Gabriel Derzhavin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Poems



Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself admired the works of Gabriel Derzhavin. In addition to literature, in the biography of Gabriel Romanovich, the public service, loyalty to the Empress and the unofficial anthem of the empire was present.

Childhood and youth

The poet and statesman were born in the Kazan province in 1743. Birthday occurred on July 14 for a new style. The genus of the Dervicians originates from Tatar Murza Bagrim. According to a family legend, the ancestor went into service to the prince of Vasily Dark from the rows of the Golden Horde in the XV century.

Changes the religion, the former Horde, the name Ilya, when baptized, was baptized. From one of the sons of Ilya - Power - and the branch of the kinship of Gabriel Romanovich occurred.

Gabriel Derzhavin in childhood and youth

The family of Derzhavini was not hot. Father, nobleman in the honorary title of second major, early left life, and the creation of the son of the Son lay on the shoulders of the mother of Fekla Andreevna. It was difficult for a woman to give Gabriel worthy education. At first, the boy studied the bill, literacy and writing at home. The first teachers were clergy.

At the age of seven years, the boy enters the boarding school in Orenburg, not distinguished by the glory of high-quality training. Nevertheless, after the lessons received, Derzhavin shall begin to speak German. Few later, the family moved to Kazan, and the young man went on learning to the gymnasium.

Portraits of the young Gabriel Derzhavina

The gymnasium was loved by visual art and engineering in which he has quite succeeded. Here, a teenager met the work of the poets Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Sumarov, Vasily Trediakovsky. The young man himself takes a pen into his hands and tries forces in poetry. The first pancake turned out to be a room, the syllable was not quite successful, but it turned out to ask the Council.

In 1762, the requirement of the Trojannovsky turnover came to the Preobrazhensky regiment, and the young man stands on military service. Gabriel Romanovich himself considered the years in the army worst in his entire life. Not having time to begin, the army weekdays were rearranged to the state coup, in which Derzhavin participated together with the rest of the Guards. As a result, Ekaterina II was in the throne.

Monument to the station in the poet estate museum in St. Petersburg

For a young nobleman, army life did not become easier. At first, it was necessary to share the barracks with the soldiers, time on the class of poetry or science was catastrophically lacked. Gabriel Romanovich did not have high-ranking patrons, so moved slowly. The future poet had to ask in writing about the increase of Alexey Orlov, lizing the merit to the Empress. The petition was satisfied, and the nobleman received Chin Capral, moved to the officer barracks. But at that time, Derzhavin was carried away by the kits and the game of the card.

In 1770, the nobleman decided to move away from a rampant life, and in 1772 was attracted to suppressing Pugachev Bunth.


The first work, published in the print in 1773 and owned by Peru Derzhavin, was the kneading wedding of the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich. At first, the poet made up Lomonosov's style. Unfortunately, Gabriel Romanovich could not repeat the "air" manner of creativity Mikhail Vasilyevich.

Soon, following the friends of friends more experienced in the literary work, Derzharatin elected a sample of Oda. According to the Creator, the main task of the writer is the glorification of noble deeds and the censure of bad affairs.

Gabriel Derzhavin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Poems 14380_4

Initially, the works of the poet were printed without signature in the St. Petersburg Bulletin. The light saw the "key", "rulers and judges". However, the sublime and pompous poems made Derzhavin known among the writers, but not among society.

The name of Gabriel Romanovich thundered after writing them to the Felitsa, who sneaks Catherine. For the enthusiastic poems, the poet received a casket from the Empress, covered with diamonds, in which 500 Chervons were lying.

Poet of the Epoch of Enlightenment Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin

After that, the "Waterfall" poems were printed in the "Interlocutor", "Vision Murza", "God". The last ODA became the crown of Creativity Gabriel Romanovich, and the poet himself became among the classics and idols. All the writers have created hundreds of works that make up a dozen collective books. An interesting fact is the simplicity of Derzhavin in everyday life.

In 1815, the Tsarskoyel Lyceum was already recognized as a recognized writer. To the surprise of students, the first question, which was asked the author of the sublime poems, was about the location of the restroom. By the way, the most famous and talented graduate Lyceum Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin considered the ideal of poetry. The work "I am a monument to myself erecting the wrong" written by him according to the sample of the "monument" of Derzhavin.

Gabriel Derzhavin and Lyceist Alexander Pushkin (Painting I. E. Repin)

A reliable fact is the love of Derzhanin to erotic prose. The writer wrote works, giving them a special softness, trying to exclude words from the text with the sounds of "p". At the same time, Gabriel Romanovich preferred that his creations were read in the Society of the ladies.

Of course, mainly Derzhanin was engaged in serious creativity. So, to the number of literary achievements, the informal anthem of the Russian Empire is "Thunder Victory, distribute!", Written after taking the fortress I chewed by Russian troops during the Turkish war. Music wrote Osip Kozlovsky.


In addition to literature, Gabriel Romanovich was engaged in civil service. After the long-awaited resignation in 1777, Derzhavin granted to college advisors and received 300 souls of peasants in Belarus. In 1780, the nobleman falls into the Senate, but the straightness of the Derzhavin and the leaduality in decisions provided the statesman with unfriendlies.

College Advisor Gabriel Derzhavin

In 1783, being a member of the Imperial Russian Academy, the poet participated in the preparation of the first intelligent dictionary.

In 1784, the nobleman was appointed by the ruler of the Olonetsky vicarity, and from 1786 to 1788 he serves the head of Tambov pricing. The province was listed among the backward. In a short time, a new governor managed to raise the prestige of entrusted territory. The first in the province of typography, school, hospital, shelter and theater were built.

Gabriel Derzhavin was the Minister of Justice of the Russian Empire

Since 1791, Derzhavin returns to the capital, to the court of Catherine. The position of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Empire, which he occupied in 1802-1803, was the crown of the Political Career of the Nobleman.

From this post, Gabriel Romanovich was resigned and got the opportunity to completely devote himself to literary creativity. Settling in the estate of the Novgorod province, the poet holds days for writing poems.

Personal life

The first spouse of the poet in 1778 was the 16-year-old Ekaterina Yakovlevna Bastidon. Another young woman, at the age of 34, Catherine died suddenly and was buried at the Lazarevian cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Ekaterina Bastidon and Gabriel Derzhavin

Derzhavin already six months later married again. This time, Daria Alekseevna Dyakova, who lived until the end of his life became the elect. Both wives of the poet's pheet in the works.

Daria Dyakova, the second wife of Gabriel Derzhavin

Native children had no celestial, but the niece and orphaned siblings of Derzhanin, Peter Lazarev, were brought up in the family care in the family. One of the sons - Mikhail Lazarev, later opened Antarctica, being a talented admiral.


In 1816, already at the remedy, the famous Russian poet died in his own estate in the Novgorod province.

Grave of Gabriel Derzhavina in the Transfiguration Cathedral (Veliky Novgorod)

The grave of Gabriel Romanovich together with his wife, who left life in 1842, is located in the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the VarlaaMo Khutyn Monastery near Veliky Novgorod.


The news is often not different that, like the oblivion of the past. There is only deferentially, repentance for someone. There is no publicity of more than other fellow citizens should be animated, moving and guided by love for the Fatherland. He must love for the Fatherland to live, pour it into his subordinates and be an example in it to all the state. Syll will remain a donkey, although there is a turn of his stars; where should act with the mind, he only chlorides the ears.


  • 1798 - "Derzhavin Communion"
  • Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich "Works. Ed. Ya. Grott in 9 volumes"
  • 1933 - "Derzhavin G. R. Poem"
  • 1957 - "Poems G. R. Derzhavina"
  • 1980 - "Poem. Prose. (G. R. Derzhavin)"
  • 1984 - "Favorites Prose. (G. R. Derzhavin)"

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