Rupert Everett - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



In Hollywood, Rupert Everette was told about a handsome man who would never get to women. The actor parried that in gays and women there is something in common. He did not love the press and did not bring colleagues, because from the descendant of Charles II Stewart did not expect such arrogance, unfriendly and unwillingness to follow the rules adopted. Not in vain wrote the newspaper "Times", that if they paid for the arrogance, Mr. Everett would become a millionaire.

Childhood and youth

About the early years, the celebrity remembers with sadness and horror. The head of the Anthony family Michael Everett was practically not practically engaged, the days disappearing in the barracks of the British army. Mother Sarah, nee McLen, belonged to the noble family and rearmed Rupert and Senior Anthony Nyanka and Guteneram. According to the stories of the actor himself, aristocratic entertainment like fox hunt caused the greatest disgust.

Actor Rupert Eversett

At 7 years of the boy, as it should be in the Higher Society, sent to the privately closed Farleigh School in Hampshire. Life on a strict schedule Rupert perceived as a punishment and decided that he would definitely achieve fame and freed from all conventions. It did not make it easier in the prestigious Catholic AmpleForth College, but the actor woke up in the young man. In the local theater Everett, thanks to the appearance, played mostly women.

Rupert Everett in youth

By the age of 16, Rupert was tired of monastic walls, he fell into London and went into all the grave. The artist does not hesitate to tell that "there was a sex machine for both sexes" and accused of this tight foundation of the Catholic Faith, although

"It was tormented by a sense of guilt for having sex, was afraid to catch some disease or what is even worse - AIDS."

Everett sang quite well, but he did not shine a soloist, and the guy entered the Royal Central School of Speech & Drama, from which he soon flew due to permanent conflicts with teachers and classmates. The future star accepted Glasgow Citizen Theater from Glasgow in its ranks.


Theatrical production of the "other country" was brought concaved popularity. Drama Julian Mitchell - a story about the years of youth of the English diplomat, Guy Berevises, spiering in favor of the Soviet Union. In 1984, the play was postponed to a large screen, Gai gave another surname - Bennet, and the role was entrusted, of course, Everett. The partner of the film was Colin Firth. According to rumors, Rupert wished to get Colin into lovers, and on this soil the actors were crashed.

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However, the Firth and Everett had to meet on the set of comedy "How important to be serious", where, besides them, Reese Witherspoon and Judy Dench participated. Algernon, as well as Lord Goring from the "perfect husband" in the execution of Rupert, English critics called the best embodiment of the classics on the screen. The sparkling character almost brought Everett the title of the best actor in Europe.

The final reconciliation of the artists happened during the work on the comedy "classmates", where Everett easily reincarnated to the unbearable director of the school, and Colin - in the Minister of Education.

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With Judy Rupert met once again when Tim Berton took an invitation to shoot in Fantasy "House of Strange Children Miss Serin". In the film, the actor became one of the incarnations of the "Werewolf" Samuel L. Jackson.

In the "Wedding of the Best Friend" of the British actor, by the Metakov Review of Hollywood Reporter, stole a glory from the Hollywood Beauty Julia Roberts. In the "in love with Shakespeare", awarded seven Oscars, Eversette has a very small role. He plays Christopher Marlo, separated Shakespeare (actor Joseph Fains) with Heroine Gwyneth Paltrow.

In 1999, Rupert's filmography was replenished with the main role of the villain in the adventure militant "Inspector Gadget", removed based on the cartoon of the same name.

In the 2000s, Everett in Madonna's company starred from the Matra of British Cinema John Schlesinger in Comedy "Best Friend", and after 6 years, the singer asked the actor to become the godfather of her son David Gang, whom she adopted in Malawi.

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In the French mini-series "Dangerous connections", Rupert made up Catherine Denovev and Nastasya Kinski. In the adaptation of the novel, Skoderlo de Lanclo action from the 18th century was transferred to France of the end of the 60s.

Everett was lucky to play his distant ancestors - kings of Charles I and Karl II in the Drama "Kill King" and the film about the history of the development of the Shakespiest Theater "Beauty in English". In 2015, the actor once again happened to reincarnate in the monarch, this time the representative of the Dynasty of Windsor, the Father of Healthy Queen Elizabeth II - Georg VI. Melodrama "London Vacation" pluckly echoes the film, in which Audrey Hepburn, who played the princess, also decides to go into people.

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Conflective reviews received fantasy fighter "Star dust", based on a popular comic. Everett appears on the screen for a short, vague, according to critics, the plot pulled out the cast in the face of Robert de Niro, Peter O'Toull, Michelle Pfaiffer. But the audience took the story about the guy looking for a fallen star, with delight.

In 2006, Russian TV viewers had the opportunity to appreciate Rupert as Grigory Melekhov and the French actress Dolphin Forest as Aksigni in the TV series "Quiet Don". The film started by Sergei Bondarchuk, brought his son Fyod to the logical end of his son. The picture left an elerette a lot of exotic memories and changed the internal attitude of the actor. The tin aristocrat stopped being the "snow king."

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Rupert Everett recorded on his own expense in the exciting long-running project of the British television "Black Mirror". This film-warning for humanity is that people are waiting for technological progress. The actor spoke at 2 series of 1 season as a judge in the talent show. Participation in the show stands unthinkable money, but the victory allows you to change the life cool.

Everett does not refuse to work in voice acting, his voice is spoken by Prince Charming from Schrek, Foxes in the first part of the "Chronicles of Narnia", Sloan Blackburn in the "Wild Family of Thornberry".

Personal life

It's no secret that Rupert is hardly the first celebrity, which reported to the world about his non-traditional sexual orientation. Caming-Out Everett happened in 1989, when such recognition seemed suicide. At one time, the actor even saw in this reason that in his filmography there are no decent roles that could be if not to brave, then at least felt their own pride.

Rupert Eversett

In 2009, Rupert admitted that excessive frankness is a direct road to oblivion, in any case, in the actor's environment. The same Hollywood, according to the star, makes gay play, but from the gay themselves turns away. Whereas the European actors who look at their sex with other eyes, but do not decide to admit, do not have any inconvenience in a professional plan.

In the late 80s, the Briton became the "face" of the main character of the Italian comic Dianana Dog. The creation of the Scripture of Tiziano Soclava is to this day and occupies second place in Italy in terms of sales among such editions.

Rupert Everett and his Labrador

In an interview, Everett did not once say that he was experiencing more sympathy for animals than to people. For the sake of the favorite Labrador Moise Rupert bought a house in California and refused role in the play when the dog was sent to treatment. Another time, the Furior called the words of the actor that the situation when the gays brief children are the worst in life.

But Everett noticed that he was not going to attack Elton John and David Fernish, if they were solved for such a step. In addition, Mom Rupert knew his boyfriend, but he dreamed that her son had a normal family.

The actor relevant to his own appearance, with growth in 193 cm its weight did not exceed 88 kg, running and gym became part of life. By the age of 50, Everett decided on plastic, appearing on the TV show noticeably updated - the chin line and the neck pulled up, wrinkles disappeared.

Rupert Everett before and after plastic

With age, the celebrity was attended by pride, moved to live to the mother in Wilkshire, began to complain about health - drinks medicine from baldness. In 2006, Rupert published an autobiography called "Red Carpets and Banana Peel", and the first literary experience fell in 1989, when the book "Hello, Darling, Are You Working?".

From among the colleagues, Everett allocates "absolutely unearthly" Michelle Pfaiffer, which respected for workarity.

In the social networks "Instagram" and "Twitter" the mass of pages with the name of Everett, but none marked as official.

Rupert Everett now

In 2018, the British actor introduced his director's work on the festival "Sandens" on the festival. In a story about the last days of the life of the writer Oscar Wilde, recalling last days, Rupert starred in the lead role. In addition, the script of the picture belongs to Peru an actor.

Rupert Everett in 2018

To shooting Everett attracted Tom Wilkinson, Emily Watson and a sworn friend Colin Firth. Thanks to the participation of the last sponsors from Germany, France, Italy and Belgium, they turned out to be much more generous than it was required.

A year before the film, Rupert reincarnated in the famous Irish in the play "Kiss Judah" on the stage of the London Theater. Stage took place with stunning success.


  • 1984 - "Other Country"
  • 1987 - "Glasses in the Gold Rim"
  • 1994 - "High Fashion"
  • 1997 - "Wedding of the Best Friend"
  • 1999 - "Perfect Husband"
  • 2000 - "Best Friend"
  • 2003 - "Kill King"
  • 2006 - "Silent Don"
  • 2010 - "Wild One"
  • 2015 - "London Vacation"
  • 2016 - "Musketeers"
  • 2018 - "Happy Prince"

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