Vladimir Molchanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Vladimir Molchanov, a journalist of old hardening, did not affect his own career only on one type of media. On the account of the men articles in reputable newspapers, popular television shows and regular air raids. Speaker has no official website or its own profile in "Instagram". In his free time, a recognized TV presenter tries not to skip unnecessary information.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir was born in Moscow on October 7, 1950. The boy grew in the famous family. Father - the composer and the author of songs "Soldiers go", "dawns here are quiet" and other well-known Soviet operas and melodies. Vladimir's mother - actress Theater and Cinema Marina Pastukhov-Dmitriev. Despite the Soviet times, in childhood the future journalist joined the Orthodox faith. The godfather became the widow of Anton Chekhov - Olga Knipper-Chekhov.

The greatest influence on Molchanova was the consolidated sister of Anna Dmitriev. Children were professionally engaged in tennis - in his youth, Vladimir received the title of the Champion of the USSR among young men in the paired discharge. But realizing that Sister will not catch in this sport (Anna - 18-fold USSR champion), threw a passion.

In 1967, after graduation, Vladimir entered Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. The young man chose the Faculty of Philology. He graduated from the sister of the future speaker. A few months before admission to Moscow State University, Mchatov filed documents to the MHAT Studio School and even passed the competition. From the acting brother saved Anna.

Personal life

With the future wife, Vladimir met as a student. The girl attracted his attention during the annual trip to the collective farm to potatoes. The pretty classmate itself went to the young man to meet.

As it turned out later, Consuel Segura (so called the wife of Molchanova) decided on such a step due to a dispute with a girlfriend on a bottle of brandy.

Spanish by nationality, Consuelo arrived in the USSR from Cuba, where he lived with his parents. In Havana he studied at the university, but at the insistence of his father left the island of freedom and entered Moscow State University. Acquaintance turned into a passionate novel ending with a wedding. At the time of marriage, Vladimir was hardly 18. After 12 years, Anna's daughter was born in the spouses.

Over time, Chetu, in addition to strong relationships, has been tied up. Consuelo became a chef editor and one of the Scriptures of the programs in which the spouse was filmed.

Lovers still live together and help their daughters to educate the grandson of Dmitry, try not to demonstrate the public. In an interview with the AIF newspaper, the journalist admitted that in recent years it devotes more time to teach than creating television programs.


The first steps in journalism Vladimir did in 1973. The young man was invited to the news agency "News" by the editor and its own correspondent in the Netherlands. Such appointment is not surprising - in parallel with the main activity of Molchanov studied the Netherlands.

Work in the Western European edition continued until 1986. 6 years before the change of activity, Vladimir became interested in the investigation of Nazi crimes and even released a book called "Retribution should be carried out." The literary creation received the Award of Maxim Gorky in the category "The Best Book of the Young Author".

The story of Peter Menten pushed to writing the work of the author. A friend asked the young journalist to collect information about several residents of Lviv. In the investigation, a terrible past was revealed. And the information collected by Molchanov helped to plant the criminal in prison. The first circulation of the book amounted to 100 thousand copies, and the next - 150 thousand. The journalist bought Zhiguli.

In 1987, Molchanov came to television. Together with Vladimir, who was invited to the editorial office of the "time" program, the Sister Anna was worked as a sports commentator. In parallel with the "Westness", the journalist launched the author's show "before and after midnight", in which he played as screenwriter and TV presenter.

Vladimir Molchanov and his sister Anna Dmitriev

The first release of the program was published under the name "You have already met somewhere with them." At first, Molchanov was preparing a project for morning ether, but because of censorships had to move the release time in the late evening. Maja Sidorova and Irina Zaitseva took partners at different times.

During the night shifts, Sister went down to the assembly to his brother, where secretly watched Vladimir. About these minutes of sincere care of Molchanov often recalls in an interview.

Often, the guests of Vladimir Kirillovich are famous personalities. So, for Andrei Mironova, an interview interview was the last ether in life. Vasil Bykov, Zinoviy Gerdt, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Chingiz Aitmatov and others visited Molchanov.

The presenter was not afraid to create bold plots for his time: so far the release shot at the beer near Ostankino is considered one of the most popular.

Vladimir's biography developed on increasing. After 4 years, work in the "90 minutes" project was added to the program "Vesti" and "before and after midnight" (later renamed "120 minutes"). Cooperation with the federal television channel presenter interrupted in 1991.

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Lithuanian exit from the composition of the USSR, accompanied by cruel measures from the Soviet authorities, was deeply outraged by Vladimir. And after numerous dismissal of commercial journalists trying to tell the truth about what is happening, the television announcer left the canal and refused to further participate in the party life (Molchanov entered the party in 1973).

However, the journalist decided not to say goodbye to the sphere finally - switched to Ren-TV with the condition that any programs will now lead, except for political. So on the new commercial channel there was a transfer "I remember ... I love ...", telling about the biography of Soviet composers.

Even before the appearance on Ren-TV, Vladimir creates his first documentary. The picture was called the "snoring" and told about miners Lugansk. Molchanov was worthy of great work to achieve the showing of films telling about the terrible reality. And after half an hour after the premiere, one of the mines exploded, 70 people died.

In the 1999th on a RTR television channel under the curacy of Vladimir, the transfer of "Panorama", which existed only a year. Following her, in 2000, Molchanov launched the author's project "and longer than a century ...", the format for which he chose conversations with invited stars. Guests picked up on his own, making focus on representatives of liberal movement.

Changes that happened to television were forced to change the format of manufactured gear. So in the career of Molchanov, "Private Life" appeared, exiting 4 times a week. The cerebal journalist was the Lick Kremer. Vladimir himself called the project "Soap Opera" and a Talk Show.

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By 2006, a man began to pay radio and his own documentary films more time. Documentation remained a downtown for him. Molchanov released the film "Melody of Riga Ghetto". Touching stories attracted public attention, the journalist himself was awarded the title "Man of the Year" from representatives of the Jewish communities.

In 2009, the program "before and after ..." with Vladimir Molchanov appeared on the Nostalgia Channel. The talk show was broadcast weekly for 3 years. A little earlier on the "World" channel started the show of the transfer "Midths", which was then renamed "souls".

In 2014, Molchanova was invited to the post of teacher and head of the workshop at the Faculty of Mitro journalism. A year later, in honor of the 65-year-old anniversary of the leading channel, the documentary "Vladimir Molchanov was released. Before and after ... ", in which all the merits of the television leader are mentioned.

The journalist knows how to recognize his mistakes. In Nice, he presented a documentary tape "I, you, he, she", who took off in a psychiatric hospital. Molchanov allowed himself a fairly frank communication with people, sometimes seriously ill. Foreigners accepted the film Silently: in Europe, such an invasion of the personal life of heroes is not accepted. Vladimir Kirillovich today shows a picture of his students as an example of an incorrectly chosen format.

Vladimir Molchanov now

Now Vladimir Kirillovich continues to lecture at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino". On the air Radio "Orpheus" comes out of the "Randevo with an amateur", in which the speaker talks with people, in any way associated with music. The guests of the project were including violinist Pavel Milyukov, Nikita Mrdoyantz pianist and musical critic Lion Ginzburg.

The "Peace" channel continues to broadcast the repeats of the releases of "souls" with famous figures of the world of art.

The journalist dislikes modern television: in his opinion, all the talk shows, be it political or socially-domestic, are the brightest example of obscenity. According to the lead, such programs will show students in the future as "television degeneratism and deformities, like Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg."

From the favorite programs of Molchanov allocated "Non-Note" Dmitry Krylova, "What? Where? When? "," Evening Urgant ", Music show" Voice ".

In October 2020, Molchanov celebrated anniversary. The journalists of the First Channel, "Culture" and others congratulated it from the 70th anniversary. The release of the program "Tonight" was released on the solemn date.

In an interview, the TV presenter noted that the most desired gift for him today is active life. Molchanov can not work: it must be in the thick of events, to conduct conferences or corporate parties, to shoot documentary films or communicate with students.


  • 1987-1991 - "Before and after midnight"
  • 1987-1991 - "Time"
  • 1991 - "Zakooy"
  • 1999-2000 - "Panorama"
  • 2006 - "Riga Ghetto Melodies"
  • 2006-2018 - "Randevu with an amateur"
  • 2009-2012 - "Before and after Vladimir Molchanov"
  • 2012 - "Proceed 2"
  • 2012 - "English breakfast"
  • 2015 - "Rocks forever"
  • 2015 - "Russian Waltza"
  • 2016 - "Supbo instead of music"

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