Alexey Orlov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause



Alexey Orlov - the younger brother of Grigoria Orlova (Favorita Catherine II), the Supporter of the Empress, who became one of the heads of the state coup of 1762. He is attributed to even the murder of the former king Peter III. With a light hand, Alexey Grigorievich Russia acquired a unique breed of horses - an Orlovsky Rysak. The man also gave the country a bright Gypsy folklore.

Childhood and youth

The future associate of the Empress is a nobility from the noble family. Alexey Grigorievich was born on September 24, 1737 (according to old year) in the village of Lutkino (Tver Province). Father, owner of his own estate, 10 years after the birth of Alyosha, took over the post of Novgorod governor.

Nobleman Alexey Orlov

In the family, Alexey - the third son of six, was distinguished by the Bogatlish health, business qualities and a strong, bold and energetic character. Information about the early biography of the historic person is extremely scarce. The brothers called him Alekhan. The young man did not receive brilliant education and upbringing, not even owned foreign languages, in the future, bad manners were horrified in court circles.

However, the eagles had a congenital burden for knowledge, in adulthood, it was vividly interested in sciences and literature, manshedral Mikhail Lomonosov and Denis Fonvizina, corresponded with Jean Jacques Rousseau. It is known that the young man has studied the sciences and military cases in the landlinskaya building, and the service began in 15 years a soldier in the Preobrazhensky regiment.

Politics and Military Service

By 1762, Alexey Grigorievich Doros to Sergeant of Preobrazhensky Region. By that time, the Orlov brothers - Alexey, Grigory and Fedor - were already tightly settled in the metropolitan society, but legends went to the ugly, walks on their drunk adventures and physical strength. It would be unlikely that young people would fall into the annals of history, if they were not included in the circle of the heir to the heir to the heir to the throne, Ekaterina Alekseevna.

Gregory Orlov, Brother Alexey Orlov

Penetrating the difficult married position of the future empress, the Orlov launched campaigning in the society of guards youth, and then fastened a large batch of the military. The leader of the organization and became a cold-blooded and active Alexey Orlov, who managed to maintain ideas about the state coup to the end.

Alexey Grigorievich directly participated in the process of changing power. A man personally accompanied Peter III, who was in a locked carriage in Ropshu, guarded him here, and then pulled out the renewal from the throne from the ruler. The death of Peter also blame Orlov, but the studies of the life of the graph are confident that this is just a speculation, the repentant letter, allegedly sent by Alexei Tsarice, is called fake.

After the coup, Alexey, together with the older relatives, was over the empress. The male was collapsed by the mooring of the mercy - the title of Major General, then the Major of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, plus to the entire 800 peasant souls personally and almost 3,000 souls, as well as the village of Obolensky, who were pleased with the brothers on three.

Death of Peter III

In the future, Orlov played significant roles in state affairs, performed a number of responsible instructions of the Queen. Especially distinguished himself during the war with Turkey - Alexey found himself in the epicenter of military events: created a plan of the operation called the first Archipelago expedition, then headed the squadron of the Russian Fleet.

In Chesmesky battle arranged a "demonstration performance", sterling the Turkish fleet. A victory in Russia was celebrated with a scope - in honor of the defeat of the Turks, the medal was knocked out, Chesmersky Obelisk and the Palace appeared on the map of the capital. A Alexey Grigorievich, who received the Holy George's Order of St. George and the title of Graph, wished to take the second surname - Chesmesky.

Count Orlov has tested another important thing entrusted by the Empress. In 1775, an applicant was announced on the Russian throne of Princess Tarakanova, who announced himself with the daughter of Elizabeth Petrovna. Ekaterina II instructed Alexey to lure in the ambush the adventurist and deliver from Europe to the Russian Empire.

Alexey Orlov

Eagles in this task showed all the skill of the seducer and Lovelas, depicting a fervor love and even offering the princes her hand and heart. Brilliantly coping with the assignment, namely, having made the arrest of the princes, the graph in the same year quietly resigned.

After the death of Catherine, Pavel I took up to the throne took away from the Eagle-Chesmensky retirement, and the count left Russia. Returned only after Alexander I in 1801. After 6 years, Alexey Grigorievich was going to take part in the battles related to the conclusion of the Tilzite world, but the idea was not destined to be incarnated in life - soon the count passed away.

Personal life

In 1782, the joy of relatives, Orlov decided to marry. The chief of Evdokia Lopukhina became the elected - the girl was 21 years old, while Alexey Grigorievich celebrated the 48th anniversary. According to some historians, the married mistress of Count Ekaterina Demidov appeared to sit.

Evdokia Lopukhina, wife Alexei Orlova

He immediately notified the empress on the upcoming wedding of Orlov, and Catherine congratulated his own written writing by his own written writing, wishing "all happiness and well-being." A lush wedding thundered to the whole of Moscow for several days in a row. However, family life was short-lived: Evdokia Nikolaevna died at the birth of the second child, leaving Orlov Widow with her older daughter Anna in his arms (the newborn son died with his mother).

The count brought up another son illegitimately in 1763 by Alexander Chesmensky. Catherine II allowed his protege to take care of the offspring: Alexey Grigorievich gave Sasha a wonderful education and upbringing.

In the future, Alexander Chesmesky became a Major General, participated in the war against Kostyutko. And the daughter of Anna entered the court Freillia, refused marriage and hit the religion, but did not leave the royal yard.

Having resigned in 1775, the count went to Moscow and devoted time to his beloved practices - breeding dogs and horses, which brought from abroad. It was satisfied with enchanting races, self-betting. As a granted lands of the Voronezh province, Alexey Grigorievich built a Krenovskaya factory, where she brought Oryol Rysakov famous worldwide and Russian horse.

In addition to horses, Orlovskiy canary, Orlovsky battle geese and even Orlovian postal pigeons were famous. And from Persia Alexey Grigorievich brought chic Gilyandovsky chickens. Also, the Count Orlov presented Moscow the first Gypsy chorus brought to Russia from Moldova. This chapel marked the beginning of a professional gypsy performance.


Before death, the aged and the dyeing graph was very tormented. According to legends, so as not to hear screams, he ordered the home orchestra to play a few days in a row. The news that Alexey Grigorievich, at death, quickly flew around the district, and people of different classes reached the estate.

Bust Alexei Orlova

It is said that he was loved by the fortress peasants - a man always treated them well, so, standing in front of the gate, a simple people cry. On the Christmas Eve 1807, Eagles-Chesmers died.

The graph was buried in the Yuriev Monastery, where the dust lay near the remains of the 60 brothers. In 1896, the Eagle's dust was on the lands of the generic estate.


  • In 1995, a monument to the military leader and the selection of Alexey Orlov Chesmensky was erected in Voronezh.
  • In 2004, a monument to the Eaglov count appeared on the Greek Island Lemnos as part of the celebration of the Days of Russian-Greek Friendship.
  • In the Central Naval Library (St. Petersburg) stored a collection of books Alexei Orlova. The publications have a brown skin binding with gold embossed marked by the Gao monogram under the County Crown.

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