Captain Lunner - biography, real name, characters, image and character


Character History

Winged phrases of the decisive captain of Lrangeloe are a real wisdom storehouse. After all, after all, a bold hero for the long maritime career was overlooked the whole world. Such a characteristic makes the honor of the experienced sea wolf. And it does not matter that most of the people tolded by the man are equipped with incredible and implausible facts. For fantastic stories, kindness, dedication and fearlessness are hidden.

History of creation

The author of the brave navigator - Andrei Nekrasov. Before becoming a writer, a man has held a sailor on a fishing vessel for a long time. One of the hobbies of the future "father" was to record legends and sea bikes, which were shared by familiar sailors.

Captain Lunnershel

Leaving work on the ship, Nekrasov, on the advice of a familiar Prosaik, created several stories dedicated to the sea adventure. And in 1937, in the journal "Pioneer" published short excerpts from the story of the "Adventures of Captain Carrunel". Editors decided to break the volumetric story into several parts. Readers of the periodical publication took over the journey of the bold captain for a whole year.

In full-fledged format, the story saw the light in 1939. The published book was expanded by several new adventures and included the chapter dedicated to Japan and not passing the censorship of the journal.

Illustration for the book about Captain Lrangeel

Nekrasov did not hide from fans that all characters of humorous stories have prototypes. For example, the prototype of Lunned - Andrei Vronsky. A friend of the writer loved to sweeten familiar with the unprecedented marine life. Similar stories and inspired the author to create a book.

The first time of Nekrasov even planned to leave the character's real name, but he considered that such glory would not like Vronsky. After the painful search, the brave captain got the name of Lunner, who is very consonant with the name of the writer's comrade.

"The Adventures of Captain Lunned"

Lecturer of the nautical school of Christopher Bonifatyevich Vladunhel, for many years he devoted his free time by sea and ships, once decided to go on the world journey. The shorter bachelor, accustomed to the minimum, quickly found a suitable ship for himself.

Captain Card Carrier

The yacht looked after the captain demanded a small repair. While the ship was subjected to change, Christopher Bonifatyevich was looking for an assistant who would help the hero to do so long and dangerous path.

Soon the fate brought a man with a guy by name. Heroes quickly found a common language, but the departure was postponed - scrap did not know English, without which the Around the Move is impossible. Soon, the trouble was eliminated, and the Yacht Captain Carrunel framed from the coast.

Mailor Lom.

In this moment it turned out the first problem. While Scrap tested English, trees, from which the ship was completed, put roots. Along with the yacht from the coast, half of the pier was despair. The heroes had to be broken to clean the ship. In addition, during a small crawling, the yacht lost half of the name. Now, instead of the beautiful name "Victory", the ship was called "trouble".

The first stop on the way was Norway. To admire the views of an unfamiliar country, the sailors moored at Fjord, but made a mistake in the assessment of the area. After moving the ship hung between the two rocks. Men remained nothing to wait for the tide. In order not to waste time, the heroes went ashore, where they fell into the epicenter of the fire.

Captain Lranzhel with friends

Fire drove into water and sailors, and local protein. Responsive animals were not confused and jumped from sushi on a yacht. Well, the captain and his assistant followed their example. Later, the protein was taken to the zoo, located in Hamburg. He could not good-natured captain to throw animals who were deprived of the house.

Holland was remembered by Christopher Bonifatyevich her herring. In observations, the idea came to the local cunning sailor, how to deliver fish to another state, without hiding a large ship. To do this, the captain is located on the nose of the yacht and with the help of a whip caught the floating fish in the right direction.

Such a work was tired by Lunner, and the hero decided to take another assistant to the ship. In Kale, the "trouble" team replenished the sailor Fuchs. True, already in the sea it turned out that a man is a card shoeler and nothing seal in the naval.

Matros Fuks

On the shores of England, the restless Trinity was offered to participate in a sailing race. Naturally, Captain Lodunhel did not refuse. A man with a glitter brought "trouble" to victory. Help assistance was provided by a closed bottle with a sparkling drink.

Not far from the Mediterranean Sea to the hero attacked the real pirates. However, such actions were not frightened by the resourceful captain. Christopher Bonifatyevich fured the ship to the tobacco smoke and, until the attackers disappeared through the smoke veil, turned the ship. The robbers had the impression that the yacht was sank, and the villains retreated.


Heroes continued the journey. Rent a herring in Egypt and headed for Africa. There, Linnerel downloaded an unusual provision to his ship and went on at the rate. But soon it turned out that the deck was packed with small crocodiles who raised from just purchased eggs. A bold captain sent 50 small binting reptiles overboard.

So imperceptibly seafarers got to the equator. To please the crowd assistants, Lrangel was changed in Neptune. But such entertainment puzzled men. Scrap and Fuchs decided that the boss had enough sunnd, and a couple of times plunged the hero into the water. It caused irreparable damage to the reputation of the sea wolf.

Captain Lunner changed clothes in Neptune

However, Christopher Bonifatyevich restored a good name after saving Fuchs from shark with the help of a simple lemon, which he squeezed the predator directly into the mouth.

In the ice of the southern ocean, on the path of brave men, the cashalot was caught. Wishing to help a sick animal, Lunner got into a new alteration. "Bed" brought to the ship of an organization, saving coushlots from extinction. True, the methods of defenders were distinguished by peculiarity. Environmental activists decided that the best way to save the couch was just destroying them all.

For the "uncompressing" of the organization of Lodannel with the team landed on an uninhabited island. But even in such conditions, Lrangel got familiar to the Spartan conditions with amenities. True, fascinating the burning of the bonfire, the man blew up a piece of land, lost his yacht and faithful assistant scrap.

Captain Lranzhel on the island

Featuring a small board, the captain and the second sailor reached the Hawaiian coast. Here the hero found out that the native "misfortune" took place to Brazil. Therefore, men in a hurry left the Paradise Island to return to the selected course.

After the reunification of the team, Christopher Bonifatyevich led a yacht to New Zealand, he stopped for a long time in Australia. Near New Guinea with the "trouble" occurred. The broken Typhoon Mast had to be replaced by a palm tree, which was planted right on the deck of the ship.

Not far from Japan, the long-suffering ship still sank. The exhaust sea wolf until the last moment did not part with the yacht, but, realizing that the "misfortune" would not be saved, the improvised mast personally chopped. A similar solution was not easy for the hero, because the truly captain is not to part with the ship even in a dangerous situation.

Captain Lranzhel on the ship

Having hired to the marchs on the ship who floated past, Lomrunhel with the team get to Canada. In the New Country, the marine ship men had to change to nars, in which the heroes hardened the uncontrolled dog and a cow. So, at the crosses, the hero returned to his hometown, where the brave captain was met by ovations.

A risky journey ended successfully thanks to Snorzka, wisdom and fearlessness of Christopher Bonifatyevich. Soon, a man returned to the former teacher's position. And now about his own adventures, the hero sometimes recalls during conversations with talented students.


In 1978, the director Gennady Vasilyev suffered the image of Boni infamiyevich's brave Christopher on television screens. In the film "New Adventures of Captain Transnunchel", a schoolboy Vasily Lopukhin mystically moved to a vessel of a character. Joint efforts heroes coped with enemies and adversities. The role of Captain Vrunnel went to Artist Mikhail Pugovkin. The actors spent three months on the coast of the Crimea, removing the sea scenes on the re-equipped fishing fisherwood.

Mikhail Pugkin in the role of Captain Lunned

In 1980, Captain Lunners became the hero of the cartoon film. The project shooting began in 1976, but the premiere took place after 4 years due to the complexity of the creation process. The cartoon includes 13 episodes, each of which took 16 thousand drawings (the cartoon was removed on the principle of "smoke"). To voice the main character entrusted Zinovy ​​Gerdta. The main antagonists of the cartoon are Mafiosi- "Bandito", which reached the "trouble" on the submarine.

Yuri Volyntsev in Captain Carrunel

The image of the brave captain was often operated in the TV shows "Alarm clock" from 1983 to 1985. The costume of Vrunnel tried on the actor Yuri Volyntsev. In one of the last issues, two characters appeared on the television screen. Actors Mikhail Pugovkin and previously mentioned Earlier, Yuri Volyntsev performed a duet in the Miniature "Two Lodungel".


"Ay-Yai Yai, what to do something? Senior assistant scrap! Get out of the truma ... champagne! And shoot corks for feed! " "How do Yu do, Fuchs? In the sense, how are you? "" We are in some ways not exactly Hawaiians. Rather, not even Hawaiians at all ... "" Clean the left side of the green plantings! It's inconvenient somehow with the estate to swim: the fish are laughing. "" How you call the yacht, so it will break. "

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