Ulyana Sergeyenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Designer 2021



Fashionable designer Ulyana Sergeenko is called the "Queen of the Russian Couture". The European public came on the soul of the company "A-Lia Russ". Saying himself in the feshene-industry in 2011, she stunned on the podium of world capitals of fashion - Paris, London and Milan in 3-4 years. In feminine dresses with a flower prince dressed the secular lions of Russia and the stars of Hollywood.

Childhood and youth

Ulyana Sergeyenko was born in 1982 in Kazakhstan in the family of the chief of the ceramic plant and the teacher of the English language. Childhood passed in Ust-Kamenogorsk, the city, about which Ulyana, who had seen the most beautiful world capitals, and today is opposed to warmth.

The creative beginning in Ulyana Sergeenko was revealed early. In childhood, like most girls, she played with dolls. But, unlike the peers, Ulya had a toy beauties in the outfits that Mastered with her own hands. Even the chubby Soviet dolls, which young designer sewed feminine dresses and caps looked elegantly.

The taste and love of fashion in Sergeyenko from the grandmother, who became an ideal femininity for his granddaughter. Woman wore knitted cardigans and shatter skirts. Suppleaked with modest, but elegant decorations.

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In adolescence, Ulyana Sergeyenko was fond of reading and drawing. These two classes selected all their free time. The girl dreamed of a career of the artist, but later it was transformed into a desire to draw sketches of clothes for fashionista.

Barbie Sergeenko appeared after a trip to London under the exchange program. 14-year-old Ulyana, taking a figure of a toy "model" into the hands, so distinguished from the clumsy old dolls, was happy. Now she sewed dresses "from Kutuur".

In 1997, the family moved from Ust-Kamenogorsk to the northern capital of Russia, where Ulyana went to the English gymnasium. In the city on the Neva, an elegant girl with expressive eyes and a brittle physique was surrounded by scouts of the model agency "Modeus Vivendis".

When Ulyana Sergeenko turned 17, she was offered to work in the capital of world fashion - to participate in the shooting. Already then the parameters of the girl corresponded to the necessary data: when 176 cm height, its weight did not exceed 52 kg. But on the perspective of the departure of a young daughter to Paris, parents reacted sharply - banned. Father and mother wanted wang entered the university and became a philologist, not a model on the podium.

Over time, the dream of Ulyana was realized. Although the girl entered the university and, as the parents demanded, began to study foreign literature, the youthful desire to get into the world of fashion was embodied. Soon she firmly tied a biography with a feshene-industry.

Before becoming a designer, Ulya earned authority as a photographer. At the photo shoots, Sergeenko appeared pictures of Alena Ahmadullina, Ksenia Sobchak and Polina Kizhenko.

Personal life

About the first civil husband, a restaurant Alexei Makeev, Ulyana does not remember. It is known that Sergeyenko's son was given birth to the son of Alexander.

With the oligarch and general director of the "Statestrakh", Daniel Khachaturov, a woman met when he independently brought up a 3-year-old son. At the time of romantic acquaintance, Khachaturov was married, but the marriage bonds did not stop the loving businessman, and he left the family.

In the spring of 2006, Ulyana Sergeenko gave birth to Basilis's daughter from Khachaturov. A year later, lovers got married. An influential husband helped the spouse to reveal and create a fashionable clothing brand, which soon brought profits.

In 2015, the secular dusovka discussed the divorce pair. According to rumors, the billionaire was carried away by the director Anna Melikyan, sending investments on the work of the alleged beloved. At the premiere of the "About Love", Melikyan thanked Khachaturov from the stage, saying that without his help, the tape would not come to the screens.

For a previously signed marriage contract, the former spouse receives only alimony to daughter from Daniel Khachaturov. Survive a difficult period to the woman was helped by the close friends of Ksenia Sobchak and Frol Burimsky, PR brand manager.

For a long time, nothing was known about the personal life of the designer: it seemed that Ulyana was gone to the promotion of his own business, which was very successful. But at the end of 2017, news about the new novel was played on the pages of glossy magazines. According to insiders, the election of Sergeenko became Vice-President of the VTB Bank Dmitry Breitantbicher.

The pair has repeatedly appeared together at secular parties. But what tied the matter of these famous personalities is unknown. Dmitry is still happy in marriage, and we are talking about divorce.

The public was used to perceive Ulyana Sergeenko with smoothly laid hair: a neat hairstyle harmonizes with retrostil, which most often uses the designer. But in 2014, the designer changed the image by making a short haircut. Sergeenko's bold step fell to taste her fans.

Unpaired Makeup Attribute Ulyana Sergeenko Long years remains brightly alast lipstick. According to cosmetologists, the fashion designer also uses a tattoo to create an ideal eyebrows.

Design and Fashion

In the youth, Ulyana Sergeenko did not become a model, but implemented herself as a designer. Coming out married a successful Russian businessman, whose state of Russian "Forbes" in 2007, estimated at $ 1.3 billion, the woman turned into a secular lioness. On the metropolitan VIP-party and events where the bomb of two capitals was going to, Sergeyenko came into the clothes that she was sewn or invented.

Soon Ulyana Sergeyenko, elegant and not similar to others, called the style icon. Short attention to the beauty from Russia turned into fashion shows in the world capitals of fashion.

In an interview with Journalists Sergeenko told that Natalia Vodyanova approached her, asking what was dressed on it and where Ulyana took such amazing things. Having learned that the outfit from the beginning and to the end is the idea of ​​compatriot, Supermodel filed the idea to demonstrate the author's collection at Fashion Week in Paris. Vodyanova pushed Ulyana Sergeenko to action and helped organize a debut show.

So in 2011 a brand Ulyana Sergeenko appeared. In the same year, the first display of the line of clothing of the Russian designer, which caused Furore. A woman presented a collection of autumn-winter. The outfits, in which the models died, Kuturier described as "illustrations for the Soviet Vogue of the 1950s."

Under the 2011 curtain, in December, Ulyana Sergeenko presented the second collection of spring-summer - 2012. The clothes of this line designer tied with the cinemas 1970-1980 and the fictional arrival in the USSR of the French star Brick Bardo.

The original style of the Russian designer rated feshen-bloggers in Europe, calling him Russian Lady. In the dresses, the couturier from Russia prevailed retroactors, dresses with a floral print, mohair sweaters, combined with "royal" skirts to ankle, dresses with an underlined and overwhelmed waist, braided braids.

The Russian style designer embodies in bizarre outfits: it is a skirts from a sable, and all sorts of scarves, and coarse fur coats, and a fitted coat. Special chic things lets Yeetskoy lace, which designer uses when creating a blouse.

In the collections of Ulyana Sergeenko, felt hats with veil, fur boa and couplings, elements that emphasize the waist and the length of the feet are often found.

In the homeland, the clothes of the brand, despite the considerable price, buckles lightning. Podium things from Sergeyenko designer wears and herself. In feminine dresses from the Ulyana Sergeenko brand go to the light of Ksenia Sobchak, Nika Belotserkovskaya, Miroslav Duma, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Sophia Zaica.

The work of Ulyana Sergeenko is impossible without a cohesive team. The best representatives of the fessenix industry work in the fashion house of the famous designer. So, with a brand for many years collaborated by Antoine Dimitrov. He led the commercial department of the company, then ranked the position of brand marketing manager in the Russian Farfetch office. Today, Irina Milova remains the right hand of Ulyana, once the first client of the fashion designer. The Director General is Alena Zhelikhovskaya.

The collections of the Russian kuturier were highly appreciated in Paris and Milan, as evidenced by the exit to the red carpet in the dresses from Sergeyenko Beyonce Stars, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian and Rita Ore. Queen of Burlesque Dita von TIZ called Ulyana the "greatest icon of style", and Ornella Muti believes for honor to acquire a novelty from the designer and enters the circle of close friends of talented Russians.

In the Russian Federation, clothing stores Ulyana Sergeenko appeared in the capital and Yekaterinburg. The designer's new collections report on the official website.


In the late 2017 and early 2018, the name of Ulyana Sergeenko turned out to be in the top of the news. The scandal hit due to the untaidental statement of the designer, who called the dark-skinned non-correct word.

Within the framework of the High Fashion Week in Paris, Sergeyenko sent an invitation to Miroslava Duma, which wrote "My *** [Black] in Paris." The latter posted a photo with an invitation in "Instagram", and it fell to the eyes of Naomi Campbell. The star was offended, which posted a post in his account, calling the boyboat.

A flurry of critics and insults fell on Ulyana Sergeenko. Russian fashion designer was accused of racism. The designer apologized and answered that just unsuccessfully joked, using the phrase of his favorite musician Kanye West from his niggas in paris.

Soon after what happened, Runet spoke about Sergeyenko's novel with a billionaire - the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin. Allegedly a couple spent the time at Fashion Week in Paris. The first responded to Sechin, who said that he respects the designer, but is not personally familiar. No commentary from the commentary and Ksenia Sobchak, recommending the editor of the publication in which the gossip appeared, follow the reliability of the sources.

In social networks suggested that Sergeenko's rumors with a well-known person, Sergeenko, tried to lean the previous conflict and take attention from racism accusations.

In 2020, Sergeenko first made a detailed interview on the Rain Channel. The fashion designer shared childhood memories, told about life with the first and second husbands. According to Ulyana, in the first way it was subjected to domestic violence. The girl had to leave the civilian spouse, being on the 6th month of pregnancy.

Ulyana Sergeyenko now

Today, the fashionable house of Ulyana Sergeenko is part of the Paris Syndicate of High Fashion. Clothes, accessories, hats and bags create masters of brand in the largest studio, which is located in the capital of Russia. In the creation of model collections, small workshops across the country participate. Sergeenko adheres to the policies of popularization and preserving Russian traditional weaving techniques.

Now things from the designer collections can be purchased through the online store. The official website of the trendy house presents a large range of brand goods. In 2020, during Quarantine, Ulyana Sergeyenko presented to its customers and friends the game "Paper doll".

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