Mr. Small - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Mr. Small, Rap-star of the 90s, in his own interview recognized that since childhood he dreamed of two things - to become famous and meet Natalia Vetlitskaya. And both desires were carried out before the onset of the age of majority. True, the success that fell to the teenager suddenly, delivered a lot of problems to the young man. However, the artist, who relates easily to any failures in life, managed to stop and not to perish the young.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Tsyganov (real name of the rap artist) was born on March 4, 1979 in Leningrad. The boy became a younger child in the family of a military submarine and a housewife. Andrei has an older brother, who was an example for a little tip.

Mr. Small (Andrey Tsyganov)

Mom was engaged in the education of boys. Father, who held an important position, spent a lot of time on the exercises. Andrei, proud of Pope, even dreamed of going at the footsteps of the parent, but quickly changed his mind when he became interested in music.

The first passion of the child was the "Cinema" group. At 9 years old, the boy learned the lyrics of songs and sneaked Viktor Tsu, without understanding the meaning of compositions. At the age of 12 in the life of Andrei, Break Dance appeared, and Rock gave way to hip-hop and funk.

Mr. Small in Youth

A teenager who went to grant dance for a company with brother, quickly achieved notable success. Accidental acquaintance with the group "Thermonuclear Jam" brought the biography of the future Rapper to a new round.

The teenager himself approached the musicians and offered to create a creative tandem. The first joint concert took place in 1992 in DC them. Lensovet. Andrei danced until the musicians performed their compositions, and even read out several texts. Assessing the reaction of the public, the rising stars go to the festival "Generation-94", where they occupy the second place.


From that moment on, Mr. Small - so fans nicknamed a teenager who performs serious tracks, "spent all his free time in Rap-Tusovka. The certificate of the young man received, only giving a promise to the director, which will not continue training and leave school after grade 9. However, Mr. Small and did not want to sit at the desk.

By this time, the rapper has already removed the video for the song "I will die young", which was shown in the morning air of the ORT TV channel. The young man goes to the first tour, and in 1994 he moved from his hometown to Moscow. Left without parental supervision, Mr. Malova goes into a gap. Every night, a young man spent in the nightclubs, descending all earned money for drinking and drugs.

In the same 1994, the first album of the rap artist "I will kill young". Texts and music for Mr. Small wrote Friends Denis Chernyshov (Tengiz) and Merab Sadikov (although). The most famous tracks from the debut plate of steel "Schmyg under the skin" and "Million Megadoz". Wave parties continued, tightening the young man deeper on the bottom.

Rapper Mr. Maloya

The new album "Catching Courage" came out only in 1997. In addition to the usual songs of Mr. Small, the collection includes a composition that rapper performed in a duet with Natalia Vetlitskaya. By the time the appearance of the cassette on the shelves, the young man realized that he had a break.

Taking a small creative vacation, Mr. Small threw all his strength to get rid of dependencies. Friends helped to return to the scene of the young man. Chernyshov and Sadykov launched a new project "Drunken Boyce" and offered a Mr. to join the album record.

By 2000, the name of the once popular rap performer was no longer sounded in Radio and Tener. To hold out, Mr. Small is working as an art director in various nightlife.

In 2002, rapper releases the third album "Kuril. Baked ... ", but the compositions entered into it did not caused such interest from loyal fans as previous works. However, the song "Money should" received positive feedback from critics, but did not get into the musical ratings.

The album "A and B sat on the needle", released "drunkenness Boice", caused more excitement than solo creation of a musician. In 2004, the light saw the last collection of the original trio "Slag-Donalds". After the death of Merab Sadykov in 2009, the Group ceased to exist.

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In 2008, Mr. Musha took an attempt to return to the scene as an independent artist. The rapper announced the release of the new album "on the high shores of Glamor", but the disk did not appear. The same fate suffered the collection of "Malimpiada", about the work on which the artist informed fans in 2014.

In parallel with the failures in the world of show business in the life of Mr. Small entered and pleasant changes. A man founded his own yoga studio and began to pay more time to travel. Exploring the world, the artist does not forget about creativity. For example, rapper easily organized its own concert in Vietnam, having gathered the full hall of the devotees of fans.

Personal life

In his own interviews, Mr. Most is admitted that, becoming popular, often changed girls. And the beloved teenagers were older rebar. But after changing vital landmarks, the artist does not like to talk about his personal life.

Mr. Malova in 2018

Raper "Instagram" is filled with photos with friends, among whom are girls. The fact that the heart of Mr. is not free is free, only the status in the social network "there is a friend" is testified.

Mr. Small now

2018 began for Mr. Small from the presentation of the vinyl edition of the album "I will kill young." Party on this occasion took place in Bar London, located in Sochi. In February, the rapper performed several own compositions on Open Air, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the MTV Russia TV channel. The company Mr. Misoy made up glucose, the group "Masha and Bears" and the Iowa group.

On the eve of the presidential election, the artist released the new song "Perdizer 2018" and removed the video, which actively promotes with the help of social networks. Periodically, Mr. Myshoy visits television programs, where the fate of the popular singers of the 90s is told. Such a release in March 2018 was published on TV channel "Russia 1".

Free Time Mr. Most is still dedicated to yoga and skating on the board. In winter, the artist rises on a snowboard, and in the summer conquers waves with the help of a surfboard or cuts down the streets on a skate in the company of friends.


  • 1994 - "I will kill young"
  • 1997 - "Catching Courage"
  • 2002 - "smoked. scum ... "
  • 2002 - "A and B sat on the needle"
  • 2004 - Slag-Donalds

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