not bypassed a man's attention. Alexey Lvovich composed music for the performances "Deceit and Love" and "Transparent Boy", which with the anchelas walked in the theaters of the capital.

Rybnikov's greatest fame brought musical writings intended for stage production, including the "star aria". In 1976 in Lenkomoy, the premiere of the first in the Soviet Union of the Rock Opera "Star and Death of Hoachin Muriet", which Alexey Lvovich wrote in co-authorship with Pavel Grushko.

Mark Zakharov turned out to be the initiator of the creation, who put Opera in Lenkom. The musical performance was walking on the stage of the theater of 17 seasons. In the original season, Alexander Abdulov and Love Matyushin played the main heroes of the Rock Opera.

Officials of the Ministry of Culture met the revolutionary performance in the bayonets, calling the rock opera "alien genre." But after 11 failures and alterations produced Green Light. "Lenk" and all involved in a deafening success, Alexei Rybnikov called the 1979 composer.

In the late 1980s, the edition of the albums with the music of the starry composer reached a record figure - 10 million copies. And in 1981, the premiere of the Second Hita Alexei - Teathers saw the Opera "Juno and Avos" at Lenkomoy. And again the crazy success was preceded by a loud scandal, because the "optonous" rock composer-revolutionary joined with no less "proprietary" Orthodox prayers.

In the 1982th, the album was banned, and in 1983 he was leading in the hit parade: Rybnikov won the court who was banned from "Juno and Avosa". "Lenk" with the rock opera composer went on foreign tour. In Paris, in the will of Pierre Carden, the play saw on the Champs Elysees. In Britain, a film was removed by rock opera, which soon shown in 50 countries around the world.

In the early 1990s, Alexey Lvovich presented to fans a new masterpiece - Mystery "Liturgy announced." The statement was accompanied by ancholate in Russia (for 2 seasons 70 views took place) and in America.

In 1999 in the Russian capital, in the Grand Rzhev Lane, the Theater of Alexei Rybnikov was opened on half a thousand places. On the official website of the institution, you can learn about the coming musicals, productions, concerts, and book a ticket to the performance.

At the beginning of the new century, Rybnikov presented to fans of his creativity a musical drama about the tragic destiny of the unrecognized colleague of Maxim Berezovsky. The audience for the first time they saw the performance of Maestro Massimo in zero.

5 years later, Alexey Lvovich was pleased with the fans of the symphony, called the "Resurrection of the Dead", and in 2012 on the stage of his brainchildren of Teathedral Melomanany for the first time saw the production of "Aliluya Love" - ​​Mix of famous works of Rybnikov for theater and cinema.

In 2017, Lenko in the 1500th time presented the Star Rock Opera theatras on the verses of Andrei Voznesensky, the songs of which were hiking.

At the same time, Rybnikov returned to the Mystery "Liturgy announced", the premiere of which a quarter of a century took place. Alexey Lvovich, deepening the philosophical and spiritual topics, took off the movie the same name, first as a director. The picture came out on the screens in 2018.

For his creative activity, a man has released several albums. Among them, "Music of Love", "Music of Cosmos", "Music Adventure", "Music for Children".

Alexey Rybnikov Now

In 2019, Rybniki began work on the preparation of the opera on the work of "Prince Andrei". The composer assures that it will be a spectacular and beautiful performance. The main character is Andrei Bolkonsky. He is looking for his way, but does not find an application, faces unrelaimed love and betrayal. These problems are probably familiar to the modern public, which makes the performance relevant.

In July 2020, the composer noted the 75th anniversary. This date is important not only for himself, but also for fans, among which there are state leaders. Alexey Lvovich on the holiday congratulated the President of Russia. The congratulatory message was published on the website of the administration. Vladimir Putin noted the originality of creativity and the beauty of the composer's melodies, his greater merit before the state. He also wished good health and inexhaustible inspiration.

President of Belarus joined congratulations. Alexander Lukashenko wished Rybnikov for many years of life, good health, personal happiness and career success. He also noted the importance of the composer's creativity in contemporary art and expressed hope for strengthening friendly and cultural ties between the peoples of Belarus and Russia.

Alexey Lvovich received congratulations on the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin in the form of a congratulatory telegram. The head of the city called Rybnikov an outstanding composer who made a great contribution to the development of domestic art and continues to give people joy and beauty.


  • 1971 - "Treasure Island"
  • 1975 - "Adventures of Buratino"
  • 1977 - "About the Red Hood"
  • 1977 - "Used Nyan"
  • 1978 - "New Adventures of Captain Carrunel"
  • 1978 - "The dog passed on the piano"
  • 1979 - "That Munchhausen"
  • 1980 - "You never dreamed"
  • 1982 - "Star and Death of Hoakin Muriet"
  • 1983 - "Fairy Tale of the Star Boy"
  • 1984 - "Prokhindiad, or running on the spot"
  • 1986 - "Rus Primary"
  • 1992 - "Education of cruelty in women and dogs"
  • 2006 - "Hare over the abyss"
  • 2006 - "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces"
  • 2006 - "Andersen. Life without love "
  • 2009 - Pop

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