Maxim Sokolov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



The Fifth Transport Minister of Russia, who has previously led by the Government Department of Industry and Infrastructure under the Russian government, a leaving from North Palmyra. Maxim Yuryevich Sokolov, standing for the position, called the key task of the department, the creation of a comprehensive system of safety of Russians in transport. Whether the state actor managed to achieve what declared when he began the duties of the minister, the opinions of citizens disagree.

Childhood and youth

The future VIP official was born in September 1968 in the city on the Neva in the family of physicians. Maxim pleased the parents of the "fives", and teachers discipline and dirtiffs. In school from the first classes of Sokolov showed activity in public life. He was entrusted to lead the pioneer friend, and in the graduation class the guy headed the pioneer headquarters of the city.

Maxim Sokolov

With Valentina Matvienko, the young man got acquainted when she headed the Committee of the VLKSM region. Later visitors to the cabinet Maxim Sokolov in Smolny saw a joint shot with Valentina Ivanovna, friendship with which he is proud of.

Parents doctors dreamed that the son would continue the dynasty and would go to their feet, but Maxim turned out to be different plans. Sokolov after the end of the secondary school entered LSU and chose the Faculty of Economics, where he studied political economy.

Maxim Sokolov in childhood and youth

After a biennial break in school, during which Maxim Sokolov gave the duty to his homeland at the army service, he returned to the Faculty. Being a commercial course, repeatedly met with Vladimir Putin, in those years who worked as an assistant to the University Rector.

At the last courses of the University, Maxim sent strength to study the jurisprudence. The student's profiling subject read Dmitry Medvedev, the future head of the Cabinet. In 1991, the graduate was given a diploma of LSU with honors.


After graduating from the University in 1991, Maxim Sokolov did not part with the Alma Mater: 2 years gave students to students on macroeconomics.

The Sokolov's luggage gained in the university applied in practice, establishing a company of Russia-service with each other in 1992, whose specialists were developed by the security and construction management systems, provided material and technical supply on construction sites.

Maxim Sokolov

In 1999, Maxim Sokolov with two partners - Nikolai Sergeyenko and Vasily Movyzadze - established a construction company, calling it "Corporation C" (C - capital letter of the names of partners).

The co-founders of the Corporation declared the recreation in St. Petersburg of the historical appearance of the destroyed buildings and ensembles of the architect Karl Rossi in front of the Alexandrinsky Theater, but the result of the activity was ambiguous evaluations. The company built a residential building on Fontanka and the Consulate of Finland next to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, which caused the protests of citizens who ratched the integrity of the historical appearance of North Palmyra.

Maxim Sokolov engaged in construction business

In 2004, the political head of Sokolov's biography began. A 36-year-old businessman was invited to take a chair in the administration. According to one information, he received a position with the easy hand of Deputy Governor of St. Petersburg - Yuri Molchanova. The corporation led by Maxim Sokolov, the company served as the general director of which was the Son of the official - Andrei Molchanov. On the other - the former protégé advanced by Valentina Matvienko, which became the governor of the city.

Valentina Matvienko

Maxim Sokolov was responsible to lead investments that came to the city and supervise important government projects. The new head of the department attracted a pool of solid investors to the northern capital. The Chinese have invested in a project called "Baltic Pearl" $ 10 billion. Major automakers Hyundai, General Motors and Toyota came to the city.

Call the "minuses" of the official of the official in the position of the head of the investment committee. Kritika Sokolov caused outrage of the construction of the Zenit FC stadium, a shopping center under a Marse field, a cargo-passenger port on Vasilyevsky Island and the "Embankment of Europe", which, according to citizens, destroyed the historical appearance of the city.

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In 2008, a young official defended his dissertation, and next year the name Sokolov was introduced into the presidential personnel reserve. In the same 2009, Maxim Sokolov introduced into the executive authority, entrusting the Office of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation, which at that time was headed by Vladimir Putin.

2009 turned out to be generous to events for the official. He fell into the golden hundred of the presidential personnel reserve, was elected a member of the city government on the Neve, where the economic and industrial committee was headed. A year later, Maxim Sokolova, who received the title of 1 class state council, was introduced into the observation councils of Rosavtodor and Olymps.

In 2012, a new personnel leap of Peterbourger happened: he headed the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in the government, which he was headed by Medvedev, where he worked today.

Work as a minister was repeatedly exposed to acute criticism. The cost of transport crossing between mainland Russia and the Crimean Peninsula under the head of the Transport Office increased from 50 billion rubles. Until 227, which opened rumors about the cuts of public funds.

In 2017, the Minister received a disciplinary recovery from Vladimir Putin. The cause of punishment was the bankruptcy "VIM-Avia" - the metropolitan airline. In the same year, Maxim Sokolov was criticized for the breakdown of the construction of a rapid railway, which will connect the capital and Kazan. The head of the state, the head of state announced in 2013, but in 2017 the government order to finance the project did not appear.

Personal life

The 5th Minister of Transport - a family man. With the wife of Tatiana he brings up three children. Sons Maxim, Roman and Konstantin were born in 1996, 1997 and 2005.

The spouse of the Ex-Minister 2 years, until 2005, worked in the American embassy in the Russian capital. According to unconfirmed information, the Maxim Sokolov family lives abroad.

Maxim Sokolov

Owned Sokolov Apartment with an area of ​​336 square meters. m. in the city on the Neva. According to unofficial data, apartments of similar area were acquired by each of Sokolov's sons.

In their free days, the official is hunting, skiing in the mountains and participates in equestrian competitions.

Maxim Sokolov Now

In December 2017, the deputy chairman of the government and the representative of the President in the Far Eastern district, Yuri Trutnev criticized the Minister of Transport for the high cost of flights to the Far East and the boost with the construction of air ports in the remote region. According to Trutnev, half the money allocated for the construction of the new and reconstruction of the old air terminals.

Maxim Sokolov in 2017

The minister's resignation assumption sounded in Kommersant at the end of 2017. Experts of the publication, referring to the Kremlin sources, expressed the opinion that Maxim Sokolov does not have places in the new government, which will be formed on the basis of the presidential elections in 2018. And they were right.

On March 18, 2018, the election of the President of Russia took place, in which Vladimir Putin again won again. Immediately after joining the post, Vladimir Putin again proposed the place of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, the new structure of the Russian government was voiced to journalists. Maxim Sokolov did not retain the position, Evgeny Dietrich was appointed a new minister of transport.

Awards and achievements

  • 2008 - Medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree
  • Jubilee Medal "300 Years Russian Fleet"
  • Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
  • Medal "200 Years by the Ministry of Defense"
  • Breastplate "Honorary Worker of Transport of Russia"
  • 2007 - Badge "For Humanization of St. Petersburg School"
  • 2012 - Actual State Counselor of the Russian Federation 1 class

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