Andreas Vezaliy - biography, photos, medicine, personal life, contribution to science



To make a contribution to science, scientist, truly devoted chosen case, had to go on a lot. Lose in a dispute with an opponent's tip of the nose, extinguish the body hunger, insert the catheter in his own heart - these are "flowers" compared with a slightly blasphemous activity: the secret penetration of the cemetery, digging the bodies of the deceased and further use in research purposes. To the latter, which was called refrigeractionists, or "resurrectors", and Andreas Vezaliy.

Childhood and youth

Choose the presents for the New Year - the business is troublesome, sometimes nervous and often requiring a special individual and creative approach. Perhaps, in the distant 1514th, the wife of the court pharmacist coped with the task better than everyone, giving her husband on December 31 of the first son, named after the Father. With his appearance, the benefit of the generic activity of the family - Prapraded, great-grandfather, grandfather, father and younger brother Andreas made people healthy.

The atmosphere in which the boy was grew had a significant impact on the formation - a rich medical library, works that contributed to the development of attentiveness and phenomenal memory, friends and colleagues who visited the hospitable house.

Since the senior preoccupied post was not allowed to be present with relatives and raise children, then the love of books and to drug art instilled his mother Isabel Krabb. The boy was so fascinated by the knowledge of the structure of the bodies for him, which he independently studied dead mice, dogs, cats and birds, in the future influenced by the development of biology.

Andreas Vezali

Thoughtful parents, of course, noticed the initiatives of the heir and supported, replacing homeskling to school in Brussels and Castle College, where he successfully mastered philosophy, 3 languages ​​and accurate science. Then he became a student of three universities in Belgium and France and made the first opening of the corpse of the hung, studying the skeleton on him. Subsequently, he could in the literal eyes with closed eyes show every bone and call it.

Medicine and scientific activities

Swamp on the scientific indisputable authority of that time - Galen, to refute many of his hypotheses (about the difference in the number of teeth in men and women; the main body is not a liver, but the heart, etc.), giving a completely different look at the structure of the human body, Nezenaly Smoothing, having received a brilliant education and two scientific degrees. Its basic, to some extent, the revolutionary work, where it ordered and accompanied the anatomical achievements with a clear material, released in 1543.

Anata Andreas Vezali

However, such innovation provoked a fundamentally different reaction of the public and the scientist. Some admired the ideas and rightly considered one of the ingenious minds of Renaissance. Others did not agree silently to endure the overthrow of the scientific idol of those times and arranged the persecution of theorist and practice. Among them was the mentor of Andreas - Silvius (Silvius), adhere to the established canons and considering the pupil of a ignorant, Svyatrotatz, a monster and slander.

"I have nothing to renounce. I did not learn to lie. No one more appreciates me anything good that there is Galen, but when he is mistaken, I correct it. I demand a meeting with Silviem at the corpse, then he will be able to make sure on whose side of the truth, "the reformer parried.
Anata Andreas Vezali

A verbal overwater and renovation, however, did not limit himself - in 28 chapters of the printed essay, the teacher declared the abnormality of the ward thoughts and eventually renounced him. For support and help in resolving the situation, the persecutors turned to the emperor.

As a result, Vezalia leaves Padua, in Gogolevsky burns part of the developed materials, throws scientific anatomy and goes into the status of a surgeon of Karla fifth, and later he served the heir to the throne. However, fate cleared over a man and again led to Italy and to the cause of life.

Personal life

Such a part of the biography, as a personal life, is not distinguished by detailed information and many information, rather than outstanding labor activity. It is only known that at the age of 30, it brought the relationship of marriage with a countryman Anna Van Hamme, however, not distinguished by excessive romanticism and touching - his wife was attributed to a welded and hot character.

Portrait of Andreas Vesalya

A year later, I learned the joy of fatherhood - the only child was born in the family, the girl was noticed in honor of the mother. It did not have any influence on mutual understanding - there were no other children, and after the death of the spouse, the woman married the second time.

There are several portraits of Andreas, and, more curious, one image is stored in the Russian Hermitage.


The meaningless and merciless execution on the fire in the name of salvation of the shower of human, raging at the time in Spain, did not bypassed the masters of medical cases. The discoveries and judgments, which went wrong with the dogmatics of the Catholic Church, were aggravated by an additional charges in death and the actions of non-primary opponents - slander, denunciations built on envy.

Bust Andreas Vesalya

However, there are many dark spots in this story. Kezaliya, longing and disappearing without practicing, wrote a colleague:

"And if I ever get the opportunity to prepare the corpses, the possibility that is completely absent here, since here I could not even get a skull, I will try again to study the entire structure of the human body and revise my book."
Andreas Vezali

There is a version: having received this opportunity, the scientist agreed that on its surgical table will be engaged in the study of the body of the deceased titled Mr. Natives gave consent, the doctor began to surgery. And suddenly, the standards there was something - dead outwardly turned out to be alive inside, weak heartbeat was viewed. The leakage turned into a ruin, and then betrayed publicity.

Andreas without a slowdown would be waiting for the sacred tribunal, but the patronage provided a new ruler, and the incident decided without one more bloodshed. To make a pilgrimage to the holy land and in the atonement of sins worship the coffin of the Lord - the requirement to the criminal sounded, and he fulfilled it properly.

However, the scientist was not destined to return to his homeland - he died on his return. Cause of death: shipwreck. The vessel, on board who was the greatest mind of the Middle Ages, threw the passenger to the island in the Ionian Sea, where the thinker and found the last refinement on October 15, 1564. Where exactly is the grave is unknown.

After the departure of the scientist, his name continued to water mud, the non-existent weak work was attributed, inconsistent attention was obtained to competitors. However, as they say, the war will write everything, and the history will put in places.

Interesting Facts

  • Held the first opening of the corpse in the public
  • Refuted the widespread opinion on the presence in the skeleton of a man of mysterious bone capable of revive on the terrible court, and the difference in the number of edges in men and women
  • His teacher and the student were betrayed, their names remained in history only thanks to Andreas
  • Predicted the death death king Henry second
  • To save from the fever of the son of Philip the second, cut the last eye
  • Skeleton, presented by the Beliem Basel University, and now there
  • Illustrations for his book prepared a student of Titian

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