Robert Jordan - biography, photo, personal life, books



The physicist-tidwner in the specialty, a veteran of the Vietnam War, marked by regalia and signs of distinction for the manifested courage, a person who shared with a million readers by his own vision of the world, and the theater critic - the biography of the famous American science, as well as his novels, seems to combine in themselves At first glance, incompatible. Although Robert Jordan himself assured that this is a "quite natural combination."

Childhood and youth

To have an older brother, for the most part, the case is pleasant and necessary - and protection, and an example for imitation, and nanny in one person. And after him, you can not only move things, but also to finish good books.

Writer Robert Jordan

James Oliver Rignie Jr. (real name of the writer) He taught to understand the letters, words and sentences at 4 years old, and at the age of 5, the exciting adventures of Wells, Twain, Verne. Therefore, it is not surprising that the boy's dreams were associated exclusively with the writer. All his life lived in Charleston, where he was born on October 17, 1948.

At the age of 20, he became a recruitment of the American army, he was a shooter on a helicopter, then received the title of sergeant. During the service, I understood a clear difference in the priorities of military and civilians, serious injuries escaped - there were, of course, and tough landings with broken teeth, and hitting the fragments in the eyes.

Robert Jordan in youth

Upon return, I was engaged in the formation of the Citadel college, and very successful - in the mid-70s released with a scientific degree. Deciding to work by profession, first hit the fleet, and from there - from the hospital bed immediately into the literature. The accident was indeed influenced by the favorable development of further events - there was a mass of no completed time that contributed to the disclosure of the creative abilities of the future world celebrity.


The sample of the pen began under different pseudonyms - one chose specially for works about the Civil War, the other - for Western, essays about the theater were created under the third. All this was done to ensure that readers are not confused in the genres of written. Since 1982, he worked on the continuation of the sague about the blue-eyed warrior Konan, creating seven volumes.

Writer Robert Jordan

The most popular "wheel of time", which began with the "Oka World", was signed by the fourth fictional name, which is now familiar to everyone. In total, he composed 11 books forming a single cycle, subsequent three ("coming storm", "midnight tower", "Memory of Light") in the comments and drafts of the author and coordination with the widow and the publisher continued Brandon Sanders.

"I did not try to copy any historical cultures or periods, but my ideas about the order of things helped to create a picture of the world" Wheels ". Well, my Vietnamese experience also helped. Not to recreate tactics of battles, but to transfer the condition of a person when around chaos, "the science fiction was confessed in one interview.

His own thoughts, dressed in the speech of heroes, are quoted by admirers until now and are flying out on the winged expressions.

Books Robert Jordan

In 2014, the collection received a nomination for the Hugo Award Prize. On October 2, 2018, in the media, joyful headlines were blocked - Sony Pictures Television and Amazon Studios took up the screening of novels that occupy a central place in the writer's bibliography.

Robert Jordan's worlds in the depth of a detailed detailed description, the number of heroes, plot lines exceed the epic of Leo Tolstoy and are deservedly located on a par with the universes of John Tolkina, Frank Herbert and Roger Zelaznowa.

Robert Jordan signs books

The comics, computer and role-playing games are released based on the comics, and a separate music album with soundtracks of them. By the way, many performers in their writings made references to this fantasy book masterpiece.

Also annually in April in Atlanta - the city glorified by Margaret Mitchell - the Jordancon Convention is held, collecting devotees from around the world.

Personal life

The prototype of the main female characters, the editor, the right companion of life since the 1981 and the main fan of Robert was the only wife - a poetess Harriet McAduang. Although she remained in the shadow of the famous spouse, but was recognizable - readers were suitable for autograph and thanked for their efforts and for Jordan.

Robert Jordan and his wife Harriet McAduang
"We have never had a desire to divorce - at least I did not arise, I don't know exactly about Harriet. And we try to continue to do not create each other reasons for the murder, "the author, devoting his creativity, joked. There were no children from the pair.

When violent fans drank, having learned that the favorite works under threat to remain unfinished, the woman had to go to extreme measures - to declare that in the case of the premature death of her husband destroy all his records and sketches, retaining only for him the sole right to create the continuation of the cycle.

Robert Jordan

It is also known that Harriet was suused with a 20th Century Fox corporation, which without any knowledge, rights, consent and harmonization removed and released a test series "Wheels" at night on the channel. As a result, justice enthusiassed, being on the side McAduang.

Jordan was a big connoisseur of hunting and fishing, chess, billiards and poker, sailing and swimming, was a collector of smoking pipes. By the way, personal life influenced the image - once the wife asked to try on hats, and they fell so much to his face that in the future a man often appeared in public and in photographs in them.


In 2006, putting the public about a terrible diagnosis, Robert Jordan decided to undergo a course of chemotherapy in Minnesota and participated in a medical examination of the drug, later used for the treatment of severe illness.

Tomb of Robert Jordan

Doctors tended to him 4 years of life, the author himself optimally stated a longer stay on Earth and planned communication with fans through the Internet diary.

However, September 16, 2007 he did not. Cause of death: amyloid cardiopathy. After 3 days, cremation took place, the remains are buried on the territory of the Episcopal Church of St. Jacob in Guz Creek.


  • 1980 - The Fallon Blood
  • 1981 - The Fallon Pride
  • 1982 - The Fallon Legacy
  • 1982 - Cheyenne Raiders
  • 1990 - "Oko World"
  • 1990 - "Great Hunt"
  • 1991 - "Reborn Dragon"
  • 1992 - "Rising Shadow"
  • 1993 - "Lights of Heaven"
  • 1994 - "The Lord of Chaos"
  • 1996 - "Crown Swords"
  • 1998 - "Dagger Way"
  • 2000 - "Winter Heart"
  • 2003 - "Crossroads Twilight"
  • 2005 - "Dreamnant knife"

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