Dan Xiaopin - biography, photos, personal life, reforms, politics



Dan Xiaopin is a Chinese politician, it is famous for combining completely polar concepts - communism and market economy. The biography of a man is full of attacks and falls. Three times lost position, going into exile, but invariably appeared on the political arena. Thus, justified the nickname, obtained in the student. Xiaopic is called a road bottle for vodka, which, like a Russian toy Vanka-stand, is impossible to "put on the blades".

Childhood and youth

The Chinese reformer was born in a wealthy family of a small landowner and to school was named Dan Xiansh. Parents were a pair of contrasting: father - educated, politically pitched, and mother is an illiterate woman out of the poor family.

Politician Dan Xiaopin

When the boy turned four years old, the mother died, leaving her husband four children. Father tried to establish a personal life, marrying the second time. Stepmother adopted the heirs of the spouse as relatives, Sianchean had a warm relationship with her.

The boy studied in a private gymnasium. In school, the teacher insisted that the student "was renamed": Xianshin translates as "overtaking wise men", so the future politician turned into Dan Sisyan.

Dan Xiaopin in youth

1920 Dan met in France. In this country, the teenager went along with 80 students of a private school to gain knowledge from foreign teachers. Alive from the parent house had not sweet. Miserer scholarship was not enough, so the young man worked a lot - a waiter, firefighter, handymen on a rubber plant, even mined iron ore.

Dan returned home only six years after departure. In France, a young man was fascinated by the ideas of Marxism, he joined in the ranks of the Communist Union of China's Youth, and then to the Communist Party. Very soon headed the European Branch of the Youth Union. At this time, and received a party nickname Xiaopin.

Dan Xiaopin

In the winter of 1926, Dan in a hurry left the French land and found himself in Moscow. An interesting fact - lived in the capital of Russia under the surname of the doses (in terms of sources of drocers, but the researchers indicate an error). Again sat down at the desk, this time the university of the workers of the East. I. V. Stalin. And after another year, having rehearsed in the USSR, the experience of changing capitalism for socialism, returned to China, where he went into politics.


The political career of Dan Xiaopin began in a deep underground, but in senior positions. He was the head of the political waste of the military-political school, the Secretary General of the CPC Central Committee, the leader of the Central Committee of the Central Committee in Shanghai, agitated the military red army. Under his beginning, an anti-government uprising broke out in the south of China, however, unsuccessful. After the suppression of Bunta, Xiaopin fled to Jiangxi, who became the Soviet republic.

Politician Dan Xiaopin on the podium

The disagreements between the Central Committee of the Party in Shanghai and those who ruled the ball in the villages of the districts, called themselves by Soviet people. The leader of the "urban" grouping was Van Min, the second direction was led by Mao Zedong, whose side took Xiaopin. In 1933, Dan deprived of all posts.

During the civil war, the young man participated in a great campaign - such a name was the escape of the swollen communists from the conquered bases in the south of China. Dan returned the post of head of the Central Committee of the Central Committee, and he justified confidence.

Dan Xiaopin - 1st secretary of the South West Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC

The new government has won positions, Xiaoping played in the unfolded struggle for power not the last role, a man in the position of the military commissioner organized several military operations. Including against Japanese aggressors trying to seize the country in the late 1930s. In these campaigns, Dan won the glory of the smart commander.

When, finally, the Chinese People's Republic of China was born, Dan Xiaopin went on the orders of the party to control the southwest of the country as the first secretary of the Committee.


In the late 50s, as a result of the "Big Jacket" policy, proclaimed by Mao Zedong, about 30 million people died in the country. Dane Xiaopin had to rack the consequences of unsuccessful reforms, which by 1956 held the position of Secretary General of the CCP Central Committee.

Dan Xiaopin in the layout of the lunar

However, with the Brezhnev ruling at the time by the Soviet Union, the same title did not relate. Unlike Leonid Ilyich, Xiaopin stood on 5-6 place in the hierarchy of the Chinese government. Before starting reforms, a man uttered his famous statement:

"It doesn't matter what color the cat is white or black, if only she caught the mice well. It does not matter, socialism or capitalism, the main thing so that people live well. "

Economic transformations gave fruit: hunger stopped, Dan began to acquire popularity among the population, for which he paid. In the mid-60s, the Cultural Revolution broke out in China. The first enemy was announced by the Chairman of the PRC Liu Schaoqi, and Deng Xiaopin also got into opal. Delighted all the ranks and regalia, a man spent two years under investigation, and then worked as a mechanic at the tractor plant.

Dan Xiaopin wax figure at Madame Tussao Museum

Return to politics helped a longtime friend and associate, Prime Minister Zhou Egnlay, who persuaded Mao to give Dan's chance. Xiaoping again took up reform, but after the death of Egnlay again fell into the disfavor of the top of power. True, not long. After the death of Mao Zedun, politician becomes the leader of the country, although the successor of the former leader remained at the fact of the helm, Premier Hua Hufen.

By the beginning of the 80s, Dan displaced Hofen, divided key positions between like-minded people and began a change in China's farm. The so-called reform of the "four modernization" touched agriculture, science, defense industry and industrial production.

Dan Xiaopin with Mao Zedong

The main thing is that I made a new leader, so it divided the land between the peasants - in fact, there was a decollection. People were supposed to give the state a product "norm", but for a fixed price. As a result of agrarian reform over a decade, the country has increased food production by 1.5 times.

Folk commune members also received the right to do business, hiring workers. Since then, the global market was filled with cheap Chinese clothing and other goods. American Synologist Evan Salisbury described Xiaopin's contribution to China's development:

"Dan gave the land back to the peasants, destroyed the system of communes and watched them their bags are overwhelmed with rice. He filled the pockets of people with money - the money they themselves earned. "

The development of a large industry has become a significant task of domestic policy, at the beginning of reforms attention was drawn towards new technologies. The architect of Chinese reforms, as Dan Xiaopin is called, managed to attract the largest foreign investors to the country.

First, truth, citizens of the United States, Germany, the UAE, Japan were afraid to invest in China. But Chinese businessmen living in Hong Kong and Singapore have proven - to invest not only not scary in the most populated country, but also need. During the years of the reign of Dan, China has invested $ 650 billion.

The modernization of the countries of the country did not have anything in common with Mikhail Gorbachev's politics, although, in fact, was also a restructuring. The ideas of important changes came from top, but were taken from the real needs of the population, dictated from the bottom.

Mikhail Gorbachev and Dan Xiaopin

The reform policy and openness affected the relationship with other countries. China made friends with America, PRC and Japan. The country of the rising sun was considered the most promising cooperation. A bright victory in foreign policy was an agreement with the UK on the return of China Hong Kong, who lived on the English flag for more than a century.

Dan Xiaopin retained the monopoly of the power of the Communists. And after a decade of his reforms in the country, a civil liberal movement was formed. In the summer of 1989, crowds of the people reached the Beijing Square. A few weeks walked protests, as a result, Dan ordered the power to serve the riot. Then thousands of citizens were killed. A little later, Xiaopin refused all posts, and after another three years he left the political arena forever.

Personal life

For the long life of Dan Xiaopin managed to marry three times. For the first time I put a stamp in the passport at 23 years. The chief chemistry of the Moscow university Zhang Siuan became the elect. The girl died shortly after childbirth, two years after marriage. The heirs also did not survive.

Dan Xiaopin and his third wife Zho Lin

The second wife Jin Wayin chose the future policy, which will be glorified by such loud achievements, another communist figure.

The third spouse has lived with Xiaopic to the end of life and gave birth to five children: three daughters and two sons. The fate of the senior heir to Dan Pufan was tragic. The young man suffered in the fire of the "cultural revolution" - he was tortured, and then dropped from the third floor of the University of Junveybina, as a result of which he was staying for a long time challenged to a wheelchair. And the youngest daughter Dan Jun wrote books about the fate of the Father.

Dan Xiaopin and Zho Lin with children

Describing the nature of the Chinese policy, Mao himself said:

"He is an acute needle packed in Wat."

The nickname "Xiaopic" was also received due to personal traits: Dan was very small growth - only 152 cm, but a courageous, with a unbelief temper, to throw which it was impossible.

Future politician was fond of football, swimming, played billiards and especially respected Bridge, the passion for which he brought from France. There, the young man became an avid smokers, the love of tobacco carried throughout his life.


Xiaopic suffered from Parkinson's disease, died in February 1997. The cause of death is a lung infection, complicated by chronic ailment. The funeral was held according to the rules of the Central Committee of the Party, which do not provide for goodbye to the body.

Monument to Dane Xiaopin

Urn with ashes put in the hall of the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives. In a mourning rally, 10 thousand people who received an official invitation participated. The dust dispelled over the ocean.


"If you open the window to the world too wide, flies will surely fly down" "I need to do more, but less to talk" "Watch cold-blooded; Be prepared to react; Stand firmly; Do not show your capabilities and expect a suitable moment; Never try to run forward; Be able to bring the case to the end "" No discussions! " - This is one of my inventions. "


  • The book "My Father is Dan Xiaopin."
  • Monument to Dan Xiaopin in Shenzhen city in Lianhua Shan Park.
  • Another monument to the party leader will be erected into his 100th anniversary in Guang Man (South-West China).
  • Wax Figure Dan Xiaopin - Madame Tussao Museum Exhibit.
  • In 2014, the documentary film "Dan Xiaopin at the Crossroads of History" came out in China.

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