Mat - biography, symbol and image, mythology of ancient Egypt


Character History

The Supreme God of the Republic of Armenia laid on his brittle daughter's brittle daughter - Maat, as one of the senior deities, is obliged to follow the order and compliance with justice in Egypt. However, judging by mythology, the wise girl with ease coped with the tasks set. The goddess of the truth has time to finish justice, punish the violators, as well as give advice to the priests and pharaohs.

History of creation

The cult dedicated to Mat, originated about 2700 BC, during the time of the ancient kingdom. Because of the unprecedented speed of spreading the influence of the goddess, it is impossible to accurately establish where the worship of the "Mrs. Gods and Goddesses originates.

Goddess Mat.

It is known for certain that, despite the popularity of the image, the beauty has only been established by two personal temples: in Deir El Medina on the West Bank Nile in the philas and not far from the Montu sanctuary in Karnak. It should be mentioned that the image of the Mat is found in the sanctuations that glorify other gods of ancient Egypt.

If, in the original version, the Maat existed in the beliefs of people as an abstract phenomenon, then by the beginning of the new kingdom of the goddess of Truth acquired the family, received a well-established appearance and was expanding its own duties.

Now the girl portrayed sitting on an elevation. The goddess kept the back smoothly, dressed in a red dress and was often decorated with powerful wings. In the hands of Mat kept Scepter and Anh, symbolizing eternal life and eternal rule.

Myths and legends

God of Ra

Own birth, Maat is obliged to the Supreme Divine of the Republic of Armenia. About mother goddess justice is not known. At the same time, the girl's brother was born with MAT - God Nong. Both babe was born to help RA create a world as he knew the ancient Egyptians.

The first creation of Maat was the seasons of the year who later divided the girl for months and day. Meal to monitor compliance with the temporary balance of the goddess shifted to the moon. The Supreme RA, who watched his own daughter, called Mat "Eye of the Republic of Armenia" and laid the duty for the girl to follow the truth, laws and order.


Beauty with yellow skin traveled with his beloved father on the chariot, intently watched the behavior of ordinary mortals and pharaohs. Often, the heavenly crew stayed in the territory of the afterlife, where the rules of Osiris.

The girl attended the court sessions in which the fate of the dead Egyptians was solved. Particular attention of the goddess of justice paid to Pharaohs. Ra daughter put the heart of the defendant on the scales of Anubis. On the other cup, Maat has a pen of ostrich, which always wore in her hair as a symbol of power and justice. If the heart turned the pen, then the defendant received a chance for rebirth in a new body. If the feather turned out to be harder, then the heart of a person was given to the congregation of the monster Ammut.

Maat and Ton

Soon after the start of the Board, Maat also knit herself with a marriage with Tom - the God of Wisdom and Knowledge. Divine spouses spent a lot of time together. Quite quickly the couple acquired offspring. Maat and that became the parents of eight children, the so-called major gods of the Hermopolis.

Even becoming a mother, Maat did not leave his sacred duties. The goddess, together with his spouse, solved the fate of people, led the chronicle of Pharaoh and helped the father to control the heavenly chariot. However, sometimes the solutions of Maat plunged the pharaohs and residents of Egypt in shock and trepidation. So it was with the great ruler of Mencar.

Pharaoh came to the Board after Tirana Hofu. With the advent of the new lord, the abandoned lands of Egypt were blooming. But soon Mencar saw a dream in which the gods reported to Pharaoh a simple thought - a man remained to live 6 years.

Pharaoh Menkura.

Puzzled by the news received by the news, Pharaoh appealed to the Priests Mat with a request to clarify what the ruler's fault. After all, the previous pharaoh, which was distinguished by misfortune, lived to old age. Maat answered a man's prayer. Mencara simply did not recognize the promise of the gods. The city in which the rules of the hero should suffer. And the newly made Vladyka broke the will of the Gods, for which he paid.

In response to the reproaches of Maat Mencar, ordered the fires of fire at night and arrange feasts. So Pharaoh increased its own life for another 6 years. For the manifested Mascolo, Maat did not punish a cunning lord.

Interesting Facts

  • In the anime "Fun of the Gods", Maat is the second name of the Lord of the Dead Anubis, who is close to Tom.
Isis and Mat
  • Residents of ancient Egypt believed that three goddesses - Maat, Isida and Hathor - represent the basis of the existence of everything earthly. Later, the cults of three characters merged into a single integer, combined with the name Hathor.
  • Maate's priests wore the appearance of the goddess, poured out of pure gold. Pharaohs and representatives of the judicial system were considered the main fans of the beauties.
  • During the weighing of the heart, Maat forced the defendants to pronounce the "Confession of denial", which contained 42 theses confirming the purity of human thoughts.

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