Nadezhda Tolokonnikova - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



The biography of Hope Tolfolnikova is ambiguous and contradictory. Some call the girl with an activist and wrestler for the rights of citizens, others are extremely negative.

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova was born on November 7, 1989 in Norilsk. The girl studied in a secondary school, parallel with the game on the piano. The non-equilibrium to other people's problems and their own opinion regarding each issue was determined by the fate of the girl.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikov in his youth

After graduating from school with a gold medal, Nadezhda decided to receive higher education in the capital, enrolling at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University.

Creativity and scandals

In the university, the girl met the young artists who created the Radical Art Group "War". The association participants promoted a new version of avant-garde art. Nadezhda joined the protests and outrageous shares of the team. One of the first shares where Tolokonnikov participated was the sexual orgy that was held in the Biological Museum. At this time, the girl was at 9 months old pregnancy. Later, Nadezhda called the Speech by "the statement on the political topic using the Creationism genre."

The next memorable action of the art group was held under the titratory court "Tracker" during the announcement of the sentence in the case of the organizers of the exhibition "Forbidden Art-2006". Activists scattered about 3,000 Madagascar cockroaches in the premises of the Tagan court in the capital. For such tricks, Tolokonnikov threatened to deduct from the Moscow State University, but still left at the faculty, since she was one of the best female students.

Among the outcomes of the Art Group "War" can be distinguished the share in the supermarket of St. Petersburg. The participant of the association, not paying attention to the buyers, removed the lingerie, placed the chicken under the dress, and going out on the street, arranged improvised childbirth.

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At the age of 22, Hope was a participant of the Pussy Riot group, the concept of which is anonymity. The team puts several goals: fighting power, upholding the rights of the LGBT community and the propaganda of feminism. Following the concepts, participants are in bright balaclava to hide the face. For performances conducted in the form of unauthorized shares, Pussy Riot choose unintentional space for this site: starting with public transport and ending with roofs of buildings.

The most famous action in the Church of Christ the Savior called "Punk-Prayle", which received a public resonance. The girls came to the temple in masks, becoming on the elevation in front of the altar and including sounding equipment, performed a musical composition of ambiguous content.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Maria Alekhina in the courtroom

Then the hope of Tolokonnikov, Maria Aleukhin and Ekaterina Samutsevich arrested as alleged participants. The court ruled the sentence - 2 years of the colony of the general regime under the article "Hooliganism".

The verdict appealed in cassation, but nothing had changed for hope and Mary. Catherine was replaced by a real term for conditional, freeing in the courtroom. According to the research conducted by the NewSeffector Monitoring Agency, the indictment has become an unprecedented event on the world resonance and response. The majority of global media wrote about this.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova in prison

In support of civil activists, foreign Celabriti - Madonna, Stephen Fry and Terry Gillimi, performed. In places of detention of freedom, Nadezhda organized a fight against violation of the rights of prisoners. Tolokonnikova has repeatedly announced a hunger strike in protest.

The girl was serving a sentence in the female IR-14 in the village village, in the Divoto Polyansky district of Mordovia. At the end of 2013, translated into Alatyr, and a little later - to the Krasnodar region. Released on amnesty, 2 months ahead of time, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution - December 23, 2013.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova

Political activity of hope received widespread approval of the West. In 2012, "Le Figaro" acknowledged her "woman of the year", and the newspaper "The Times" placed an activist snapshot. Moreover, Tolokonnikova ranked 18 among the sexiest women on Maxim polls.

After liberation, Nadezhda continued active activities. So, the girl starred in the 3 season of the overseas political series "Cardhouse".

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The activist is still associated with the group Pussy Riot: Hope appeared in the provocative clips "Seagull" and "Make America Great Again". The last video was created against the choice of Donald Trump by the President of the United States. In March 2013, Tolokonnikova and Aleukhin visited Bill's lecture and Hillary Clinton in Florida.

In the summer of 2015, the girl became the heroine of the shooting of Terry Richardson. Hope was pleased with the photo shoot, calling Terry "powerful" photographer.

Personal life

In the student years, Nadezhda met the artist and activist Peter Verry. Political views and general aspirations of young people coincided in many ways, so they quickly found a common language.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Peter Verry

Together the couple traveled the hitchhiker in Spain and Portugal. Upon returning to his homeland, Nadezhda with Peter has entered into an official union. In 2008, the spouses had a daughter of Hera, at that time a girl was 18 years old.

Usually, children attend prisoners of parents, but the activist decided differently. In order not to injury the psyche of the child, during the investigation and serving the term, Nadezhda did not see the hero. After liberation, the activist has established a personal life, restoring relations with his daughter.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova with daughter

Recently it became known that the family broke up, hope and Peter do not live together. As for the child, the girl alternately lives the dad, then mom. Young people kept good relationships, continue to go together on vacation and attend cultural events. Decorated divorce is officially or not - unknown.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova now

Now Hope continues to actively express its own position in society. The Girl's main task considers the protection of the rights of prisoners by participation in the project "Right Zone".

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova in 2018

Hope has verified accounts in the social network "Instagram", "Twitter" and "VKontakte", where the girl regularly publishes photos and video events from life.

Recently, Pussy Riot on YouTube published a clip for the song "Track About Good Cop". In the comments below the video laid out the list of 9 requirements. In particular, the Panel talks about the release of the arrested participants of the shares ran out at the Stadium during the final match of the World Cup, and Oleg Santzov. In an interview with the rain information TV channel, Tolokonnikova described in detail about the content and sending of the new video.

In January 2018, Tattoo appeared on the forearm of journalist Vitaly Bespalova. A man is known, in particular, by stuffing portraits of modern women, who considers bold and worthy.

The growth of activist is about 175 cm, and the weight is unknown, by nationality, Russian girl.


With Pussy Riot:

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