Semiramid - Biography of the Assyrian Queen, Name, Fixamping


Character History

Greek mythology is rich in legends and legends about incredible creations, among whom the hanging gardens of seminimides. It is not known whether they actually existed, but legends describing the charm of this miracle of the world, inspired art leaders. Who was the mysterious semiramide?

History of appearance

In the myths of the ancient Greeks, it is told that the Syrian goddess Dreado made a daughter and left that in the mountains. The girl was helped to survive pigeons, mined food, and her upbringing was given shepherds. Semiramid first was the wife of the king adviser, but soon her status was changed. The spouse of Tsar Ning became the Babylonian queen.


According to legend, after death, the woman turned into a mountain dove. This nuance is curious due to the meaning of the name of the heroine, translated as a "lover of pigeons".

The biography of the character is interesting because the semiramid has had the power and during its reign of irrigation and defensive structures were erected. They described them in his writings Herodotus.

It is believed that Semiramide Rules as a regent under the heir, Adadnerary Third, from 810 to 806 BC. Her mythological reputation was created by Cesium and diodor. Until the end of the 19th century, its existence was questioned by historians and researchers.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The appearance of a mythological character is associated with the use of the prototype, which spoke in the 9th century to our era of the Babylonian Queen Shammuramat. The plots associated with this way spread from the 5th century of our era.

And the famous healing gardens of semi -ramides did not have any relation to the Shammuram, as they were created in the 6th century BC to our era King Nebuchadnezzar for the spouse.

Biography Tsaritsa

Researchers disagree in opinions, discussing the biography of Queen Assyria. There are two common versions. According to the first seminary - the daughter of the goddess of Dreado and the simple mortal, left alone and saved thanks to the birds. The shepherds handed it to the warden of the royal herds, and the chief manager fell in love with the girl. Semiramid was distinguished by a militant character. The history of the life of the future queen is rich in feats. Tsar Ning wasveling to take her to his wife, but since the legitimate spouse Semiramids did not agree to give up, took the woman with force, blinding her husband.

Semiramid and Tsar Ning

After the death of King, the heroine came to power, Egypt won, Persia and Libya, but was crushed in India. Return to Babylon was marked by the construction of hanging gardens. In 92 years she found out that his own son wishes her death. Coming out on the terrace of the royal chambers, she turned into a diet and left the palace.

According to the alternative version of Semieramide, the King Assyria was courtly in the palace. She gained the arrangement of the ruler and became his chosen. One day, the spouses argued whether a woman could rule the country for five days. Having received power, the warrior put her husband in custody and rose at the head of state, distinguished by the conquests and gardens, built on the coast of Euphrate.


Despite the mythology of both versions, the gardens were a real building. They witched through river water and a specially designed system. The remains of the famous gardens were found during the excavations of the German group of archaeologists under the leadership of the Koldy. There are still disputes about who became the creator of a miracle of the world - the rulers of early years or the wife of Nebuchadnezzar.

Interesting Facts

  • Semiramide inspired artist workers with a volitional character and courage. Her life is described in the Greek novel "Tale of Nina and Semiramide." Her actions were inspired by Voltaire, who created the tragedy of "Semiramid", and Rossini composed Opera in honor of the Assyrian Queen. The artist Dega dedicated her picture called "Semiramid Build Babylon."
Semiramid - Biography of the Assyrian Queen, Name, Fixamping 1378_5
  • Akkada and Old Armenian mythology are extolled by the Assyrian government. The authors of the legends narrate that the woman independently designed Babylon and led the construction of the city. In addition, she heard the ruler of all Asia. Gardens, equipped with her, were a favorite holiday destination Alexander Macedonsky. According to legend, he accepted death.
  • Researchers believe that the interpretation "Hanging" is not relevant to translate the term "Kremastos". Translated, he means "speakers", and therefore the gardens were not suspended at all. Scientists also believe that they existed for only a couple of centuries, as the lack of care, attention and permanent floods ruined them.
  • The phraseological "Gardens of Semiramides" is used to describe a beautiful, admiring all object.


Ivonn Fürno in the form of seminimis

The image of a strong and stable woman, which was a semicircuit, attracts filmmakers. In 1963, the director Primo Zeglio created a picture called "I - Semieramide", the main role in which Ivonne Furino played.

In 1970, the "Gardens of Semiramids" was removed in the Soviet Union. Georgian actors took part in it. After the collapse of the USSR, the tape was not broadcast on Russian television.

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