Maria Teresia - biography, photo, personal life, empress, reforms, serial, Austrian, portrait, cause of death



The rule of dominance of the famous government of Mary Teresia was considered one of the most significant in the history of Europe. Woman skillfully combined the management of huge territories and upbringing 16 children.

Childhood and youth

The eldest daughter Elizabeth Christina Braunschweig-Tungsten and Emperor Charles Vi, Maria Teresia Valburg Amalia Kristina was born on May 13, 1717 in the city of Vienna. When she was born, the words of disappointment of her father rang out:

"This is just a girl."

The childhood of the girl was not recognized by the events, the princess was in the shade of his father. Together with the family, Maria Teresia spent the winter of the year in the Hofburg Palace, in the suburb of Vienna, the spring months - in the Hunting castle of Luxembourg, and the summer for the girl took place in the palace favorite.

The clearest impressions of the girl called the change of teachers. Mary Teresia's upbringing was provided to Jesuits. She was taught foreign languages, including Latin, history, art, geography and the law of God. Also, the girl took music and dancing lessons. Surprisingly talented princess could easily talk in Italian, French, German and Spanish.

From early childhood, she was considered one of the first beauties of that time. Maria Teresia was distinguished by hard work, a girl daily got up at 5-6 in the morning. She had an ardent temper, she could quickly get angry and so quickly calm down. Maria Teresia had all the data for the dedication and respect of the subjects: the greatness and gift of the word.

In subsequent years, Maria Teresia is recognized by French, English and Prussian kings, as well as by the Russian Empress, legitimate heiress. Father could not worry about the fate of his daughter.

Princess received male education, which prepared a girl to managing the country. At the achievement of 14 years, Maria Teresia has already had the honor to attend the meetings of the State Council.

Personal life

An intelligent girl surrounded many contenders on the heart. The choice of Karl VI stopped on the son of the Duke of Lotaring, the full name of which Franz Stefan Larring. In 1724, he arrived at the Austrian Yard to complete the education and acquire the necessary skills.

Mary Teresia's father brought up him as his native son: he taught her hunt, he took with him to balls. France agreed to recognize pragmatic sanction solely in exchange for Duchy of Larring. Franz refused the right to this territory for marriage with Maria Teresia.

On February 12, 1736, an official union was concluded. At the same time, on the eve of the wedding, the couple was forced to promise that he would not claim inheritance if Karl Vi would have a son. The moment was also taken into account that Maria and Franz refuse inheritance, if their son would not be born in their union, and Mary Anna, the youngest sister girl, will be a male heir.

The first years of marriage overshadowed the unsuccessful war with Turkey, which lasted from 1737 to 1739. Mare Mary Teresia suffered a defeat as the commander of the Habsburg army. Nevertheless, the government had a cohesive family. After every childbirth, Maria said:

"Children never happens enough."

The first child will appear after a year of living together, the following children are born with a break from 1 to 2 years, up to 1756. Mary had 16 children: 11 girls and 5 boys.

Education and education of each child Maria Teresia paid a separate attention. It has developed a special curriculum, including dances and theatrical productions. And children painted, studied stories, Scriptures, mathematics and foreign languages. For girls taught the art of conducting conversation and needlework.

Governing body

Sereteful happiness lasted long, Karl Vi died in 1740. As a result, Maria Teresia at the age of 24 was forced to ascend to the Austrian throne. By this time, she had already been his mother three times and was pregnant. The task of control over the state, which now stood before Maria, was not from the lungs. Moreover, the boundaries at that time included Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Southerlands and Earth in Italy.

The coronation was held on June 25, 1741 in the Cathedral of St. Martin, made in the Gothic style, in the city of Presburg (now - Bratislava). In 1745, the spouse was crowned under the name Franz I, and a young woman becomes an Austrian empress.

Maria Teresia immediately encountered face to face with a lot of applicants for the inheritance of Austria, who did not want to give her rights to her. But in 1748, the Aachen world decided the question positively towards Mary Teresia, who in turn lost to Silesia. Later, in the seven-year war (from 1756 to 1763), Queen wanted to win this territory, but the attempt was not crowned with success: Silesia remained in the power of Friedrich II.

In 1765, Emperor Franz I died suddenly, Mary Teresia appoints the Son of Joseph II with his co-guide. Nevertheless, his activities were limited to the court, financial and military affairs, in full independence from Joseph II was not.

In 1772, Maria Teresia participates in the first section of Poland and as a result receives Galicia. Regarding the Ottoman Empire - in 1775, a woman forces to give to her Bukovina. Maria Teresia expressed her claim to the "Bavarian Legacy", and the collision occurred was over the Teshen Treaty. On his basis, the Austrian House received an Inna area.

Especially reflected the Board of Mary Teresia in the management of the internal affairs of the state. The time free from hostilities, she paid the reforms in the administration, previously reigned bribery and lawlessness. She tried to streamline finances, improve legislation and reorganize military forces.

Before Maria Teresia Austria was the most backward country in each of the spheres. The school and print were completely ruled by Jesuit. Previously, the government did not affect the established orders, but Maria Teresia was forced to introduce reforms in government interests due to external circumstances.

During the reign, Maria Teresia limited the influence of the Church on enlightened absolutism and strengthened the importance of state power. She sharply reduced the number of the orchestra at the court, cut off the sorrect to musicians. However, Maria took care of the prosperity of science and art: discovered universities, drawing schools, reformed gymnasium. It was she who laid the formation of a simple people, brought the number of schools to 6 thousand.

Particular attention to the government has paid an improvement in agriculture, factory development and expansion of internal and foreign trade.


After death on November 29, 1780, at the age of 63, Maria Teresia left the state with a riser, with an army of 260 thousand people and increased prestige in Europe.

The active, energetic and intelligent Maria Teresia was seductive and tactical, she acted in a charming manner on others. Mary Teresia's biography is full of events. In an ordinary life, the woman was a faithful wife and an impeccable mother, had 16 children, 10 of which survived it.


  • In honor of Maria Teresia, asteroid (295) Terezia, opened in 1890.
  • During World War II, the 22nd cavalry division of the SS MARIA Teresia was created, formed mainly from Volksdoych, who lived in the territory of the former Austria-Hungary and adored the Empress for truly outstanding merit.
  • In Vienna, a monument to the government and its closest associates in the square of Mary Teresia will be erected. This work of art is not enough to see enough in the photo, it is necessary to see it live.
  • Mary Teresia is a joint teleproekt Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Film for 2 series, 2017.
  • Thaler Mary Teresia is a silver coin, a variety of conventional thaler, which has actively used in world trade almost immediately after the start of the chasing in 1741.
  • In honor of the Austrian Erzgertzogi, Mary Teresia is named Rosa variety.
  • Order of Mary Teresia - Austrian Military Order. The Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, Maria Teresia, was established, in 1757.

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