Alexander Cotton - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Alexander Cotton is a romantic and clockwork frontman group "Little Prince". The team released the only album, but what - under the title song "We will meet again" danced millions.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the permanent leader of the "Little Prince" group began in February 1968 in the family, far from creativity. Father Valery Mikhailovich - Researcher, Mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna - Engineer. Later, Sasha entered Vladimir Ilyich, who taught at the institute. Alexandra has Brothers Sergey, Nikolai and Andrei and Sister Eugene.

Alexander Cotton with Mom

Music, on the stories of Cotor, entered his life in the kindergarten when a little boy performed hits "Machine of Time". Then Sasha graduated from a music school in the piano, began to play amateur ensembles.

Professional Education The Future Star of the stage did not receive, because among the first teachers who introduced him to the crowd and scenic nuances, the singer called Alexander Sitkovsky's head of Avtograf. At the time of Alexander's speeches in the "Desire" group, Andrei Liatigin saw him, and in May 1988, cotton joined the famous team of Mirage.


It is unlikely that there is a person who did not hear the Mirage group on the expanses of Russia and the CIS. Cotton came when the team left Natalia Gulkin, who decided to perform solo, and instead of her began to rehearsals Natalia Vetytsky. In young singers, according to Alexander, a novel has failed. They broke up with friends, the musician always remembered a spectacular blonde with awe.

Alexander Cotton in youth

Judging by the stories of Clekkov, the relationship between "Mirazhovtsy" was good. Colleagues were often gathered at home at Alexander, "hanging out" with Igor Sarukhanov and Roma Zhukov, Dmitry Warsaw and Andrey Razin. About his first professional team Alexander, warmly responded, as about the school of life, the filing of the "Star Factory" of the 80s. I noticed that no one went away from Mirage to anywhere, the group became the starting platform for its participants.

On the tour in Evpatoria, the Soloists "Mirage" were performed by a "closure circle", and Lyatyagin noted that the new keyboardist sings well. By the time the producer arose a new project for which a soloist was required. The name of the group came up with Sashin friend Mikhail Goryachev, fan of creativity of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

The date of the foundation of the "Little Prince" was April 1989, in August the group had already worked for heating from Mirage, the first album was recorded in Tallinn. The team accompanied truly grand success, the audience thousand came to concerts, at the end of which they bought out gifts, letters and other signs of attention. One of them is a picture with the image of the autumn landscape - cotton has retained.

The first album, alas, remained the only one in the biography of the "Little Prince". In 1994, the record was reprinted by adding "wet asphalt" and "autumn" of the authorship of Igor Nikolaev as the "wet asphalt" and "autumn". In addition, the song "You betrayed love", written by Sergey Trofimov, who was known in the music community as Trofim, who worked with Svetlana Vladimirskaya at the same time, sounded in the album.

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The active activity of Alexander on stage continued until 1993, to the next turn of the crisis in the country. In 2006, cotton bought the rights to the songs performed by the "Little Prince" from Andrei Liatina. Subsequently broke out a scandal. The former producer argued that he concluded a contract with cotton at the moment when he himself was not right to work. Therefore, the transaction, expressing the legal language, is insignificant.

In court, it turned out that Lyatyagin handed over the exclusive copyrights of Jam Group International and at the same time three more people, it means that he could not sign anything on their own behalf. According to the results of long-proceedings, the court rose to the side of the soloist.

In the new century, on the wave of returned interest in disco music, Alexander reappeared again on the scene. Songs "Farewell", "I don't know why you need you," "Snowy man" found the second youth. In addition to old hits, cotton protrudes with new compositions - "Never", "April", "on the edge of the sky."

Personal life

With the first wife, whose name is cotton does not call, family life has not developed. Polina Musician met the second spouse on tour in Germany, but by origin the girl was Russian. The novel was started at a distance, young people rewrite, "hung" for a long time on the phone, flew to each other. The singer confuded: and could not think that it would live abroad, even when friends in search of the best lobe went over the ocean.

Alexander Cotton with his wife and daughter

Subsequently, the spouse organized the Concert Agency "Alexis Entertainment", organizing tour of Russian artists, and Alexander went to Württemberg. Six months later, I took to my daughter Janu from the first marriage, which Polina fulfilled, and in 2001, the youngest Vita was born in the family. The children managed to learn in the Moscow school, they speak two languages ​​and often come to Russia to visit relatives.

According to the stories of the Father, the bright appearance of Yana at one time attracted scouts of modeling agencies, the photos of Vita appeared on the covers of magazines. But the girls preferred learning. It is known that Vita is professionally engaged in dancing.

Alexander Clekkov children

In the mid-90s, during the time of "wild capitalism", as Alexander shared, he also hit the business - she opened the boutique of clothing of elite brands, but he constantly felt that he had no shower trading.

For the previous glory, cotton is not chased, to the star hour, accompanied by thousands of stadiums and permanent televisers, refers to philosophically. Recently, more pleasure is the fact that you can do what you want. And in order to repeat the success of the "Little Prince", you will have to be in that time and in those conditions that are already in the past. Nevertheless, in an interview with Alexander admits that he is pleased when youth comes to concerts.

Alexander Cotton now

"Little Prince" and the soloist Alexander Cotton - the permanent participants of the musical festivals under the slogan "Retro". Performers are glad to see and hear the audience "discos" of the 80s and 90s, "Retro FM legends", "Radio Dacha".

Alexander Cotton in 2018

The singer does not refuse invitations to clubs and corporate events. Concerts are popular for nostalgic Russian-speaking diasporas in Europe.


  • 1989 - "We will meet again"

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