Ekaterina Bagdasarova - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Ekaterina Bagdasarova - civilian wife of the governor of the governor Andrei Vorobyva, Chairman of the "Istok" charitable foundation. About this bright and attractive woman in the media speak a little, and she does not like to draw attention to her person, so its biography is mainly based on information from informal sources.

Ekaterina Bagdasarova

About the years preceding marriage with Vorobyev, nothing is known. Nationality, date and place of birth Baghdasarova - Mystery. Judging by the photo, a spectacular brunette younger than his spouse.

There are rumors about the early career of Catherine, allegedly a girl worked in a model business. Convincing evidence of this fact, however, no.

Personal life

Marriage Baghdasarova with Andrei Vorobyev was officially not issued. In the declarations, its income does not appear, but press services represent it precisely as the first lady of the Moscow region.

Ekaterina Bagdasarova and Andrei Vorobiev

The first wife of Governor Margarita died from the disease and left her husband two daughters. Now the couple together raises six children: they have two common sons (George and Mikhail) and another two children from previous marriages. In an interview with politics, he is joking that these are their general mortgage contribution to correcting the demographic situation. There are no information about the first husband Bagdasarova.

Ekaterina Baghdasarova with family

In July 2018, the eldest daughter Vorobyov married a businessman Mark Tipikina, and family photos of the head of the region appeared in the media, together with the younger children and his wife, who usually does not advertise the facts of their personal life. According to rumors, guests of a luxurious wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel forbidden to take pictures and especially publish them on the Internet, but someone decided to break the ban and "merged" a photo into the network.

Ekaterina Bagdasarova now

Officially, the mysterious wife Vorobyev occupies the post of head of the "Istok" charitable foundation. The organization's staff arrange children's holidays and master classes in hospitals, collect money for the treatment of small patients, help orphans, develop sports and create educational programs.

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In September 2018, the Foundation arranged in Kolomna a charitable race "Pulse of Good", which was supported by the eminent athletes-Olympians. The purpose of the event was the collection of funds to support the Moscow Region Children's Houses.

Ekaterina Bagdasarova in 2018

In the role of the chairman of the "source" of Baghdasarov, now from time to time appears in the public, but it rarely does it. In general, it is a non-public person: Catherine does not allow an interview, does not lead pages in "Instagram" and other social networks and almost does not accompany her husband in official events.

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