Ratchet - character history, biography, image and character, ability


Character History

The development of modern technologies presented the cinema mass of attractive plots and directions to create attractive products. Revolution in mechanical engineering spawned a cycle of legends about robots capable of transforming into vehicles. These creatures are endowed with human personal characteristics, but represent the world of cars. The adventures of transformers were reflected in comics, animated TV shows and films. The boys of the whole world are watching the development of events in the epic struggle of agriculture and despetikon.

History of creation

The legend of transformers tells about the conflict between aliens having the appearance of vehicles. The term "transformers" was first voiced during the production of toys of the brand "Hasbro". The popularity of products provoked the creation of comics and kinocartin. In 2007, the first film franchise was released on large screens. He brought the audience audience and laid the beginning of the ribbon cycle, as well as the mass production of branded products.

Team of transformer

The line of toys called "Microman" prompted the leaders to create cartoons about humanoids capable of driving a car and modify in robots. In 1984, thanks to the resolution of the FAS, the creators of the toys were able to submit to the public visualization of the adventures of those who loved heroes. The promotion of Hasbro products occurred with the assistance of Marvel Comics. Marketing strategy assumed the release of toys, comics and cartoons. In 1984, the new series "Transformers" was popular with similar tactics.

The idea of ​​creating two warring galactic communities was offered by the editor of Marvel Jim Shutter. Automotivers and decepticons with his light hand have gained names and characters. The first characters were drawn by Japanese Kohl Kikhar. Later, Floro Dero frowned. Images were used in comics and animated series. A popular character became a transformer Ratchet, he is a ratchet.


Ratchets - Autobots, flew on the planet Earth on the arch. He stayed in a long-term hibernation, from which the hero was awakened after 4 million years of Bumblebee. The origin of the character is similar to the origin of his fellow.

Autobots Ratchet

Among the talents of the hero is a tendency to conduct technical works. It is repaired after the battle of the metrople and assesses the state of the prime optimus. Ratchet participated in the battles with deptorts and mined energy sources together with other transformers. He repaired Jetfayra and performed as a regular physician in an aliens detachment. The hero managed to return to the ARC among other transformers and repel the attack of enemies. According to Ratchet, the Earth takes them friendly. In turn, the autoba friendly with the population of the planet.

On Cybertron, Ratcher was considered a master, in the hands of which aroused any business. It is capable of making anything, using minimal resources: from a banal thing to the most complex weapons. The transformer personifies the car physician. Rude, with a sense of humor, confident and a serious hero can be proud of the saved fighters and the fact that he returned to the lives of several battles.

Optimus Prime

Autobots argue with the commander Optimus Primem in repair issues, but remains faithful to the head and makes it decisions. People consider Ratchet to be a master of discussions that can be worn by anyone.


The character of Ratchet appeared in the first Tape of Michael Bay, telling about the history of the appearance of transformers on Earth. She came out in 2007 and represented the hero in the image of a "military doctor" of autobots, although his functions were not visualized in the film. The character accompanies the expedition in search of energy sources. In the fight against enemies, he plays a key role, controlling the state of comrades and providing timely assistance. On him, a rider and microscope imposed responsibilities to address any technical issues, modernization and enhancements for transformers. Ratchet participated in the creation of autobot dinosaurs.

Ratch from the film

In the second series of franchises, he works on the restoration of the technical equipment of the Prica Optimus. Since then, the leader of autotots flies and has the necessary force for contractions with the transformer named. In the film "Transformers: The Movie", the hero died in a battle with deptorts.

In kinocartes, as in the animated series, Ratchet is represented by older in age among compatriots who arrived on Earth. Upgrading, it turns into a car with a large lifting capacity and high lifelidity rates - "Nissan Vanett". His armor is equipped with photocells to merge with the environment. It is equipped with specialized elements and technical equipment providing the opportunity at any time to take care of recovery.

Ratchet - character history, biography, image and character, ability 1447_5

In 2016, transformer fans enjoyed the appearance of Ratchet in the cartoon "Ratchet and Clack: Galactic Rangers".

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