Marya Bolkonskaya - biography, appearance and character, loyalty, quotes


Character History

With the help of a series of female images in the novel "War and Peace", Lion Tolstoy tried to show the significance of the role of an excellent half of humanity in society, as well as the value of a strong family in the war of 1812. Marya Bolkonskaya is one of the best representatives of the nobility and the most difficult characters of the epic.

Writer Leo Tolstoy

Lev Nikolayevich gives heroine characteristics of a ugly woman, the path to marriage of which is possible only through its origin and wealth, but endowed with exceptional qualities, rare for society of that time. Loyalty and ability to self-sacrifice - bright features of the girl.

Appearance and nature

The author thoroughly worked out portraits and biographies of heroes, including Mary Bolkonskaya. The image of the girl is based on the ideas of Lev Nikolayevich about his own mother Marya Nikolaevna (in the Maiden Volkonskaya), which the writer did not remember. He confessed that he created her spiritual appearance in the imagination. The heroine looks painfully: a weak body, looked like a face.

"A poor girl, she is devilish fool," Anatole Kuragin thought about her.

And it does not differ in gracefulness - Lev Nikolayevich did not get tired of noting that Marie has a heavy clumsy gait. The only attractive part of the image was sad big eyes, which were like kindness and warmth.

Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostov

However, internal beauty is hidden for inconspicuous appearance. Tolstoy praises in Marie loyalty to themselves and deep moral principles, high education and reasonableness, responsiveness, endless nobility, which manifests itself in every act. The girl is deprived of tricks, calculating and coquetry, characteristic of most young ladies.

Marie Bolkonskaya, together with Natasha Rostoy, opposed in the novel by an agricultural selfish libertine Elene Kuragin. At the same time, relations with Natasha at first are not easy. The chief of his brother annoyed the princess with the abilities of character, immediacy and cheerfulness, but in the future girls brought the death of Andrei.

Marya Bologkoe and her father Nikolai Bolkonsky

The old prince Nikolai Bolkonsky brought up the daughter of Marie in the same rigor as the son of Andrei. Hard pedagogical methods reflected on the nature of the girl - she grew closed, modest, even timid. However, at least Marie is afraid of her home tyrant, but retains love for his father to the end of his days.

The heroine did not have on Bals and in secular parties in the living room Madame Schever, because his father considered such a pastime with stupid. The absence of close friends (the circle of communication was limited to the companion of Madmoiselle Storm, yes, Juli Karagina, with whom only constant correspondence was drawn) compensated for extreme religiosity. Frequent guests of Marya - "God's people", i.e. Wanderers and believers, for which parents and brother mock the girl.

Marya Bolkonskaya

Marya realizes that nature regretted her beauty, and does not feed the illusions about marriage, although in the depths of the soul hopes to gain women's happiness and certainly go under the crown of love. Marie Bolkonskaya for a long time sees the meaning of his existence in loyalty to the father, love and care for his brother and his sibling by Nikiushka, but fate ordered otherwise, giving a girl personal happiness.

Life Path

At the beginning of the novel, the princess Marya is 20 years old. She was born and rose in the labor estate under the guardianship of a strict and despotic father, which placed the daughter's day routine in minutes, which include long-clad algebra and geometry. In the past, the influential royal nobleman, Nikolai Andreevich, exiled to the estate of the bald mountains, turned his daughter in the maid. His favorite occupation is to bring Marie to Tears, to humiliate the last words. Father is not bend to launch a notebook to heiress or call fool.

Marya Bologkoe and Andrey Bolkonsky

Warm and trust relationships from Marie have developed a brother. After the death of his wife, the girl without problems assumes the obligations to raise the nephew.

Once in the correspondence with Jules, Karagina Marya learns that Vasily Kuragin with a unborn slutful son goes to wing to it. The heroine takes Anatol Kuragin for a worthy person. In the soul wakes up the hope of finding women's happiness, dreams of family and children master her mind. Tolstoy, like a thin psychologist, reveals all the hidden thoughts of his beloved heroine. So bold thoughts of Marie is terribly scared, but decides to submit to God's will.

Anatole Kuragin

However, the father quickly crushed the petty and calculating the groom's natural nature, especially since Anatol himself spoiled the matchmaking, while driving a flirt with a companion of Marie. Naive girl decided in the name of the happiness of the Frenchwoman, without the memory of the victorious in the Uhager, say goodbye to the only chance of marriage.

Father's illness released Mary Bolkonskaya from a permanent supervision, and the heroine, taking Nichorka, went to Moscow. In the capital, the girl was tormented by the fact that he was mounted to disobey the father, and suddenly felt endless love and affection for him. After the death of the parent, Mari was going to leave the estate, but was captured by local men, who in fear of losing their own good did not release it from the courtyard. Although the girl was ready to divide the stocks of bread between the starving peasants, showing the generosity of the soul.

Marya Bolkonskaya and Nikolay Rostov

Nikolai Rostov came to the rescue, the only man, who was sincerely love to love this woman, discovered the inner beauty and wealth of the soul. But first, the hero was not aware of love, he experienced an incomprehensible thrill to the girl and even fear.

Fate gave Marie Bolkonskaya what she was so dreamed of: the girl married Nicholas and happily raised children. From the heroine turned out to be a devotee, wise wife, who appreciates and respects the spouse, and a wonderful mother - Marie with pleasure pays time to raising the heirs and even leads a diary, where he writes the remarkable episodes of the life of children.


Roman "War and the World" settled in cinema since 1913. First, the product of a thick in a trimmed form was shielded by Russian pioneers of a silent movie, and in 1956 the audience saw epic in color. Then the heroes of the "War and Peace" revived the American director King Vidor. Anna-Maria Ferrero appeared in the role of Marie Bolkonskoy.

Anna-Maria Ferrero in the role of Mary Bolkonskaya

The Soviet series "War and the World" was noticeable, the Soviet series "War and Peace" became the noticeable work, filmed by Sergey Bondarchuk in 1965. The gentle, intimidated by the father, played by Antonina Shuranov, and the image of Nikolai Rostov embodied Oleg Tabakov.

Antonina Shuransova in the role of Marya Bolkon

Bright screening is considered to be the film Robert Dorngelm, who came to the screens in 2007. In the creation of the painting, five European countries participated, including Russia. Touching Marya Bolkonskaya turned out from the Italian actress Valentina Wormi.

Valentina Cerves in the role of Marya Bolkonskaya

The role of the future husband of the girl was performed by Dmitry Isaev. In the tape there are significant discrepancies with the original source, but this did not prevent her to win the love of the audience.

Jesse Buckley in the role of Marya Bolkonskaya

The last filmmaker, filmed by the novel of Leo Tolstoy, saw the light in 2016. The English dramatic mini-series collected the stars of the screen - the audience enjoy the game of Paul Dano (Pierre Duhov), Lily James (Natasha Rostov), ​​James Norton (Andrei Bolkonsky). Marie Bolkonoe and Nikolai Rostov presented Jesse Buckley and Jack Louden.


"Princedo Marya had two passions and therefore two joys: the nephew Nichushka and religion." "The eyes of the princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very often, despite The uglyness of the whole face, the eyes of these were attractive than beauty. "" The feeling it was the stronger, the more she tried to hide him from others and even from itself. "" Who will understand everything, he will be forgiven. "" My calling is different - to be Happy other happiness, happiness of love and self-sacrifice. "" A wonderful heart is the quality that I most appropriate in people. "" Ah, my friend, religion, and only one religion, maybe we can no longer say comfortable, but get rid of despair ; One religion can explain to us what a person cannot understand without her help. "" I do not want another life, and I can not desire, because I do not know any other life. "

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