Marina Yudashkin - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", growth, in youth, Valentin Yudashkin 2021



Popular stereotypes about Marina Yudashkina is not news: the wife of the Star Fashioner, the clever and beauty, probably half-life spent on fashion shows. But the pages of the biography of a successful business woman - an illustration of a mad rhythm and sleepless nights, a daily movement forward in building a fashionable empire, which the world knows under the name Valentin Yudashkin.

Childhood and youth

Marina Yudashkin, in Maiden - Patalov, was born in December 1958 in an ordinary family. Parents are ordinary people, and Marina studied in an ordinary school. Like all the girls, loved to turn the pigtails doll and invent them outfits. This passion in the future predetermined the choice of profession - the girl mastered the art of doing hairstyles and learned to cut clothes. By the way, Mother Marina also worked as a hairdresser.

According to Yudashkina, she grew up in the family, where it was not accepted, the main thing is not to interfere. Marina has worked for 15 years, and at 17 he began to participate in competitions, including international ones.


Professional career Marina began with the post of Hairdresser-Stylist in the Central Design and Design and Technology Bureau under the Ministry of Household Services. She was part of the national team of the country of hairdressers. The future husband Valentine worked there, only as a makeup artist, and already invented clothes.

After the joint passion for the world of beauty turned into a family business, I forgot about your own ambitions. The woman became the main inspirationor, the closest assistant and the advisor Kuturier. In the press, Yudashkina is often compared with another spouse of the Russian celebrity - Nelly Kobzon, who became everywhere to follow her husband just from a feeling of jealousy.

After all, Valentin Yudashkin revolves all his life among the long-legged perfection adding on the podium and simply beautiful women. Although the fashion designer admits that he is a conservative, he has a family and a gap "can only happen from the lack of brains in her husband or wife."

Members of the Yudashkaya family unites one thing. Her chapter, as you know, is still a workaholic, and Valentin is even glad that at least at work can be seen with close people. And if Marina had been doing something else, the spouses would have forgotten about living together.

This is now Marina manages the house of fashion named after the husband, and in the 90s, when difficult times began, Yudashkina to feed themselves and save business, sold antique furniture and personal car Marina.

Moreover, the woman herself proposed to sell the only means of movement. As for the work, whether it is an administrative question or hairstyles for models that demonstrate the next collection, Marina enjoys infinite confidence of her husband. Yudashkin never criticizes his wife's decisions.

Marina's life is closely connected with fashion. The spouse of one of the best couturies of Europe is a permanent guest, and even the hostess of secular events, parties, feshent-impositions. In March 2018, Moscow Fashion Week the fall of the fall-winter 2018-2019 took place in the Moscow Gostiny Dvor. Opened a week demonstration of Valentina Yudashkin collections.

Shortly before that, Marina helped her husband in organizing the Haute Couture show in the State Kremlin Palace. There the designer presented the Russian Theater collection.

Personal life

Photo in "Instagram" The wife of the fashion designer demonstrate a luxurious woman (the growth of Marina is 174 cm, the weight is 65 kg), which is not much changed with age, and the yudashkina married in January 1988. Young people, although they worked in one enterprise, crossed rarely, saw each other when they were preparing to show at the next competition.

According to the memories of Marina, there were three days, and agreed to offer because Valentin caught surprise. Before you give an answer, it was not advised to consult with anyone, as the solutions always took the one: "I don't need to talk to me every day that they love me. I have to feel it. "

The wedding took place in three months. Valentin Yudashkin was not afraid to accept and personally sewed a wedding dress for his future wife, deciding with alive orchids. Marina soon abandoned his favorite passion for hairstyles and began to build a family life.

No matter how surprisingly, the woman does not remember whether Valentine spoke to her compliments and given gifts, but he exactly remembers that the spouses never parted for a long time. Although the main gift of Yudashkin considers a common child.

In the 1990s, the only daughter of the couple was born - Galina. The family then lived in a studio apartment, and Yudashkina had all the efforts so that the little child would not interfere with Valentine to create. A month after the birth of the baby, the fashion designer presented at the Fashion Week in Paris the first collection.

Marina accompanied her husband on the trip, having passed the daughter to the care of her grandmother. In a conversation with Catherine, the Christmas lioness noticed that, perhaps, would give birth to more children. But the young then grandmother worked, and Valentina Career just went to the mountain.

Marina Yudashkin in all interviews says that helping a man in building a career is a female responsibility. Discussing things to give advice at home, otherwise there is a listener on the side very quickly. And in no case can you blame her husband in Leno or egoism, try to remake it, transfer creative and professional disputes into the household plane.

"If your husband does not go to the project, it is better to look in the mirror."

It is this principle and common sense who defended his wife Couturier from jealousy to long-legged beauties in swimsuits accompanying the creative profession of her husband.

According to Valentine, he is constantly in the road, tired of calls and gives more time to workshops. And Marina, that man who knows everything, remembers everything and everything has time. They had never had something like scandals, but even simple quarrels. And to offend Yudashkina, you must try to very much.

The fact that Marina's love saved him in 2016 from the oncological disease, Valentine said Boris Korchevnikov's television show. Then the presentation of the collection at the Paris Fashion Week fell on the shoulders of his wife, daughters and the French team.

In turn, the fashion designer's wife did not go into the details of what words found to support her husband, and better not to pronounce them. He said only that if the doctors say to be treated, and will do. Despite the fact that the couple often appears in the public, Yudashkina prefer not to advertise their personal life. On the same program, Philip Kirkorov noted that Marina, in general, and drags the family for himself, this is the most Russian woman who will stop the horse at the race, and in the burning hut will enter.

The family lives in the village of Bakovka, in the country house, which was built four years, and then as much as they were equipped. Marina recalled how she did not want to leave the city of the city to the country where he had no one to communicate. But I had to solve issues with builders, buy interior items, think about design. The situation in the house is the fruits of fantasy spouses of the Yudashkaya.

Galina's daughter took over the father's talent, released the collection of youth and children's clothing, but her main thing is her passion. The girl takes off for the official website of the fashion house Valentina Yudashkin, created an album in which the best works of parental collections are collected. In addition, Galina takes the post of art director of a fashion house.

In April 2016, Galina and her husband Peter Maksakov presented Marina to the first grandson of Tolik, and on March 28, 2018 the second - Arkady. For the kids, Yudashkina started slaughter chuckles so that the children get homemade eggs to the table. Now the grandmother is passionate about the construction of a children's town at the railway area: she "on the fingers" shows the manager that she wants, and he embodies ideas in the joinery workshop. Something Marina makes her own hands, leaning on the natural sense of style.

In addition, on the shoulders of a woman - a leaving for other grains. Four dogs live in the house - German Shepherds, Maltese and Akita-Inu, Cat Musya and Fish. Free time, Yudashkaya passes for "Nothing" - rejoice that you do not need to run anywhere.

At the end of 2020, Valentina Yudashkina attracted a lot of attention due to the scandal with the promulgation of personal correspondence of the fashion designer with Nikolai Tsiskaridze. The situation remained unclear, and Kuturier himself left history without comment. The occurred did not affect the family life of the Yudashkaya. New 2021 Couple celebrated in a noisy friendly company in Alla Pugacheva castle. Marina appeared on the festival in an elegant evening dress-case, embroidered sequins. From the festive evening, Yudashkin shared in "Instagram".

Marina Yudashkin now

Valentina Yudashkin's fashion house under the skillful leadership of Marina, who survived the heavy times of self-insulation and re-opened for guests in June 2020, works now. In the Parisian show of high fashion under his label, a collection of autumn-winter 2020-2021 in dark colors and reserved-elegant trends inherent in the taste of the famous fashion designer was presented.

Chet Yudashki implemented another current project - "Valentine Academy of Valentina Yudashkin", which focuses on learning to designer art: master classes, courses and intensives. This idea is the key to the transfer of creative traditions of the fashion house Valentina Yudashkin to the young generation.

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