Pink Panther - character history, main characters, character and image


Character History

Pink Panther is an outstanding character of the American animated series, capable of competing by Cotu Leopold, from the cartoon about Tom and Jerry and other fictional characters of the animated universe. The embodiment of a specific idea happened gradually and accompanied by curious events.

History of creation

The animated series appeared after the premiere of the film was held on large screens, the main role in which Peter Sellers played. The project has a 124 series. The first were produced under the guidance of the director Fritz Fryling, who spent the multiplier in many projects of the Studio "Warner Brothers". The soundtrack, who became famous, created the composer Henry Mancini, and in 1964 the Cartoon film took Oscar.

Pink Panther

It is curious that the cinema gave the plot of the plot. Blake Edwards removed the picture dedicated to the investigator of the club, the first episode of which was preceded by an animated screensaver. In the center of development of events - the near-meal investigator and a diamond called "Pink Panther". Fritz Filling, invited to visualize the image of an animation character created 150 variations of the drawn hero. Seeing the amount of work done, the director asked to prepare a cartoon that could prevail the belt. Spectators met the project with admiration. Special sympathies caused an animation insert.

Image and plot

The plot of ideas, to the embodiment of which multipliers led by Fritz Freiling, simple. The main acting person is the male pink panther named Pinki. The name of the beast emphasizes the shade of his skins, focusing on the unusual characteristics of the character.

Multiplier Fritz Fries.

The main theme of the animated series is the relationship of Panthers with an irritable character. The antagonist is a strange man with a mustache and a big nose. Its so call: a big nose man. The interaction of heroes in each series leads to the failures of a person. Panther breaks his plans for the construction of a house, a calm dream, a meeting of builders. The mass of events occurs due to the appearance of the representative of the Feline family near the unrestrained person. As a rule, everything happens by the will of the case, and there are no panthers wines. Among the opponents of the hero, which appeared in the later series: Dogs Pug, Louis and Boss, Ants and Shaman.

Pinki is a friendly and peaceful hero, which depends on the circumstances that exhibit it in an unsightly light. It is extraordinary and charming. Panther has no analogues in the multiplication universe. He has a calm and discreet character, there is a sense of humor and aesthetic manners. The hero is characterized by intelligence. The combination of these qualities causes the public to imbum sympathy to the character. Pink panther with its own way symbolizes the elegance and wit.

Man big nose

The actors of the cartoon communicate with the viewer, but the creators gave them a voice, but the sound. In particular, instead of the usual speech at the time of interaction with the public with Panther, an appropriate musical theme is distributed. The melody is not annoying and serves as a removing background for a visual series. Charming pink panther attracts the appearance and personal characteristics that make the hero interesting for children and adult audiences.


The cartoon about the pink panther presented in the 1960s. The artistic picture called "Inspector Clouzo" began a cartoon screensaver. Released in 1968, it turned out to be the first emission of the animation plot. The tape told about how the inspector catches a mysterious criminal who killed a huge amount of money and disappeared without a trace. Alan Arkin played the main role in the film. From 1975 to 1982, four films were released about the adventures of an unusual hero: "The return of the Pink Panther", "Pink Panther inflicts a new blow," Revenge of the Pink Panther "and" Trail of Pink Panthers ". In these paintings, the emphasis was shifted and the main acting person was not male panther, but an unlucky policeman.

Pink Panther and Inspector Clouzo

In the role of Clouzo, Peter Sellers spoke more often than other performers. In 1983 and 1993, films were shown on large screens, in which this character was absent: "Curse of the Pink Panther" and "Son of Pink Panther".

In the 2000s, the director resumed work on a project about the foolish investigator, having released two tapes with the participation of Steve Martin. Pink Panther and Pink Panther 2 had large fees and approval of the public. The actors who spent in the form of the club inspector were distinguished by comic granted and added every picture unique sophistication. No tape shone with bright aphorisms and quotes and was not remembered by the audience in contrast to the images created by artists.

Pink Panther - character history, main characters, character and image 1545_5

The overseas multiplication project does not have ideological analogs, and films using the authentic plot were removed only in the United States of America.

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