Alexey Colog - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



In his filmography of voiced roles in tens of times more than played. But the viewer still knows and loves Alexey Kolgan for the talent, charismaticness, a sense of humor and a luxurious voice, because the singer Ipostaska actor has long been his second "I".

Alexey Kolgan voiced Shrek

Colegan - loves to the public of all ages: Children leads to the delight that Schrek and other favorite cartoons speak his voice, and adults are nodding their heads, remembering his brilliant work in a satirical TV project "Truck Light!".

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on November 21, 1971 in Lviv. Parents - Anatoly and Valentina - did not have attitude to art. But the great-grandfather, the leaving of the merchant family, worked as a circus artist at the Durov himself.

Actor Alexey Kolgan.

At 12 years old - the first negative memory of childhood: the divorce of the parents. Father went to another family. Valentina Pavlovna was hard to raise his son alone. She took Alya and left for her sister in Makhachkala. There, the boy went to school number 38, and the woman settled on the instrument-making plant. In the summer he worked as the head of the factory pioneerlagen, taking the Son to all holidays.

"I grew painful, so my mother must be shaking very much ... All the best gave. Of course, it's strictly brought up in moderation, but with very, very big love, "remembers Alexey with gratitude.

And the school memories of the actor are associated with children's offends. Alyosha was a worry boy, clumsy, so classmates did not miss the case to unintelligently, and especially hooliganish even a trifle issued by mom for breakfast, selected.

Alexey Kolgan in youth

In Lviv, he discovered the genre of parody thanks to the found record of Victor Chistyakov. And being another 10-year-old boy, Fierchly paroded Chistyakov with all his numbers, so that was invited to other schools. And here in Makhachkala, Alesha revealed the artistic talent in front of classmates. Executed one room, then the second. Then the high school students began to come to performances - everyone whistles, clap.

"I, what is called, I felt the power over the audience: they listen to me, laugh, ask for continuation!", - those emotions still in the heart of the actor.

After school, Mom, confident that the desire of the Son to go to artists - just Blazh, persuaded him to enter the Pedic Institute. But a young man, passing a clean sheet, left the exam. And soon went to the northern capital and entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art (now the Russian State Institute of Stage Arts), and then on the classic vocal rate under the Leningrad Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov.


The acting biography of Alexei Kolgan began with work on stage. The talented graduate was invited to the Mossoveta named theater and immediately introduced into the current performances. The young actor played Mitrofanushka in the classic stage of "inexpensive", Fabian in the "Twelfth Night", Stratton in the "Flood" and other roles.

Nonna Grishaeva and Alexey Kolgan in the theater

The bright texture of the Kolgan, his manner of the game was attracted to the artist of Satira Alexander Shirvindt, who invited Alexei to his scene. Here the actor served from 2001 to 2009, playing such colorful roles as Gluma ("Money"), Fedor ("Game"), Wulf and Mikhalkov (Andryusha). This period was very fruitful in his creative career. Theatrical artist is actively invited to the movies and on television.

Since the 2000s, Alexey is removed a lot in films and TV shows, thanks to which it becomes enormous. "Moscow. Central District, "Kamenskaya-3", "Code of honor", "Gemini", "Star of the Epoch", "Officers-2", "Kitchen" - one in one paintings with his participation.

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And let it be not always the main roles, thanks to the incredibly bright playing of the colleague, the viewer unmistakably knows everyone played by the character to them, whether it is at least a tiny episode.

Few people know, but by their "voice" played much more roles. Since the late 90s, Colegan began to work in a dubbing - to voice the characters of foreign films, cartoons, television shows and even video games.

"What do you like more? The kindest pleasure is to play. I am an artist, and this is all my profession, and a person and voice. No, I can not divide it. But if you compare the theater and cinema, I like the movie, I like more, "is confessed in an interview with My Family.

Today in his creative piggy bank more than 100 voiced roles. There are among them and star.

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In 2000, one of the Scriptures of NTV, knowing the passion and talent of the Kolgana to the parody, invited him to work on the series "Academy of Own Airlines", then the idea was born to create a satirical project "Touch the Light!", In which the actor began to voice the animation character - Hryuna Morzova . The transfer had an unprecedented success, and for the sounding of Hryun, Artist Kolgan received the "Teffi 2001" award.

In the same year, the director of Dubli Yaroslav Turyleva, impressed with the way Hryun, invited the actor to sound the role of Shrek in the cartoon of the same name. Moreover, Hollywood bosses at first did not approve the candidacy of the actor, but after the perseverance, the director agreed. But, appreciating the finished work, representatives of Dream Works recognized the Russian artist as the best of all who ever voiced Shrek.

In 2016, Alexey Kolgan surprised fans in a new way - performed the main female role Carolina Bonwil in the musical "Princess Circus".

Personal life

Happiness in the personal and family life Alexei Kolgan found in marriage with the actress by Nina Nachazzha. Dating a couple took place in a difficult period for a woman. In 1999, she lost her husband: actor Evgeny Nadraztsky crashed in a car accident.

Alexey Kolgan and his wife Nina Nerchadskaya

At first there was just a sympathy between the actors, and after 3 years, the woman realized that Alexey cares for her.

"I could not think. How?! Leshke - 32 years old, I am 42, and even with the imagination in the form of two children, "recalls Nina Nerchadskaya.

In 2003, the couple got married. Cologan adopted the children of his wife - Any and Misha. For more than 15 years, the spouses live soul into the soul. Anna Noodalezkaya has long become an adult, graduated from the acting, married and gave parents to his granddaughter Sofia.

Alexey Kolgan now

Now the actor is still busy working in dubbing, a lot is removed. One of the fresh work was the role in the series "Walking on the flour". Busy in the theater of the musical in the production of "Princess Circus".

"Playing a" princess ... ", I get great pleasure from partners, the music of Salman, the very formulation. I still have a favorite profession, "the actor shared.
Alexey Kolgan before and after weight loss

In 2018, Kolgan lost 25 kg (now the weight is about 80-90 kg with an increase in 190 cm). Relieve weight they decided along with his wife. They appealed to a dietist doctor who picked up the right diet for them.

The photo of the transformed actor can be found in "Facebook", "Instagram" -Acounta has no artist.


  • 2002 - "Code of Coven-1"
  • 2003 - "Kamenskaya-3"
  • 2003 - "Moscow. Central District
  • 2004 - "Gemini"
  • 2004 - "Reflections"
  • 2005 - "Goddess Prime-Time"
  • 2005 - "Star of the Epoch"
  • 2006 - "Karambol"
  • 2007 - "Gllyan"
  • 2007 - "Urgently in the room"
  • 2009 - "Dirty work"
  • 2009 - "Officers-2"
  • 2012-2014 - "Kitchen"
  • 2015 - "Mysterious Passion"
  • 2016 - "Lady Peak"
  • 2017 - "Walking on the flour"

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