Magomed Ismailov - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, MMA Fighter 2021



Achievement is known, a great sport is experiencing its followers not only to the excerpt and strength of the body and character directly on their own sites, but often and in the real world suggests a serious check on the correctness of the chosen professional path. The story knows and return to the ring after conviction and imprisonment, and a change in the initial work in a taxi on a fighter of mixed martial arts. The last fact refers to the multiple champion Magomed Ismailov.

Childhood and youth

Magomed was born on June 21, 1986 in Nizhny Tagil, the Ural city, who left only pleasant memories: passersby smiled by the boy at a meeting, easily could stop and help, for example, with a broken bike or accompany to the store. As a child, Ismailov, together with his family, lived in the lining area, there he went to the 1st grade.

In elementary school, an incident occurred, which resulted in moving to Dagestan. One of the disciples, noticing the lack of money from Ismailov, began to tease and mockery to wave in the face of the roll. Little Caucasian, of course, beyond, of course, could not and bit off the biscuit cupcake.

An classmate pushed him to the floor and began to jump with his feet, a serious fight began - by that time the future champion had already owned the skills and intake of kickboxing and mastered sambo. As a result, the enemy earned the concussion of the brain and strongly swollen eyes, for which Magomed was threatened by formulation for militia. According to Ismailov, in the Urals at the lowest guidance, the children fell into the police room. Met among violators and 6-year-old kids.

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Parents summoned an uncle to help, who, though he praised his militant nephew, but he took away from sin away - first in a small village of gel.

Here, local adolescents had to prove the belonging to Dagestan nationalities (the fighter himself half a treadmill, half of Kumyk) fists and, despite the unless talk and blonde hair and eyes, in the literal sense of the word to fight back from the Russian magician's annoying label. Therefore, Izmailov did not get out of the scuffle. After 2 years, the family moved to Makhachkala.

A memorable battle for him was a street meeting with Gamzat Saippeted, later also glorified in sports. From the fight, Magomed came out losers and was afraid to go home with bruises and abrasions. However, the situation smoothed the mother, having hiped his Arnoldik (the nickname was given by the child by Schwarzenegger) tea from the festive service and the deficit "Snickers". Subsequently, the guys began to go and evil each other did not hold.

In a new place, the boy on the recommendation of Father Hasana's advice took up freestyle wrestling. At the age of 14, he moved to Moscow, where Sports Society "Labor Reserves" soon began to attend.

Personal life

Fans adore Magomed for a constant smile that is not coming from his face, inexhaustible optimism and sparkling jokes in "Instagram". Perhaps the combination of the sense of humor and the external manifestation of force does not give rest and representatives of the weak gender. At least one exactly.

And although the man's wedding ring on his hand is wearing, occasionally pampers subscribers of the most touching component of personal life - pictures of the younger daughter of sali. She was born in December 2016 and named after a strong and militant woman from ancient legend.

But the photo of a possible wife is carefully hidden from prying eyes. There is no outdoor access and information about the wedding of the Dagestan fighter.

He also likes to spend time with numerous nephews, visit the pool, cycling.

In 2019, Magomed registered his own Youtyub-Channel called "Bald Predator", which lays out various videos, including humorous content.

No celebrity in life and without freelance situations. So, in 2020, after working together on the series "Real Guys," Nicholas Naumov called Ismailov Showman and suggested that Dagestan had few chances in a fight against Alexander Emelyanenko. Conflict broke out between the actor and the athlete, the fighter sharply answered Naumov in social networks.

Martial arts

Despite the fact that the discipline was given very successfully and submitted the bronze of the championship of the Republic, the awards of the championships of Moscow and other tournaments, the cherished Olympiad could not get into any way. One day, before the next tournament, Magomed was cold, but the mentor did not even take him away from the competition. As a result, the unsatisfactory result and a firm decision to move to the capital of Russia.

"The coaches seemed past me, and there was no man who was not indifferent. No one seemed to notice. I think they lost a good athlete. I know that I could achieve a lot in a freestyle wrestling, "the fighter shared his thoughts.

Further, the railway troops of the Russian Federation, where I had to get like Rasuul Mirzaev, giving a bribe. During the service in the army, the soldiers took possession of hand-to-hand fight and put the goal to become a champion in combat sambo.

So it happened - after the demobilization, Magomed was lucky enough to train under the guidance of an experienced teacher Vladimir Osi, to conquer the Russian and world championships and earn the honorary title of Master of Sports of the Russian Federation. Magomed performs in the middle and light heavyweight weight categories: with a height of 175 cm its weight is 83-85 kg.

In his youth, before the debut in MMA mixed martial arts, which are incorrectly called battles without rules, Ismailov had to spend the night in the car, making a living by private worker, to live in a friend's apartment and take help from his mother.

The first fight was severe morally - the opponent was listed in near-football. However, his Dagestan was overcome by the 48th second. The fee amounted to $ 400.

"Maxim Bulakhtin was very aggressive in his previous battles, but I still wanted to take this challenge. This is the most unforgettable victory for me, I won the fear, uncertainty in my abilities, all my doubts, and after I coped with my opponent, "Ismailov shared.

In M-1 Global, he lost only once - Russian Anatoly Tokov. Immediately after the round, the studies reacted violently on the announced decision of the judges, it even inflicted insignificant damage to the dressing room, but in the end, when the emotions were easier, came up with the enemy and called him a "spiritual guy."

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From the following cobra competitions followed further, the winner was invariably "crawled", the exception was only 100% FIGHT 20: Comeback in April 2014. Opponents of Ismailov became Alexander Jankok, David Sahakyan, Didier Niecebe and others.

Since the spring of 2018, the fighter appears under the auspices of FNG.

2018 Sanctuously shook Mixed Martial Arts, and all thanks to the powerful raced confrontation between Habib Nurmagomedov and the McGregor's Conior. It seems that there was no man in Russia, who would not hear these surnames. But in the harsh world of martial arts there was another pair that finds out the difficult relationship among themselves both before the start of battle and in the cell. This is Magomed Ismailov and Vladimir Mineev.

On October 19 of the same year, the fighters met in octave and 5 rounds ended the case of a draw. Dagestanz such a result, of course, did not suit, as well as the chapter of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, who proposed the match-revenge.

Ismailov, after his colleagues in the workshop, spoke out against the concert of Raper Roger Creda in his homeland and even recorded a video message to Timati, where he invited to meet personally and discuss this issue.

Magomed Ismailov Now

Now Magomed is at the peak of the form. Today, according to statistics from 20 fights conducted by Ismailov, only 2 defeats and 1 draw. In 2019, he was adopted in the ACA League.

As a fighter of the promotional company, there were two brilliant battle, victories in which helped him win the title "Fighter of the Year." In April, he came out against Vyacheslav Vasilevsky, who knocked out in the 1st round. The second rival of Cobra was Artem Frolov, who lost to the unanimous decision of the judges.

The battle with Alexander Emelianenko, within the framework of the ACA 107 tournament, was postponed due to the self-insulation regime due to the proliferation of coronavirus infection. But before the meeting in the ring, the athletes managed to hold a press conference.

The long-awaited fight of two famous athletes took place at the end of July 2020. Ismailov knocked out the opponent in the 3rd round. He managed to impose a legend of Russian mixed martial arts struggle in the parter: Magomed understood that Emelianenko was strong in the rack.

According to Promoter Vladimir Khryunova, Alexander turned out to be weaker than the enemy due to the fact that during the forced regime of self-insulation several times he gained the peak of the form, which he could not be preserved to the date of the long-awaited battle.


  • World Champion in combat sambo
  • The owner of the silver and gold medal of the Russian Championship in combat sambo
  • Champion of the Memory Tournament Rinat Sadykova in combat sambo
  • The owner of the bronze medal of the Dagestan championship for freestyle wrestling
  • Champion and multiple winner of Moscow championships in freestyle wrestling
  • Champion and medalist of international workshops of freestyle wrestling tournaments
  • Winner of the first championship of Russia on MMA
  • The medalist of the international memorial tournament of the General Army General V. F. Margelova on Army hand-to-hand combat
  • Master of Sports of Russia International Class
  • Master of Sports on Army hand-to-hand combat
  • Will Fight Sports Master

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