Roman Zobnin - biography, personal life, photo, news, football player, "Spartak", Ramine wife, salary, injury 2021



Roman Zobnin is a Russian football player, midfielder, Vice-Captain of the Moscow FC "Spartak" and the Russian national team. The athlete is the highest paid player "Red-White".

Childhood and youth

The future star of football was born on February 11, 1994 in Irkutsk in the family of pilot of civil aviation, crew commander, and housewives. Roman has an elder brother Alexander, who in childhood also hit football, but later went in the footsteps of the Father.

As a novel admits in an interview, the passion for football seized him already in 6 years - at this age, the boy first went out on the field. Since then, Zobnin has not even thought about other sports. Soccer answered reciprocity, and already at 11 years old, the teenager went to Togliatti to continue to engage in the coaches of the notorious football academy named after Yuri Konoplev.

Zobnin, along with other young athletes, lived away from their parents in the football boarding school. The boys had to be not easy: constant exhausting workouts, serious loads and the inability to meet with the family for 3-4 months periodically, according to the recognition of a football player, led to despondency. However, the novel overcame these difficulties and graduated from the Academy.


In 2012, the novel went to Moscow to pass on to Dynamo, but soon returned to his native Irkutsk. Nevertheless, the year later, the football player still signed a contract with this team, obliged to go to the field within 2.5 years in the field of "white-blue". These were the first serious contract of Zobnin and the first serious salary - 250 thousand rubles.

Initially, it was planned that he would replenish the youth composition, however, in the first gaming season Zobnin was transferred to the main team. At the same time, in 2013, the football player made his debut in the Premier League against the Anji Club. The game was so strong that at the end of the season, the novel was awarded the Award "Hope" Dynamo ", which traditionally gets the most promising newcomer club.

In 2015, Zobnin played for the first time in the Europa League, but already in the 1st half of the game against the Italian team "Napoli" in a row 2 yellow cards and was forced to leave the field. Also in 2015, the footballer joined the composition of the national team, which became the apparent recognition of the talent of the novel. In 2016, the contract with Dynamo ended, and, if you believe sports ratings and forecasts, the athlete at that time became one of the most sought-after players in the transfers.

In the summer of 2016, it became known that Zobnin will continue his career as part of Spartak at number 47. The contract with this command was concluded until 2020. In the new red-white form, the midfielder made his debut in the qualifying game of the Europa League against the team with Cyprus.

Soon, thanks to the talent and purposefulness of Zobnin, was already considered one of the leading players of the main composition of Spartak. And in 2017, the Roman became a star of the club, sending 2 goals to the goal of rivals (at the same time one was scored his head). The position on the field (central midfielder) allowed the football player to use his potential and defense player, and the organizer of the attacks of the team. The athlete managed to demonstrate his ability to effectively build the game.

The beginning of the next season for Zobnin began with the injury of the right knee, the athlete even had to postpone the operation. Treatment passed without complications, and at the end of 2017 the football player returned to the field.

In the spring of 2018, the fans again shocked the news about the next injury of the idol. During a friendly match with Brazilians, the midfielder felt pain in the left knee. Because of this, the athlete had to suspend training with the Russian national team and return to the club's location. Conservative treatment was conducted, and at the end of May the football player continued to go out on the field as part of the national team. Sports analysts expressed the opinion that Zobnin is among the potential discoveries of the upcoming Mundial.

And indeed, playing in all matches of the Russian team and reaching the quarterfinal, the novel was recognized by the international football federation the most effective player of the championship in the run. Its indicators - 34 selections and 63 km for 5 matches.

In the fall of 2018, Zobnin continued to go out on the field in the national team of the League of UEFA 2018/2019 and friendly meetings. But in November, the novel did not enter the application for the match with Germany because of the new injury.

In 2019, during the match with Zenit, the novel again injured - he received a wrist fracture. Initially, he did not give the importance to injury, but the national team's doctors conducted the necessary examination and prescribed treatment. Because of the fracture Zobnin did not take part in the euro-2020 field matches against the prefabricated Belgium and Kazakhstan. Games missed and Ilya Kutepov, who had previously launched a course of treatment of groin hernia.

In the 2019/2020 season, the athlete took part in the World Cup matches and UEFA European Cup matches. At meetings with the Moscow Dynamo and the Grozny "Akhmat", Havbek scored goals to the goal of rivals.

In the 2020th, the contract of the novel with "Red-White" was completed, the midfielder decided not to leave the club and concluded a new agreement on improved conditions. According to media information, its annual salary has grown from € 1 million to € 2.4 million. Interest in the athlete showed "Zenit", it was offered € 2.8 million, but the football player answered by the St. Petersburg club with refusal.

Personal life

The Togliatti "Academy", in which Zobnin began his career, not only gave the athlete brilliant prospects, but also, by and large, arranged a personal life of a football player. The fact is that with the future wife of Ramina, he met after one of the matches. The girl came to support the favorite team and after the game remained to communicate with athletes. The novel, on his own confession, immediately noticed a bright beauty, and so sunk in his heart.

After a while, a representative handsome man (height - 182 cm, and the weight of 78 kg) realized that he was constantly thinking about a new acquaintance. Then the young man found the girl's page in the social network and sent a message. A correspondence began between Ramina and Roman, and some time in the "Instagram" and other social networks appeared a photo of a happy couple and assumptions about the rareral and birth of children. Young people really got a novel, but before the wedding was still far away.

Only 2 years after the acquaintance, the Roman asked Ramina's hands, but immediately warned the beloved that football occupies a serious place in his life, and she would have to come to terms with permanent disposals, championships and training.

The girl with understanding reacted to the lifestyle lifestyle, and after some time a long-awaited wedding took place. The celebration was quiet - the newlyweds invited only relatives and close friends. It is noteworthy that by the time the pair had already been born a child: in 2016, Ramina presented the son of his son. The boy received the name Robert.

On September 3, 2019, a daughter called Regina was born in the football player's family. All family members have names begin on the letter "P", even the dog is called Richie.

In the spring of 2020, Havbek sorted by coronavirus in self-insulation. According to the athlete, the disease was asymptomatic with the exception of partial loss of taste sensations and smell.

Roman Zobnin now

According to the portal transferMark.Ru, now the price of the player is € 13 million.

According to statistics for the 2020/2021 season, the athlete took part in the matches of the RPL and the Russian Cup. In the Games of the Premier League, the football player scored a goal into the Gate of FC Dynamo (Moscow). In the fight for the Cup, the player added to the head of the team heading and goal at a meeting with the Moscow Club "Motherland".

The League of Nations of Nations UEFA 2020/2021 included in the list of Match Zobnin for the Russian national team.

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In March 2021, Roman came to the national team, but the injuries received in the match with the "Ural" in the RPL did not allow the midfielder to take part in the qualifying games of the CM-2022. Instead of zobnin, Maxim Mukhin was called to the Russian team. But in June, the athlete took part in the comrade meetings of the Russian national team against the teams of Poland and Bulgaria.

In the media there was information about the desire of Zobnin to try forces in the European Club. The athlete himself stated that there are no worthy proposals, and the contract with Spartak was concluded until June 30, 2024.

Achievements and awards

  • 2017 - Russian champion in football
  • 2017 - owner of the Super Cup of Russia
  • 2017 - Laureate of the National Award of the RFS "33 best player of the season"
  • 2018 - Honorary Mission of the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2018 - Bronze Prize-Russian Football Championship
  • 2018 - "Football Gentleman of the Year in Russia"
  • 2020/21 - Silver winner of the Russian Championship

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