Group "Butyrka" - Composition, Photo, News, Songs 2021



The popular Russian group "Butyrka" leads an active concert activity in Russia and other countries. Created in 2001 by the collective soloists and producer Alexander Abramov, today the discography consists of more than 10 albums. The group is working in the genres of Russian chanson, city romance and a coolest song.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creative union of young people begins in 1998. In that year, Vladimir Zhdamirov and Oleg Simonov create a group called "Far Light" and a year later in the Voronezh recording studio record the Album "Sweeper". In this form, the team existed until 2001.

In 2001, the soloists, Vladimir Zhdamirov and Oleg Simonov, together with the producer of the Russian chanson, Alexander Abramov decided to create a new group and called it "Butyrka". Such a name has emerged by chance, after in September 2001, a supreme escape of several prisoners was performed from Butyrsk Prison.

During the existence of the group, its participants have repeatedly changed. Of those who appeared in the team from the beginning of its formation, only 2 people remained. This is Oleg Simonov, who plays the keys and creates lyrics, and the bass guitarist Alexander Holochapov, in 2010 he left the group, but after 3 years he returned.

Bassist Alexander Holochapov

Drummer Tagir Alautdinov and guitarist Alexander Kalugin left the group in 2006. The second guitarist Sergey Egorov worked in the team from 2006 to 2009, and Bas-guitarist Anton Sundarkov - from 2010 to 2013.

The founder, composer and artist Vladimir Zhdamirov, who, as part of the group since the beginning of the foundation, left the team in 2013. It became a great blow to the "Butyrki" fans and left many questions, everyone interested, for what reason the soloist left the team when he was at the peak of Glory.

Vocalist Vladimir Zhdamirov

As it became known from an interview with an artist for different Internet sites, he just decided to engage in his solo career after many years of work in the group, a man records new songs and regularly pleases fans of creativity with concerts in Russian cities.

After Zhdamirov left the creative team, a new soloist Andrei Bykov came to his place in 2015. The public was ambiguously reacted to a man. Since the fans in many years managed to get used to a permanent soloist, a new person did not want to taste.

Vocalist Mikhail Borisov

The first concerts in the new composition were not so welcome, as musicians are accustomed. Although Zhdamirov himself in an interview declared that he was not delighted with the creative data of the new soloist. However, after a time, the fans took a man, and today all concerts pass with the same anchelons.

Andrei Bykov was familiar with the creator of the "Butyrka" long before it was among the team. Then Oleg Simonov rated the professional qualities of a man and even invited him to cooperate and recommended Zhdamirov. In 2015, a man began to tour with the team, and after a year he participated in the anniversary concert, which was held in Voronezh.

Vocalist Andrei Bykov

The musician is not going to leave the group, he intends to continue to delight the students with new hits, since its vocal qualities are suitable for the execution of the "Butyrki" hits. Before getting into the group, the biography of Bykov was almost nothing distinguished. He himself comes from the Perm region, traveled to Moscow for earnings and at the same time he acted in different establishments, until he finally moved to the capital.

In addition to the "Starichkov" of the Group, in the current composition of the drummer Yuri Akimov, since 2009 guitarist Andrei Zhuravlev, vocalist Andrei Bykov, sound engineer Valery Leznev and art director Julia Griboyedov.


The debut "first album" of musicians came out in 2002. The reason for the success of young people was the sincerity of Simonov's poems and unusual, but Zhdamirov's memorable vocal. The most devoted fans of the group's creativity at that time were people who familiar to life for barbed wire. And to get closer to ordinary people, in the songs of men used not only the topics of prisons and camps, but also told stories from life.

The name of the next album is the "second album", which was released in 2002, became a successful continuation of the first, and after his distribution, he finally secured the success of the guys in their creative beginnings. The work of the team was also noted at the presentation of the Music Prize "Decent Song of 2002". The event was held in the BKZ "Oktyabrsky", the "Butyrka" group won in the nomination "Opening of the Year" and even received a premium for a video for the song "Blasting Spring", which was removed by the director A. Tumadev.

The next album of the musicians "News" was published in early 2004, and after a year the group fans enjoyed new compositions from the Icon album. Their songs were hits and weeks did not go from the first places in television charts.

In terms of performance, "Butyrka" exceeded the expectations of fans, while recorded music, songs and released albums had the highest level of quality. At such a pace in 2007, artists already produced the fifth album.

The "sixth album" came out in 2009 had only a few new songs. He also became the last album, which came out within the framework of the "Russian chanson" contract. The contract did not extend, and the team decided to develop an independent development. Since then, "Butyrka" has been producing new songs on its own forces and continues its creative development.

Also in 2009, the group created its own website on the Internet, where fans are listening to "Butyrki" hits and receive information about concerts. In the period from 2010 to 2014, the team pleases the fans with another 3 new albums. By 2017, their discography has already consisted of 11 albums.

The group has repeatedly collaborated with other artists, they have joint songs with Irina Circle, "Vorovaykov" and with other performers. In addition to songs, "Butyrka" does not forget about the clips that can be seen today on the Internet. The team removed the video to the song "Files in the spring", "Ball", "Icon", "Malets" and others.

Also on YouTube there are videotapes from fans, for example, to the song "Certificate of Blood". The group and now there are many songs that know even those who are not their fan. Among the most popular - "Baba Masha", "Golden Dome", "News", "on the other side of the fence" and others.

Group "Butyrka" now

Since "Butyrka" during the existence won the hearts of listeners from different Russian and foreign cities, today the team is conducting active concert activities, participates in events with other stars. Fresh photos from speeches, travel and tours of musicians can be seen on their official website.


In December 2017, the team took part in the concert in memory of Mikhail Kroge. In addition to them, Grigory Leps were performed on the stage, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Irina Dubtsova, Irina Krug and other stars of modern pop.

In early 2018, the musicians released a new song "they fly away." The composition is devoted to the military pilot, their countryman Roman Filipov, a man died in Syria during the fulfillment of military debt. Fans noticed that the sound and manner of the performance of the song is somewhat different from the main creativity of the team.

As for the touring schedule, the summer of 2018 "Butyrka" spent on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. The team also performed in Moscow, Primorsko-Akhtarsk, and in April - in Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk and Taganrog.


  • 2002 - "First Album"
  • 2002 - "Second Album"
  • 2004 - "News"
  • 2005 - "Icon"
  • 2007 - "Fifth Album"
  • 2009 - "Sixth Album"
  • 2010 - "Street of Freedom"
  • 2010 - "Hooligan"
  • 2014 - "Return home"
  • 2015 - "Svidanka"
  • 2017 - "New and Best"


  • "Ball"
  • "Picture-nurse"
  • "The smell of spring"
  • "Svidanka"
  • "Darling"
  • "Saturday"
  • "Icon"
  • "They fly away"

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