Ekaterina Smolnikova - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Wives of famous football players are often media person. At the same time, if some are just engaged in children, they lead a secular lifestyle, accompanying spouses for events and publish glossy photos in social networks, then others are creating good deeds and build their own careers. Ekaterina Smolnikova, the wife of the defender of St. Petersburg "Zenith" and the Russian national team, Igor Smolnikov, will still have time and the other.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born in the Volgograd region, in the warm sunny city of Volzhsky. As Smolnikova told, parents gave a lot of time and strength to work, so in childhood the girl spent his free days with her grandmother.

Ekaterina Smolnikova

The woman was distinguished by a kind and disinterested temper. Once a week, together with neighboring companions, grandmother Little Katyusha prepared a saucepan of home meals and went to feed homeless. In the native city, the student graduated from the first nine school classes. Graduation 10 and 11 young beauties completed in the Higher School of Economics.

To enter the university, Entrawards went to the capital. Although in the suburbs, Catherine lived grandmother, Mom, who was worried about her daughter, went to Moscow with her. According to the wife of a football player, she became among the leaders from childhood. The girl loved to be in the center of events, tried to influence what is happening, avoiding the role of an inactive observer. And Katya presented himself with leading news, like Andreev's thesis.

Catherine Smolnikova on the yacht

It is not surprising that the choice of the girl fell on the journal. Higher education of Catherine at the Institute of Fashion, Design and Technology. At the fifth year, Smolnikova unexpectedly decided to try their strength in the role of actresses and filed a statement to the Schukinsky Theater School. The entrance examinations of the student did not succeed. Later failure ended attempted to go to Gitis.

Catherine said that it was insanely upset, because a lot of effort and time was spent on training. Although later the girl admitted that everything for the better, because the actor does not belong to himself, devotes himself to theater and cinema. Catherine is primarily a spouse and a loving mother, so the career of the journalist turned out to be closer.


Catherine passed a study practice in Soviet sports. The girl admits that despite the fact that he has already met Igor, was far from sports and did not imagine herself in sports journalism. After receiving a diploma, the Smolnikova received an invitation to lead the program "Women's Hour with Catherine Smolnikova".

Journalist Ekaterina Smolnikova

The leaders of the defenders athletes came to visit the lead and talked about the family and life. Soon the spouse of the novice media star moved to Yekaterinburg, and the faithful wife together with his family followed him, closing the project.

Smolnikova shared that the couple experienced difficult times, sometimes Igor did not pay a salary, had to move from the city to the city, when new contracts appeared in the football player's career.

Ekaterina Smolnikova and Igor Smolnikov

Stability and calm family life began with the transition of defender in Krasnodar, and then in Zenit. At the suggestion of the club on YouTube -Canal, bright and charismatic Catherine leads the Zenit Family program. The name of the project speaks for itself. On the air, the journalist shows the life of club players and their families.

The main business of Smolnikov's life is the work at the Play and Nelp charitable organization, created together with the wife of Oleg Shatov Victoria. Girls are friends for a long time, since the collaborative game of men in Yekaterinburg. The idea of ​​helping children began with Internet auctions on the "Instagram" page. As a lot, clothing and shoes of stars and acquaintances wishing to participate in the project.

Catherine Smolnikova leads the Zenit Family program on Zenit-TV

The organization supports husbands of girls and their colleagues from Zenit. This achievement was the sale of personal masks with autographs Cristiano Ronaldo, who went over two million rubles, and Messi is a little more than a million.

I tried the strength of Catherine and in business. So, the girl is a co-owner of an organization that provides services to hairdressers and beauty salons. The partner is the wife of Alexander Kerzhakova Milan Tulipova. Smolnikova recognized that business woom did not consider itself and all entrepreneurial projects were not crowned with success.

Personal life

With the star spouse, Beauty Blonde met when Igor just moved to Lokomotiv. Young people brought fate in the face of a common acquaintance - the bride Seeds Fomin, with whom Igor lived in a hostel.

Ekaterina Smolnikova and Igor Smolnikov

Love at first glance did not happen, and a long time a couple was just friends. Friendly relations turned into warm feelings and love. In 2012, the first son of Igor and Catherine appeared on the world - Alexander, and in 2014 the younger Luke was born. Children are very important for Catherine, and first of all, despite employment and active social life, a woman dedicates the time to the boys.

And of course, the girl is a devoted wife, following his spouse, wherever his contract work of a football player would have brought his contract work. Smolnikova admits that being a professional athlete's wife is not easy. First of all, due to the constant absence of a number of second half, which takes a lot of time at the collection and away matches.

Luka Smolnikov

By the way, Many years ago, young Katya did not take seriously to professional players. The girl far from football believed that Igor had to get a higher education and get a job with a normal earnings.

Then the spouse patiently explained that the game for him is all, and professional sports can become a matter of life. Since then, Smolnikova did not doubt the career takeoff of the defender, however, to convince the beloved to get a diploma from her still turned out.

Ekaterina Smolnikova now

During the 2018 World Cup, Catherine, like millions of Russian fans, worried and supported the national national team. Smolnikova was present at the matches passing in St. Petersburg.

Ekaterina Smolnikova in 2018

To go after the spouse for away meetings failed, because the woman was engaged in children, training and competition of senior sins. By the way, Alexander is preparing to go in the footsteps of the Father and attends the Soccer Soccer "Lokomotiv". Parents are planning to translate the Son to the native Zenit.

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