Yuri Herman - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



Yuri Herman is a classic of Russian literature, prose, playwright, film booking. Laureate of the Stalin Prize 2nd degree. The creative biography of the writer began a modernist prose, then the manner of writing changed dramatically: Herman was one of the first Russian writers presented the family novel readers.

Writer Yuri Herman

Literary heritage Prosaika is extensive: over 40 years of life in art, he created novels, stories, stories, plays, scripts. And the main books of his books were the novel "Russia Young" about the Petrovsk era, the trilogy "The case you serve" and the story of the misunderstanding of the criminal investigation department, by which his son took off the brilliant film "My friend Ivan Lapshin."

Childhood and youth

A prosecraft was born in the spring of 1910 in Riga in the family of a serviceman. Mom Herman - Nadezhda Ignatiev, daughter of the Lieutenant of the Islabo Regiment - the teacher of the Russian language. The head of the Familion of Pavel Herman was mobilized during the First World War. The second half of the spouse, grabbing the 4-year-old Son Yura. Nadezhda Konstantinovna settled the sister of mercy in the field hospital of the Artillery Division.

Yuri Herman

Childhood Yuri Hermann, as he wrote later, passed among the soldiers, guns and horses. A lot of time the boy spent in the hospital. At the crossing through the Zbroch River, the life of the future classic almost broke. Soon Paul Herman headed the division and finished the service in the rank of headquarten.

Adolestration Yuri Herman called ordinary: after demobilization, his father worked as a financial inspector in Kursk and the cities of the region - Oboyi, LRV, Dmitriev.

In school, Herman became interested in literature. The first written lines - rhymed, but poetic experience ended on those few verses that appeared on the pages of the "Kursk Pravda". The desire to rhyme "drove" the editor, advising the boy to compose essays and reports.

Yuri Herman in youth

The first lessons of journalism who taught the future winner of the Stalinist Prize Kursk Little Artista, Herman recalled with gratitude.

The creative biography of the writer continued with several stories printed in the Lgovskaya newspaper, but the emphasis was moving to drama. The young man was fascinated by the theater, at first he suffered, then led the homemade and composed for the productions the first small plays.

Soon after graduation in Kursk, Yuri Herman went to Leningrad: 19-year-old young man became a student of the technical school of scenic arts.


Herman studied and worked on a machine-building plant, continuing to write. At the age of 17, he composed the modernist novel "Rafael from the hairdresser", but a professional writer felt at 21, when a novel called "Introduction", approved by Maxim Gorky.

Yuri Herman

In the formation of the prosecut, a major role was played by the magazine for young proletarian youth, which was in the city on the Neva. The stories of Hermann "Skura" and "Sivash" appeared on his pages.

On the instructions of the editorial board, Yuri wrote essays about factory and factory workers. Meetings with people in production pushed a young writer for the creation of a novel, which opened the name of the writer with a wide range of Soviet readers. The name of the novel - "Introduction" - became prophetic.

Erast Garin and Yuri Herman

The appearance of "domestic", family novel "Our Families" has become an event in Soviet literature, which has not previously known such examples. Prosers of the new time wrote about the production, construction projects of the century, labor collectives and large-scale figures. Yuri Herman is hardly the first of the contemporaries showed how they are born and grow people who are prepared a big future.

The wounded Great Patriotic War did not pass for the writer side: Yuri Herman served as a military army on the Karelian front, wrote for TASS and Sovinformbühro, visited the Northern Fleet, where the journalist was seconded to political management. Essays, articles and stories of Voalkor Herman Front readers met with enthusiasm.

Yuri Herman and film operator Mikhail Lifshits in 1943

The idea of ​​the historical novel-epic about Peter I writer inspired military events. Insplessing experienced in war, Yuri Herman worked on the heads of the "Young" heads, which readers saw in 1952.

In the post-war period, Prosaika was born a desire to write about the hero of our time - the man of a special warehouse of the mind capable of thinking by universal, state categories. So in 1957-1964 the trilogy "The case you serve" about the doctor Vladimir Ustimenko appeared.

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The second book of the trilogy is "my dear man" - about the heroism of sailors who fell to serve in the harsh north during the Second World War. The episodes of the book are taken from the military experience of Yuri Pavlovich and friendly conversations with the Arkhangelsk sailors-Poms. The final part of the novel in three parts, called "I am responsible for everything", the classic published in the mid-1960s, when a deadly disease reminded himself every minute.

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Proser wrote for both adults and children. Young readers Yuri Herman presented the wonderful books "Stories about Dzerzhinsky", "Secret and Service", "Let Lapa, Friend". And the story of the blockade Leningrad "That's how it was" appeared after the death of the classics. Her manuscript was found, viewing Yuri Pavlovich's archive, son and wife.

It seems that the writer considered the text over which she worked in the late 1940s, launched and postponed him for later, and never had time to return to him. The story was written under the impression of the stories of those who survived the blockade of Leningrads: in the city at the Neva, Yuri Herman returned after demobilization. Events are described from the position of the 7-year-old boy Misha, the "blockade" child.

Yuri Hermann, Johann Zeltser and Alexander Stein in the work on the script of the film

A lot of strength and inspiration writer gave the cinema. In the mid-1930 he collaborated with Sergey Gerasimov: together with the director, Prosais worked on the script of the paintings "Seven Bolds". Herman wrote scenarios for the films "Dr. Kalyuzhny", "Pirogov", "Business Rumyantsev", "Let the Pawa, friend!".

The Son of the writer is the director Alexei Herman - in 1984 he took off the drama "My friend Ivan Lapshin" on the reasons of the father's novel, which entered the golden stock of Soviet cinema. Nina Ruslanova and Andrei Mironov starred in the film.

Personal life

The writer married three times. The first spouse Yury Pavlovich was the niece of the People's Artist of the RSFSR Vladimir Henkina - Sophia. They got married in 1928, but lived in marriage only 2 years.

Spouses divorced in the 1930s, and in the same year Herman married the second time. The wife of Pozaika became Lyudmila Reisler, who gave birth to her husband in 1933, Misha's firstborn. Together the couple lived for 6 years. Son Mikhail Hermann became art historian.

Tatyana Rittenberg and Yuri Herman

With the third wife of Tatiana Rittenberg, the novelist lived to death. Tatyana Alexandrovna gave birth to her husband of the second son - Alexey, who became the director and screenwriter.

The grandson of Alexey Alekseevich German woman did not see the writer. Hermann-Jr. was born in 1976 and went in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, becoming director and screenwriter. In 2018, the premiere of the Melodrama "Dovlatov", which was removed by the director and grandson Yury German.


From 1948 to 1967, Yuri Herman lived in the house on the Marsfield. There he died. The writer focused his death and described: in the late 1940s, the book "Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service". The Hero of the novel eaten cancer who killed him for a long time and painfully.

Mogila Yuri Herman

The same disease was diagnosed by Yuri Pavlovich in the mid-1960s. Cancer and caused his death in January 1967. The classic gone courageously, without complaints, not bewindling his relatives. After the death, the son found a note of his father, in which he read the words:

"It seems to die, not Koxes."

I buried Yuri Pavlovich at the Bogoslovsky cemetery of St. Petersburg.


  • 1931 - "Rafael from the hairdresser"
  • 1931 - "Introduction"
  • 1934 - "Poor Heinrich"
  • 1936 - "Our acquaintances"
  • 1939 - "Son of the People" (Piece)
  • 1940 - "Sisters" (Piece)
  • 1949 - "Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service"
  • 1951 - "Dark Autumn At Night" (Piece)
  • 1952 - "Russia Young"
  • 1957 - "For the prison wall" (play)
  • 1958 - "The case you serve"
  • 1960 - "One Year"
  • 1962 - "My dear man"
  • 1965 - "I am responsible for everything"
  • 1969 - "That's how it was"

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