Igor Kurchatov - Photo, biography, personal life, atomic bomb, cause of death



Igor Kurchatov is the greatest Soviet scientist and inventor, whose name at the turn of the 40s and 50s of the twentieth century, threaten on both sides of the ocean, and the achievements made a new look at the possibilities of a person. Purposeful, volitional and tireless, he said:"Make in work, in life only the most important thing. Otherwise, the secondary, although unnecessary, easily fill your life, will take all the strength, and you will not get to the main thing ... Explore what will lead you to the goal. "

Childhood and youth

The future creator of the first Soviet atomic bomb was born in the Simsky Plant in 1903. After 1928, the settlement was renamed sim. Today it is a town in the Ashinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, where approximately 13 thousand people live. The father was an honorary citizen of the city, the land surveyor Amermer, and the mother taught a marriage in the School in the city of Zlatoust. Two sons were born in marriage: Igor and Boris, who also became a scientist.

The biography of the early years of life and adolescence Academician is a series of educational institutions that consistently replaced each other. At first, three times the hero of socialist labor was demonstrated by a great interest in humanitarian sciences, but after a random acquaintance with the book "The successes of modern technology" went through a different dear.

Igor graduated from 8 classes in the treasury male gymnasium of Simferopol, where the family moved in 1912. In parallel, I learned on a locksmith in the school crafts, worked at the factory. In training, the young man was amusted, intelligent and capable.

Higher education began to receive in 1920 at the Tauride University (now the Tavric National University named after V. I. Vernadsky), which opened 2 years before. He continued in Petrograd Polytech (now St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great).

Some time spent in the status of assistant the Department of Physics of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute in Baku (now Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry). In 1925, a young specialist returned to Leningrad, becoming a scientific officer of the Physico-Technical Institute (now the Physico-Technical Institute named after A. F. Ioffe RAS).

The science

In the "Children's Garden of Pope Ioffe" (so the contemporaries were jokingly called LFTI) the freedom of employees were not limited. Abram Ioffe welcomed the enthusiasm and an inquisitive mind in young researchers. The future father of "Tsar-bomb" 5 years after the arrival at the institute received the position of the Zavedadel. At first, he studied dielectrics, ferroelectricity, and by 1932 he became a pioneer among physician scientists interested in the atomic nucleus issues.

Up to the beginning of the war, the academician developed this direction, expanding the knowledge in until the unknown area.

In the War years, he participated in the creation of techniques for the demagnetization of ships to protect the fleet from German magnetic bombs. The technique provided ships 100% security, and the defender of the Motherland after the Second World War was put to the state award. Since 1942, the scientist led the Soviet atomic project.

After graduating from the second world question about the nuclear potential and monopoly of the United States on atomic weapons, they stood acutely. On August 29, 1949, a test of the first Soviet atomic bomb was held at the Polygon in the Semipalatinsk region. According to the memories of eyewitnesses, which was present at the event of Lawrence Beria kissed bearded genius.

Mikhail Hmurov in the role of Igor Kurchatov in the series

Soon, as if in support of the significance of the contribution to the science of the USSR, the researcher awarded a prize, honorary title, car and money. In 1953, under his leadership, the first hydrogen bomb was launched. The team of academicians also created the famous "tsar-bomb".

The roar and echo wars accompanied him throughout his life. Perhaps, therefore, a selfless warrior has repeatedly said that the atom can and should serve people for peaceful purposes. In 1958, he made a speech at a meeting of the USSR Sun:

"Scientists are deeply excited by the fact that there is still no international agreement on the unconditional prohibition of atomic and hydrogen weapons. We appeal to the scientists of the whole world with a call to turn the energy of the hydrogen nuclei of the weapon of destruction into a mighty, the wonderful source of energy, carrying the well-being and the joy of all people on earth. "

When Kurchatov launched the world's first nuclear power plant - Obninskaya.

Personal life

Academician was a responsible, honest and decent person with a good character. He was engaged in charity, built strong friendly connections, helped his colleagues, often using his authority and influence.

In almost all photos, it is captured with an eye beard, which eventually became an element of its "corporate identity". According to her, comrades could guess the mood of the scientist. If the beard strokes - everything is in order, and if it is tread, there is some kind of snag.

In the youth, 2 years after returning to Leningrad, the Kurchatov played a wedding. Marina Sinelnikova's wife accounted for his colleague and comrade Kirill. The couple has lived together 33 years old until the death of the inventor in 1960. They did not have children.


Throughout life, the scientist did the greatest discoveries, put the most complicated experiments, the work on which was accompanied by large loads and stresses. In 1956 survived the stroke. Health was restored gradually, but the periods without work were terribly acted on the mood and state of academician. In 1960, he went to visit the colleague Yulia Kharitonu, resting in Barvikha.

Friends walked around the winter park, talked, sat down to relax on the bench. Suddenly, a long pause arose in the dialogue. Hariton looked at each other and saw that he died. The cause of death was thromboembolia. The body of the academician was cremated, and the dust was placed in the urn in the Kremlin wall on the Red Square of Moscow.


In the 2020th, the series "Bomb" was released on the screens, telling about the creation of the Soviet atomic weapons. In the form of Igor Kurchatov, the actor Mikhail Hmurov appeared. Evgeny Tkachuk, Alexander Lykov, Victor Dobronravov and other artists were also filmed in the picture.

The film illuminates the period of the second half of the 1940s, starting with nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and ending with the first tests of the Soviet atomic bomb in August 1949.


  • 1937 - the first cyclotron in Europe
  • 1946 - the first atomic reactor in Europe
  • 1949 - First Soviet Atomic Bomb
  • 1953 - the world's first hydrogen bomb
  • 1954-1961 - The most powerful explosive device "Tsar Bomb" (the launch was made after the death of academician)
  • 1954 - The world's first nuclear power plant
  • 1958 - the first atomic reactor for submarines and icebreakers

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