Paul Verlin - biography, photo, personal life, poems, death



Paul Verlin is a French poet, a bright representative of such literary flows, as symbolism and impressionism, according to Maxim Gorky - a decade. His poems are sophisticated, musical, organized in a special way - with the predominance of the female rhyme, the allocation of some particular sound and repetition. Relone can be called a revolutionary French and world poetry.

Childhood and youth

Born Paul-Marie Vellen in the city of Metz. It happened on March 30, 1844. Parents of the boy - Nicolas-Auguste Verlin, Captain of Engineering Forces, and Eliza-Juli Joseph-Stephanie Dee. Father - military, and this means frequent moving for the family. Right lived in Metz, Montpellier, Nimea, Set. They settled in one place, in Batinale, the suburb of Paris, only when the father of the family resigned.

Portrait of a field of vernille

Writing poems Paul began at the age of 14, in 1858. Then the boy met works by Hugo, Banville, Gauthier, Bodler, Lekonta de Lily, Glade. The young poet even dares to write a Hugo and send in the letter his poem "death".

Verlene is first studying at Landry's guesthouse, then in the Lyceum Bona Pocc. In 1860, the young man meets Edmon Lepalet, which in the future will become a friend, biographer and a poet's hearthritis. In 1862, the finances of the Family of the Verminov suffered, and Paul, already becoming a bachelor of literature, entered the school right and land on arithmetic, hoping to get to the Ministry of Finance.

Paul is faithful in youth

Despite the efforts attached to correct the well-being of the family, Paul Name began a bohemian life. The young man drinks, walks on public houses, reads Buchner ("Strength and matter"), visits the Marquise de Ricar salon, who has republican orientation. In this Salon, theodore de Banville, Augusk Villa de Lill-Atan, Sully Ruddy, José Maria Elea, become interlocutors.

In August 1863, in the journal "Review of Progress", the creation of a young poet is presented to the court of readers for the first time - Sonnet "Mr. Prude". At the same time, the poem, actively communicating with future parrooms, works first in the insurance society, then in the Paris City Hall.

Portrait of a young field

On the delete of 1865, the father of the field is dying. In April 1866, eight verses of Villine occupy their place in the ninth issue of Modern Parnas magazine, which gives Alphonse Levere. And in November of the same year, the efforts of Lemer and Kuzina Veline, Eliza Monkombl (in the marriage of Duzardden), the first collection of Vilna "Saturn poems" appears. In 1867, the death of Elise In 1867, Paul was worried very hard, looking for salvation at the bottom of the glasses.


After the "Saturn poems", which entered and wonderful in their melodicity "Autumn Song", the creative biography of Vilan is gaining momentum. In 1867, the poet cooperates with the Saitir magazine "May Zhuk". In 1868, bonded with a pseudonym, produces a book of "girlfriends", which for obscenity confiscates and destroys the court. The fact is that the poems in the "girlfriends" were dedicated to Lesbian relations.

Books fields Vellen

The second book of one of the brightest French-speaking poets called "Galant Festival" is coming out in 1869. A year later, the next compilation appears - "kind song", dedicated to the future wife of Matilde Moth.

In the days of the Paris commune, Verlene works in the mayor's office, in the seal department. He writes his fourth book on traveling in England and Belgium in 1872-1873, and in the light of "romances without words" overlook in 1874.

Popular with readers still enjoys a poem from this collection "Quiet heart crying." It is a pity that the special melodiousness of the Villon poetry is very difficult to convey when transferring to any other language, even on a rich Russian.

In the same 1874, Paulin writes "Poetic Art" - a kind of manifesto new French poetry. Namer often wrote about nature, and his landscapes that fully fit the impressionistic canons, reflected primarily the state of the soul. This is the work of the "fence of the endless row", the striking already in the fact that in Russian translation the landscape is "drawn" without a single verb.

Paul Verlin - biography, photo, personal life, poems, death 14892_5

At the end of the 1870s, the Relone revises life values, including faith in God. The result of the revaluation of priorities becomes the book "Wisdom", published in 1881. In 1885, the collection of poems "once and recently" was followed by "wisdom" in 1885, which included the famous "poetic art", and a collection of literary-critical articles "Cursed poets". The "damned", according to the author of the articles, entered the merchant himself, Arthur Rambo and four more verse.

The following fruits of creativity of Creativity can boast of special, perfect aesthetics: Collections "Love" of 1888, "Happiness" and "Songs to Her" of 1891. By the way, "wisdom", "love" and "happiness" constitute a peculiar poetic trilogy.

Personal life

For ten years, his friend, his passion, his pain - Artur Rambo was Vilan. Young Razbo in 1871 she gained courage and wrote an enthusiastic letter to the poet already known at that time, adding his poems to him. And he suddenly received an invitation to Paris, and the interested thing for amenistant paid the young man.

Paul Verlin and Artur Rambo

The talent of the provincial nugget recognized many, but his manners left much to be desired. Extremely uncomfortable, rude, untidy, Rembo conquered Veline and could even lead it from a family, separating with his wife Matilda, who at the time of dating her husband with a provincial poet already gave birth to his son.

Paul Verlin and his wife Matilda

The result of a joint journey is Roman and Rembo became "Romances without words", and also - the prison sentence and the subsequent road to God. Freed, Verlene in 1875 was last met with Rambo. A date in Stuttgart ended with the quarrel, putting a point in the relationship of two friends and, by rumors, lovers.


The wife demanded and received a divorce, all subsequent novels of the writer were unsuccessful - then with a prostitute, then with a former dancer. Verlene drank a lot, his health left much to be desired.

The grave of the fields of Verena

At the end of life, almost all the time Paul spent in hospitals. On January 8, 1896, the Great French Poet died from pulmonary bleeding.


Poetic collections

  • 1866 - "Saturn poems"
  • 1869 - "Galant Festival"
  • 1870 - "Dormant Song"
  • 1874 - "Romances without words"
  • 1881 - "Wisdom"
  • 1885 - "Once and recently"
  • 1888 - "Love"
  • 1889 - "In parallel"
  • 1891 - "Happiness"
  • 1891 - "Songs to her"
  • 1892 - "Inverted Dinner"
  • 1894 - "Epigram" (the last lifetime collection of Verlene).


  • 1884 - "Cursed poets"
  • 1886 - "Widower Notes"
  • 1891 - "My Hospitals"
  • 1893 - "My prison"

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