Deborah Falalala - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



In the early 2000s, lovers of the series with interest followed the fate of the heroes of one of the most exciting Brazilian films - "Clone". Among the placement of the characters, a modest, non-conscious girl Mel Farras, which became a drug addict. This role loudly announced a novice actress Deborah Falalalla. After the show of the series, the girl began to enjoy popular with directors and won the audience love.

Childhood and youth

Deborah was born in a creative family. Pope Rodherio Falalalla made a brilliant career of the theater director, and Mama Maria Olympia is a famous singer. And one of two sisters - Cynthia Flabella - became an actress.

Deborah Falalalala

For the first time Deborah played the theater stage at the age of 14. However, in the future, the future star of the serials refused to support both parental relationships, deciding to independently achieve the desired goals. And the girl dreamed of, of course, about acting glory. She was manil the cinema, so at the age of 16 she went to the casting, which was arranged by the manufacturer's manufacturer's manufacturer of the Globo. Debaor was lucky - samples were successfully passed.


The first to know the viewers of the series "Lace", the spectators of the "Lace", here a teenager girl took a very small role. And after a couple of years, a beginner actress went to Buenos Aires, where they filmed the picture "Devor". In Argentina, I learned the Spanish language and fell in love with the partner on the shooting area Andre Konian. For the first time, the girl lived alone, without parental care. Returning home a year later, I decided to leave the father's house.

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The bright talent, bestowed by nature, Falebella demonstrated in the series "Angel, descended from heaven." This picture of criticism and the artist itself is called the first serious work in the cinema. However, the role of the desired fame did not bring the role.

The wave of glory and visual love collapsed on Deboor with the release of the next television tape - "clone", which reincarnated into a teen drug addict chalk. Melodrama became one of the successful films shot at the Globo Studio. Flabelle was fortunate enough to play with the recognized stars of Brazilian cinema.

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In the "clone", the beauty of Fair Fisher, Reginalu, Faria, Zhegdir Martini, is involved. Youth major leaders have moved Giovanna Antonelly, Daniele Escobar, Leti Sabatelle and others. Twin brothers in this fantastic story about creating a clone - Ferrass and Lucas - played Muro Benisio.

Deborah acquired the army of fans, and also received recognition at the highest level. The girl trembled for the embodiment of the image of awards and premiums, and the President of his native country Fernanda Enrique Cardozu took the young actress in his own palace. The role of the government was not in vain, because the challenge chalk became the personification of the fight against drugs and alcohol.

Deborah Flabella in the role of chalk

Praise the girl was for what. To reliably play the role, Deborah had to closely meet the life of drug addicts. She read many articles on this topic, visited rehabilitation clinics and even friendly with families who were faced with such a grief.

On the network there are rumors that Flabella has taken a depressive, "patient" image of the on-screen drug addict and could not come to his heart and outside the set. And once I had to seek help from psychologists.

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A girl on the set challenged health problems. At the soil of nervous overvoltage, meningitis struck. While Deborah lay in the hospital, instead of her sister Cynthia - the striking similarity in appearance allowed the directors to go for such a trick.

In the future, the Flabella Deborala's filmography was replenished with a dozen TV shows. Among them, a mansion is the ribbon "Mistress of Fate" (2004) with the famous Susan Vieir in the lead role. The series is curious the fact that the script is based on a real case about a woman who kidnapped from the hospital two children. The names of the main characters of the accident The authors of the film have retained.

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Deborah reincarnated in a designer, a daughter of secured parents, beloved in one of the main actors Viriat (Actor Marselev Antoni). The character got light and harmonious. Maria Eduard - the heroine is lyrical, ready to share love with relatives and loved ones.

In 2012, the filmmaker's piggy bank was replenished with the TV series "Brazil Avenue", in which Falabelle had to play one of the brightest roles in the career. I coped brilliantly. The girl appeared in the complex image of Nina (Rita), which is carrying the place of revenge. As a child of the stepmother (actress Adrian Estevez) threw her on the garbage. The film had a loud success.

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After two years later, the actress made an indelible impression on the audience the role of the Ray girl in the Thriller "Double Identity". The heroine passionately loves the killer's maniac who was reincarnated by Bruno Galnyas. Directors each year invited the actress into their projects. The list of films replenished the multiserial tapes "Blowing", "Flower of the Caribbean", "nothing will be as before."

Personal life

The personal life of Deborah Falalala is similar to Brazilian TV shows, also filled with intrigues and passions. Recalling in Argentina, the girl twisted the novel with actor Andre Kurzin, the relationship was stormy, but very tedious. The couple broke up. According to Deborah, she was even disappointed in love.

Deborah Flabella and Chuck Ipolito

Then Deborah met for three years with a colleague on the workshop by Daniel de Oliveira. In 2005, fans learned that the favorite actress celebrated the wedding with the famous musician and performer Eduardo "Chuck" and Polyto.

The spouses were in no hurry with children, only four years after marriage, the girl demonstrated the press on one of the secular parties, which is pregnant. Deborah gave birth to a daughter called Nina. When the child turned 1.5 years old, the actress and singer were terminated.

Muro Benicio and Deborah Falalala

Flabella consisted in a short relationship with actor Daniel Alvim. Well, and then surprised the fans at all, they fell in love with Muuro Benisio, who played her heroine's father in the TV series. The couple twisted the novel on the set of "Brazil Avenue" and still lives together. Civil spouses are not going to go under the crown.

The actress is still good, almost unchanged - the same youthful features. And without makeup and looks like a teenager, fans say. The figure is also in order: with a height of 163 cm Deborah, it is unlikely to weigh more than 55 kg. Whether the result is plastic operations, professional cosmetology care and a strict diet or the gift of nature, it remains only to guess.

Deborah Flabella now

In recent years, the creative biography of Deborah changed the course, the actress sent attention to theatrical career. And yet does not refuse to film. In 2017, a woman at the invitation of Gloria Perez starred in the television "Power of Desire." For the first time, the artist tried the strength in a negative role - the role of Irena Stainer got.

Deborah Flabella in 2018

Today, the actress is involved in creating a series in a mini-format "If I close my eyes now." The film partners, the premiere of which was planned for 2019, became a civil spouse, Marian Shiemenes, Antonio Fagundes, Marcos Breda, Paulo Rocha and others.

Deborah Falalala is an open person (on the sign of the zodiac - fish), willingly communicate with fans through the social network. The actress has no profile in Twitter, but it leads a page in "Instagram". Subscribers indulge in many photos: Deboor can be seen in a circle of friends, in the company with a daughter and husband and even in a swimsuit on vacation.


  • 1998 - "Lace"
  • 2000 - "Devora"
  • 2001 - "Angel, fallen from heaven"
  • 2001 - "Clone"
  • 2004 - "Mistress of Fate"
  • 2006 - Senorita
  • 2010 - "So destined with the stars"
  • 2012 - Brazil Avenue
  • 2014 - "Double Identity"
  • 2016 - "nothing will be like before"
  • 2017 - "The power of desire"
  • 2019 - "If I close my eyes now"

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